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Zondo Commission – updates, analysis and other material

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The Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption and Fraud in the Public Sector including Organs of State

Background and context of Corruption Watch’s interest in the state capture commission

The work of Corruption Watch is driven by the reports of corruption that whistle-blowers bring to us. The success of the Zondo Commission will, in large part, depend equally on whistle-blowers to provide it with the evidence it needs to effectively investigate state capture. Download an overview of the commission from a Corruption Watch point of view:

Zondo Commission overview and context for Corruption Watch

All of our Zondo Commission coverage is contained in the accordion below. Simply click on a month to open up all our articles for that month, and click on it again, or click on another month, to close it.

August 2018

Testimony from day 2 – 21 August 2018

The National Treasury’s acting chief procurement officer, Ndleleni Mathebula, unpacked the inner workings of government’s massive procurement system.

Ndleleni Mathebula

22 and 23 August 2018

The commission is on recess for two days until Friday, 24 August 2018.

What is a commission of inquiry?

In order to understand the complexities of the Zondo Commission, it is very important to also understand what a commission of inquiry is, its origins in this country, and what level of authority it has. This opinion piece, first published in City Press in November 2016, provides this information under the title Do commissions of inquiry have teeth?.

The short voice note discussions answer the following questions:

  1. Under what circumstances would a commission of inquiry need to be established? English / isiZulu / Setswana
  2. Does the South African criminal justice system have adequate power to prosecute  and convict on corruption-related crimes? If they did have sufficient powers, wouldn’t it prevent the need for establishing commissions of inquiry? English / isiZulu / Setswana
  3. What authorities/powers do commissions of inquiries have? English / isiZulu / Setswana
  4. What should we as South Africans hope for the Zondo Commission to achieve? English / isiZulu / Setswana

24 August 2018

Former deputy finance minister Mcebisi Jonas delivered extraordinary testimony of how he was approached by a member of the Gupta family and offered a bribe of R600-million to take over as finance minister and work according to the Guptas’ agenda.

Mcebisi Jonas

Jonas’ full testimony

Video clip 1 / video clip 2

Day 4 and 5 – 27 and 28 August 2018

Former ANC MP Vytjie Mentor started her testimony by providing context to her early meetings with the Guptas and former president Jacob Zuma. On day two she gave details of a meeting at the Gupta home in Saxonwold, at which Jacob Zuma was present, as well as an indication of the lack of interest from ANC leadership at her concerns expressed in this regard.

Vytjie Mentor part 1  | Vytjie Mentor part 2

Mentor has a strongly supportive family who travelled long distances to be with her as she testified. We spoke to her sister to find out what makes this brave woman tick.

Vytjie Mentor through her sister’s eyes

Day 5 and 6 – 28 and 29 August 2018

In his testimony, former GCIS head Themba Maseko echoed Jonas and Mentor in questioning the conduct of the Hawks.

Themba Maseko part 1  |  Themba Maseko part 2  |  Themba Maseko part 3

CASAC to oppose extension

CASAC intends to oppose the extension of the commission’s period of operation. Read the organisation’s rationale here.

31 August and 3 September 2018

Acting DG of the government communication and information system, Phumla Williams, testified that former communications minister Faith Muthambi damaged the organisation to an extent that it will take some time to recover.

Phumla Williams part 1  |  Phumla Williams part 2

September 2018

4 September 2018

Faith Muthambi responded to Phumla Williams, describing her as ’emotionally unhinged’.

Faith Muthambi

6 September 2018

Justice Zondo heard applications from implicated persons, to cross-examine those who named them.

Applications to cross-examine

10 September 2018

Jan Gilliland, a senior official within the National Treasury, testified that the Guptas got just under R250-million in payments from government for their media companies.

Jan Gilliland

13 September 2018

The Gupta brothers Ajay and Rakesh, who are currently in Dubai, have tried to force the hand of the Zondo Commission by imposing conditions under which they would testify. Consequently, their application was denied.

Zondo denies Guptas

13 September 2018

Justice Zondo has granted Duduzane Zuma permission to cross-examine Mcebisi Jonas, who implicated him in the Guptas’ offer to him of money and a top cabinet position, provided he would do their bidding.

Duduzane Zuma application granted

13 September 2018

Justice Zondo has asked former president Jacob Zuma to submit his version of events in which he was implicated.

Jacob Zuma asked for input

14 September 2018

Former president Jacob Zuma is willing to co-operate with the Zondo Commission. However, he says that his decision not to cross-examine witnesses is being viewed as non-co-operation.

Zuma questions existence of state capture

17 September 2018

Testimony from Standard Bank revealed that cabinet ministers tried to put pressure on the bank after it made the decision to close accounts of the Guptas.

Standard Bank threatened after decision to close Gupta accounts.

18 September 2018

Witnesses from FNB and Absa came forward today to substantiate Standard Bank’s claim of government interference in the closure of Gupta bank accounts.

More banks claim government interference

19 September 2018

Nedbank was expected to pick up where the other three big banks left off, by becoming the Gupta family’s banker – this is the impression that Nedbank CEO Mike Brown got when he met with ANC officials.

Nedbank grilled by ANC over Gupta account closures

21 September 2018

Ajay Gupta, implicated in numerous instance of state capture, has claimed that he never met with Mcebisi Jonas to offer him a R600-million bribe and in fact, was somewhere else when the meeting was supposed to have happened.

Ajay Gupta refures Mcebisi Jonas’ meeting and bribery claim

28 September 2018

The Zondo Commission’s legal team has made an application for the so-called #GuptaLeaks e-mails to be admitted as evidence. In this case, the commission will be obligated to investigate them, according to its mandate.

#GuptaLeaks e-mails enter the picture.

November 2018

12 November 2018

Former public services minister Barbara Hogan, who was named in the testimony of Vytjie Mentor in August, appeared before the commission today and gave details of how former president Jacob Zuma pressured her to appoint a Transnet CEO of his choosing – one who was not as suitable as the board’s choice, and who at the time was involved in a misconduct disciplinary process to boot.

Barbara Hogan tells commission of Zuma’s meddling

13 November 2018

Former Eskom CEO Jacob Maroga, at the time leading up to his departure from the power utility in late 2009, was a chief executive who had gone rogue, understanding that he had the backing of the president. This is the description of former public enterprises minister Barbara Hogan during her second day of testimony.

Zuma interfered in Eskom leadership

14 November 2018

Barbara Hogan wraps up her testimony, describing former president Jacob Zuma’s complete disregard for good governance in SEOs, while Mwanzele Manyi gets his day before the commission, defending the controversial changes he made while head of GCIS.

Hogans describes Zuma interference in SAA

Manyi defends the changes he made in GCIS

15 November 2018

The Zondo commission of inquiry into state capture sat briefly on Thursday morning to deal only with procedural matters involving the return of two witnesses, former MP Vytjie Mentor and former finance minister Nhlanhla Nene, who testified in August and October respectively.

Nene, Mentor set to make second appearance

16 November 2018 – week 13 overview

After a month-long break, the Zondo Commission into allegations of state capture resumed on 12 November, and immediately gave South Africans much to think about. From former public enterprises minister Barbara Hogan detailing the interference of former president Jacob Zuma in leadership issues in SOEs, to former GCIS head Mzwanele Manyi pointing fingers at his successor Phumla Williams, it was an interesting first week back.

Week 13 overview

19 November 2018

Public enterprises minister Pravin Gordhan made his highly anticipated appearance before the commission. Gordhan revealed information that showed how keen the South African government was in 2014 to secure the nuclear deal with Russia.

Gordhan tells of government’s push to secure nuclear deal

Read Gordhan’s full statement to the commission.

20 November 2018

Public enterprises minister Pravin Gordhan continued with his testimony, which is expected to wrap up on Wednesday 21 November. He described the efforts made by the Zuma government to push him out of Treasury.

Gordhan was aware of moves to eliminate him

21 November 2018

Public enterprises minister Pravin Gordhan said that a general fear of retribution from powerful people in the state capture machinery was a big reason that many in the ruling party have not reported corruption they see happening. Gordhan finished his testimony and was followed by former treasury director-general Lungisa Fuzile.

Gordhan defends fearful state capture whistle-blowers

21 November 2018

Recalling the events of December 2015, former treasury director-general Lungisa Fuzile said that in retrospect, it all fits like a hand in glove – that this is how the takeover of departments is designed. He added that a similar pattern of events had happened at the Department of Mineral Resources, which was taken over by Mosebenzi Zwane in September of that year.

Fuzile describes plan to put Gupta stooges in senior treasury posts

22 November 2018

Former finance minister Des van Rooyen’s stay in Treasury in late 2015 may have been a uniquely short one, but it had serious consequences for the department – particularly then director-general Lungisa Fuzile – largely because of his lack of attention and appreciation for protocol and procedure.

Van Rooyen’s disregard for proper Treasury procedure

22 November 2018

Insults and derogatory statements, such as those made yesterday by EFF leader Julius Malema, severely undermines the seriousness of the work being done by the Zondo Commission, and could negatively influence the willingness of witnesses to give vital testimony. CW has called on Deputy Chief Justice Zondo to hold Malema to account for his disrespectful words.

Corruption Watch press statement

23 November 2018 – week 14 overview

A treasury in disarray – this was the main focus of this week’s testimony at the Zondo Commission. Former finance minister Pravin Gordhan and his former director-general Lungisa Fuzile painted a disturbing – and at times, amusing – picture of the goings-on in National Treasury during 2014 and 2015.

Week 14 overview

26 November 2018

Former treasury spokesperson Phumza Macanda told the Zondo Commission that she, like her former colleagues who have testified before her, had the impression that Des van Rooyen did not know the two advisors he brought along to the department when he was appointed finance minister in 2015.

Van Rooyen in over his head

27 November 2018

“The commission will not consider what is said outside the commission and in media, and anyone with credible evidence should come forward and give it,” said Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, responding to allegations made by the EFF against public enterprises minister Pravin Gordhan and the commission’s head of legal Paul Pretorius.

Commission will only consider evidence placed before it

29 November 2018

In December 2010, just weeks into Cheryl Carolus’ tenure as chairperson of South African Airways, former public enterprises minister Malusi Gigaba sought to impose a private Indian-based airliner on the leadership of SAA.

Gigaba wanted Carolus to relinquish Jhb-Mumbai route to Indian airline

December 2018

5 December 2018

The commission of inquiry into state capture announced on Tuesday that it had halted its public hearings until January. The date of the recommencement of the hearings, chaired by Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, will be announced next month.

Zondo Commission postponed to 2019

October 2018

3 October 2018

For the first time since his dismissal on 9 December 2015, finance minister Nhlanhla Nene revealed details of the sequence of events leading up to that day. Nene was reappointed as finance minister on 27 February 2018.

Nhlanhla Nene opens up about 2015 dismissal

Photos of former finance minister Nhlanhla Nene at the Zondo Commission. Photographer: Kwazi Dlamini, Corruption Watch.

10 October 2018

The commission of inquiry into state capture has been postponed to 12 November when it will hear the evidence of former public enterprises minister Barbara Hogan.

Commission will reconvene on 12 November

January 2019

15 January 2019

Angelo Agrizzi, the former chief operations officer of controversial facilities management company Bosasa, is the first person to testify before the state capture commission this year. On Wednesday he revealed that the company spent between R4-million and R6-million monthly for bribes to senior government officials on the company’s payroll.

Bosasa spent millions on govt bribes

17 January 2019

On day two of testimony from former Bosasa executive Angelo Agrizzi, attendees watched video evidence that showed CEO Gavin Watson and two of his directors packing and arranging stacks of money while inside a vault at the company offices.

Govt officials kept loyal to Bosasa with bribes

18 January 2019

Bosasa – which enjoys a large number of government contracts – generated cash that would be used to bribe public officials in return for their loyalty and favours., said the company’s former COO Angelo Agrizzi on his third day of testimony.

Money laundering the Bosasa way

18 January 2019

Commission secretary Khotso De Wee is on special leave while an investigation into allegations of corruption against him ensues. De Wee was implicated in the statement of former Bosasa COO Angelo Agrizzi, who said that De Wee was one of the senior officials of the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development who received bribes from Bosasa.

Zondo Commission secretary implicated in Bosasa bribery

21 January 2019

Bosasa, now African Global Operations, was at the beck and call of former environmental affairs minister Nomvula Mokonyane for the most part, said Agrizzi, even paying for rented cars for as long as three months at a time for her daughter, during her visits from her studies in China.

Bosasa at Nomvula Mokonyane’s beck and call

22 January 2019

Former Bosasa COO Angelo Agrizzi says not only is the Department of Correctional Services captured, but the members of Parliament charged with overseeing its affairs have long been in the pocket of Bosasa, one of its biggest contractors.

Bosasa captured the correctional services department

22 January 2019

Linda Mti, former national commissioner for the Department of Correctional Services, continued to benefit financially for his part for years, despite his resignation from government in late 2006. Mti was but one recipient of largesse from Bosasa, which manages the catering and security services contracts at correctional services across the country.

Prisons catering deal was a cash cow for Bosasa and friends

22 January 2019

The chairperson of the commission on inquiry into state capture, Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, on Tuesday announced the appointment of Peter Pedlar as acting secretary of the commission. Pedlar replaces Dr Khotso De Wee, who is currently on special leave pending an investigation into his implication in corruption by a witness.

Peter Pedlar announced as acting secretary

23 January 2019

Former Bosasa COO Angelo Agrizzi told the commission of inquiry how he and other directors had to destroy evidence when they first discovered that the Special Investigating Unit was coming after the company.

Bosasa’s cat and mouse game with SIU investigators

23 January 2019

The Special Investigating Unit recommended as far back as 2009 that the Department of Correctional Services take action against its former national commissioner and CFO, Linda Mti and Patrick Gillingham respectively, for their irregular dealings with Bosasa. To date, this has not happened.

SIU recommended action against Bosasa, DCS crooks in 2009

24 January 2019

With key National Prosecuting Authority people in its pocket, Bosasa could keep tabs on the progress of the case against the company, and therefore influence its direction.

SIU’s Bosasa investigation compromised by NPA bribees

24 January 2019

Bosasa CEO Gavin Watson allegedly boasted about playing puppeteer with former president Jacob Zuma to his colleague Angelo Agrizzi and former commissioner of the Department of Correctional Services Linda Mti.

Bosasa executives privy to sensitive details of NPA case against them

24 January 2019

Former South African Airways chairperson Dudu Myeni was on Bosasa’s payroll, receiving R300 000 per month. She was the conduit between Bosasa and former president Jacob Zuma.

Myeni, Zuma helped smooth the way for Bosasa.

29 January 2019

Former Bosasa COO Angelo Agrizzi, still in the witness chair, outlined numerous plans by CEO Gavin Watson and his brothers to buy Agrizzi’s silence over the corrupt activities he had seen and taken part in, in his almost 20 years with Bosasa.

Agrizzi asked to take the fall for Watson et al

29 January 2019

An audio recording played on Tuesday morning revealed witness Angelo Agrizzi making racist, derogatory remarks in the company of other people.

“I am a racist,” says Agrizzi

30 January 2019

From a fake prawn farm and duping the South African Revenue Service (Sars) through falsified financials, to violating immigration laws, former Bosasa CFO Andries van Tonder participated in many compromising dealings in his two-decade career at the company.

Van Tonder corroborates Agrizzi’s testimony regarding Bosasa shenanigans

31 January 2019

Cabinet ministers Gwede Mantashe and Nomvula Mokonyane, and deputy minister of correctional services Thabang Makwetla, were named among those who benefited from home security and general maintenance work paid for by the company over some years.

Mantashe, Mokonyane got free home improvements and maintenance from Bosasa

31 January 2019

Former Bosasa IT head Leon van Tonder testified of his participation in the illegal deletion of files relating to the multi-million-rand catering contract with the Department of Correctional Services, a contract that was in the spotlight of the Special Investigating Unit.

Former IT head told to delete incriminating data from Bosasa servers

February 2019

5 February 2019

n assortment of witnesses appeared before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Tuesday, all giving evidence relating to Bosasa. They included Adriaan Basson, editor-in-chief of News24, who related how Bosasa employees and service providers threatened him during the time he was investigating the company.

Bosasa employees and service providers threatened journalists

7 February 2019

Former Bosasa COO Angelo Agrizzi is out on R20 000 bail, having been arrested this week on fraud and money-laundering charges. Appearing alongside him at the bail hearing were erstwhile colleagues Andries van Tonder, the former CFO of Bosasa; former Bosasa fleet manager Frans Vorster; former CFO of the Department of Correctional Services (DCS), Patrick Gillingham; and others.

Bosasa execs and pals charged 10 years after SIU investigation

11 February 2019

Former ANC MP Vytjie Mentor returned to the hot seat at the commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday, to answer to allegations she had made in an affidavit last year. Most of the morning’s proceedings focused on travel records of both Mentor and some of the people she had implicated in her testimony in August 2018.

Vytjie Mentor returns to be cross-examined

12 February 2019

Former ANC MP Vytjie Mentor stuck to her guns on Tuesday, not deviating from evidence she has submitted to the commission of inquiry into state capture regarding the issue of the Gupta brothers being part of an August 2012 state visit to China, led by former president Jacob Zuma.

Mentor presses on despite discrepancies in testimony

13 February 2019

Former ANC MP Vytjie Mentor, despite being pressed, would not budge on the veracity of her version of the evidence. Mentor faced the legal representatives of former chief of staff in the office of Jacob Zuma, Lakela Kaunda, and advocate Mandla Mtolo of the Hawks. Both questioned her version of events.

Mentor cross-examination reveals inconsistencies

14 February 2019

The credibility of former MP Vytjie Mentor’s evidence to the state capture commission took another knock on Thursday with the testimony of architect Erna Wiese in relation to the layout of the Gupta family home in Saxonwold, Johannesburg. Mentor alleges a meeting occurred in 2010 between herself and Ajay Gupta. Wiese was part of a team of senior architects, valuers and surveyors who accompanied Mentor and a team from the commission on an inspection of the house.

Mentor’s recollection of Gupta house inconsistent with expert findings

14 February 2019

The testimony of IPID executive director Robert McBride was postponed indefinitely on Thursday, because his sworn statement was only received late on Wednesday, and as a result the commission’s lawyers had not had sufficient time to notify the people implicated in his evidence.

McBride testimony postponed until implicated persons have been notified

18 February 2019

Former finance minister Des van Rooyen’s application to cross-examine the department’s former director-general Lungisa Fuzile at the commission of inquiry into state capture was postponed on Monday, because of logistical issues raised by the commission chairperson, Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo.

Van Rooyen’s application to cross-examine former finance DG on hold

19 February 2019

National Treasury’s chief director of macro-economic policy, Catherine MacLeod, testified at the commission of inquiry into state capture on Tuesday, giving insight into the damage caused to the economy by former president Jacob Zuma’s cabinet reshuffles, specifically because of the negative reaction of financial markets.

Zuma’s agenda-driven cabinet reshuffles created havoc in financial markets

20 February 2019

Eskom chairperson Jabu Mabuza will testify before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Friday, and is expected to give insight into the financial status of the power utility when the new board took over last year. Essentially, the events of 2015, the commencement year of the R3-billion contract with coal supplier Tegeta, will form a large part of the evidence sought by the commission for the coming few weeks.

Eskom’s procurement processes to be closely scrutinised

21 February 2019

Wednesday, 20 February, marked the beginning of the commission’s focus on state-owned entities in the state capture project, with Eskom first in line.

Eskom’s disregard of procurement processes in the spotlight

22 February 2019

Overdue announcement of results, a bad credit record, no funding, and threats of no further funding. This is the Eskom Jabu Mabuza and the rest of the board found when they started in January last year. The board inherited a financially unstable company, and there have been many hurdles to overcome.

Eskom, from world’s top five to total dysfunctionality

22 February 2019

Eskom chairperson Jabu Mabuza has told the commission of inquiry into state capture that it is important for the utility to have the confidence of investors and funders, because it relies heavily on this for survival.

Eskom must have investor confidence to survive

25 February 2019

Eskom board chairperson Jabu Mabuza concluded his appearance before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday. He said that Eskom’s most vulnerable period was between March and December 2015, when a change in leadership enabled third parties affiliated to the Guptas to run amok, pillaging the power utility’s finances along the way.

Mabuza unpacks Eskom capture

27 February 2019

Former chief executive of Glencore, Clinton Ephron, has told the commission of inquiry into state capture how a struggling Optimum coal mine was at Eskom’s mercy for years while negotiating for an amendment to their coal supply agreement.

Struggling Optimum helped to its doom by Eskom

28 February 2019

When former sports and recreation minister Fikile Mbalula was informed of his imminent promotion by members of the Gupta family. He reported this at a meeting of the ANC’s national executive committee but to members’ consternation, former president Jacob Zuma did not address the issue on the day, or on any other occasion after that.

Mbalula’s 2011 Gupta disclosure swept under the carpet

March 2019

1 March 2019

Eskom head of treasury Andre Pillay testified that a R25-billion loan facility signed in 2017 by then interim CEO Sean Maritz was a grossly flawed process that exposed interference from then board chairperson Zethembe Khoza and former public enterprises minister Lynn Brown.

Eskom pressed to sign up for dodgy R25bn loan agreement

4 March 2019

For the R25-billion loan deal between Eskom and Chinese firm Huarong to proceed, all repayments from the power utility would have to be paid into the account of an entity called Ideva. This put officials in Eskom’s treasury unit in an awkward situation, and prompted senior manager for funding execution Sincedile Shweni to demand that Ideva submit financial statements, through which he could assess its legitimacy.

Executives bypassed regulations to push through Eskom-Huarong deal

5 March 2019

The controversial advance payment of R659-million that Eskom made to Tegeta Exploration in April 2016 came under the spotlight at the commission of inquiry into state capture on Tuesday. The commission heard how procurement controls were breached in order to process the payment on an unusually tight deadline.

Multi-million-rand Tegeta payment rushed through irregularly

11 March 2019

Another manager in Eskom’s primary energy division has testified to the irregular processes that senior executives at the power utility used to impose penalties on Optimum mine while that it was owned by Glencore Minerals and during the lead up to its acquisition by Tegeta Exploration.

Eskom execs helped Tegeta bully Glencore into selling Optimum

11 March 2019

The commission of inquiry into state capture heard on Monday how Eskom lied to National Treasury about Majuba power station receiving coal from Brakfontein Extension, a part of the Brakfontein mine with which the power utility concluded a coal supply agreement in March 2015.

Power station forced to accept sub-standard coal from Gupta company

12 March 2019

A dismissive Brian Molefe, new in the position of CEO in 2015, wanted to hear nothing of a proposed price hike by Eskom to Optimum, on the basis that the mine had for some time been supplying coal at a higher cost than what they were getting from Eskom for it.

Eskom execs refused to listen to reason in Optimum case

12 March 2019

Standard Bank’s Ian Sinton has revealed how his team had to investigate a trail of transactions over the course of 2014 that the bank deemed suspicious, stemming from Transnet as the original source. Over R200-milliion was moved around in this way, before Standard Bank took action.

Standard Bank probed suspicious transactions between Transnet and contractors

13 March 2019

Tom Moyane’s lawyer, Advocate Dali Mpofu, submitted Moyane’s argument to be permitted to cross-examination, over allegations Pravin Gordhan made against him during his testimony before the commission in November last year.

Arguments for and against Moyane’s application to cross-examine Gordhan

14 March 2019

The commission of inquiry into state capture heard on Wednesday that former Gupta company Oakbay Investments may have lied about being good for the money to buy Glencore-owned Optimum mine in early 2016.

Dodgy machinations behind Eskom’s insistence of Optimum sale to Oakbay

14 March 2019

Former mineral resources director-general, Thibedi Ramontja, told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Thursday that all issues relating to Optimum mine became centralised in the office of former minister Mosebenzi Zwane when he arrived at the department in late 2015.

Zwane took over Optimum Mine-related issues on appointment as minister

15 March 2019

Former deputy finance minister Mcebisi Jonas has refuted claims by Duduzane Zuma that the only reason the latter drove him to the Gupta family home in Saxonwold on 23 October 2015 was to help settle a spat between Jonas and Duduzane’s long-time friend Fana Hlongwane.

Jonas sticks to his story under cross-examination

18 March 2019

Former public enterprises minister Lynne Brown brought changes to the Denel board in mid-2015 that contributed to its financial freefall and did not speak to the needs of the arms company at that time.

Denel board appointed without following proper processes

20 March 2019

The board of directors appointed at state-owned arms company Denel in 2015 did not only embark on a deal with VR Laser without sufficiently researching market appetite for this new entity, but a consequence of the deal is that Denel lost a lot of money in the process, while VR Laser was the main beneficiary.

Lynne Brown a major player in Denel’s ill-advised moves

20 March 2019

The takeover of VR Laser, the company allegedly used by the Gupta family to advance a venture with Denel and establish the controversial Denel Asia, was detailed by its former shareholder and COO Madoda Benny Jiyane at the commission of inquiry into state capture on Tuesday, 19 March.

VR Laser’s Jiyane swiftly and sneakily forced out by Gupta cronies

21 March 2019

The only reason former Denel head Riaz Saloojee lost his job in 2016 was because he was a stumbling block to all Gupta attempts to do irregular business with the state-owned arms manufacturer.

Denel Asia nothing but a money-making scheme for Guptas

22 March 2019

Fikile Mbalula confirmed on Friday that he told an ANC national executive committee meeting in 2011 of his anger and irritation at finding out from by Ajay Gupta of his impending promotion from deputy minister of police to minister of sports and recreation the previous year.

Mbalula was concerned about the Guptas’ growing influence and power

26 March 2019

Former Bosasa auditor Peet Venter told the Zondo commission that he was threatened by former Bosasa COO turned whistle-blower Angelo Agrizzi to get him to participate in Agrizzi’s plan to expose Bosasa CEO Gavin Watson.

Agrizzi, Van Tonder plotted to expose Gavin Watson and take Bosasa down

27 March 2019

On his second day of testimony at the Zondo commission of inquiry into state capture, former Bosasa auditor Peet Venter told the commission that the firm’s CEO Gavin Watson asked him numerous times to do illegal things.

Bosasa CEO Watson made others do his dirty work

June 2019

3 June 2019

Former ANN7 editor Rajesh Sundaram described his role in helping to set up in 2013 what he called a television station for the “mafia” who just wanted to spew out propaganda to South Africans, as the biggest regret of his career. Sundaram started testifying at the Zondo Commission today.

ANN7 train wreck run by Number 9

3 June 2019

Recruited in India in 2013, Rajesh Sundaram was never even interviewed as is the requirement for visa applicants, and his application was largely expedited through Gupta associate Ashu Chawla, who had influence with the office of then president Jacob Zuma. Sundaram had his visa within a day of submitting the relevant documentation.

Visa laws flouted in favour of Gupta employee

5 June 2019

In determining the best choice of loans to fund the multi-billion-rand locomotives procurement project that was concluded in 2014, Transnet executives may have opted to use the concept of interest rate swaps strategically to the benefit of their loan fixers, among them Regiments.

Only loan fixers and banks benefited from Transnet’s interest rate swaps

6 June 2019

The latest former Transnet executive to testify before the commission of inquiry into state capture – Mathane Makgatho, who headed up the treasury unit – has laid bare the deliberate side-lining of her department during the locomotives procurement process, by then group CFO Anoj Singh.

Singh brushed aside concerns with Regiments’ role in Transnet procurement

6 June 2019

Former Transnet group treasurer Mathane Makgatho has told the commission of inquiry into state capture that she often butted heads with her former boss, Anoj Singh, on matters pertaining to project funding within the parastatal. In the lead-up to the acquisition of 1 054 locomotives in 2014 in particular, she would begin to see a pattern forming of the former group CFO deliberately undermining her role.

Singh defended Regiments’ intrusion on Transnet procurement processes

7 June 2019

In concluding her testimony before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Friday, former Transnet group treasurer Mathane Makgatho described a toxic environment that was so bad for her security and her health, it led to her resignation at the end of November 2014, just 20 months into the position.

Toxic Transnet environment drove people away

10 June 2019

Former Transnet chief information officer Makano Mosidi testified before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday that a memorandum signed by her, recommending that the parastatal award a data services contract to IT company T-Systems, was signed under duress, and while recommendations she had made had not been followed.

T-Systems awarded Transnet tender against CIO’s recommendation

10 June 2019

A Transnet board meeting in January 2017 that was to rubber-stamp a tender process for a data services contract ended up becoming an attack of the parastatal’s systems by former director Stanley Shane.

Transnet’s Gijima/T-Systems data services tender debacle

10 June 2019

The commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday heard how Siyabonga Gama cautioned a compromised former chief information officer of Transnet, Makano Mosidi, of the dangers of procurement, where one could endanger their life if not careful.

Transnet’s Siyabonga Gama to CIO: Procurement is a dangerous game

11 June 2019

The commission of inquiry into state capture heard on Tuesday how executives of telecommunications provider Neotel failed to dupe auditors Deloitte in 2015 when the latter picked up irregular payments to Gupta-linked company Homix, in relation to a R1.8-billion Transnet contract awarded to Neotel.

The dodgy dealings of Neotel and Transnet (with a little help from Homix)

12 June 2019

Former National Prosecuting Authority head Mxolisi Nxasana has told the commission of inquiry into state capture that he did not have to undergo an interview ahead of his appointment to the position in 2013. Nxasana is the first witness to have been called on the directive of chairperson Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo.

No interview required for Nxasana appointment

12 June 2019

While on the face of it he was warmly welcomed to the position of national director of public prosecutions in October 2013, Mxolisi Nxasana has told the commission of inquiry into state capture that his predecessor, Advocate Nomgqobo Jiba, was waging an active campaign to have him removed.

NPA officials, including Jiba, manoeuvred to get rid of Nxasana

14 June 2019

What started out as a quest for South African Airways to secure a debt consolidation loan in 2015 became a case of gross flouting of its procurement processes, largely at the hands of its board. This has been the evidence of the financially unstable airline’s former treasurer, Cynthia Stimpel, whose objection to a board-proposed move to get the funding from the Free State Development Corporation led to her suspension in late 2016.

SAA board interfered in procurement processes

18 June 2019

Former SAA chief financial officer Phumeza Nhantsi says her initiation into the state-owned entity involved engaging formal processes in reverse, at the behest of a board that flouted procurement prescripts. Nhantsi told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Tuesday that she was used as a vehicle by other people to enrich themselves.

“Throughout this process, I did things in reverse”, former SAA CFO admits

19 June 2019

The former CFO of South African Airways, Phumeza Nhantsi, has told the commission of inquiry into state capture that she endured severe pressure from the airline’s then chairperson Dudu Myeni on the one hand and Masotsha Mngadi of BNP Capital on the other to sign off on an irregular cancellation fee for the company in 2016.

SAA’s former CFO feared for her job and life when dealing with Dudu Myeni

20 June 2019

The focus of the inquiry on Wednesday was a contract for handling services on behalf of SA Express at Mahikeng and Pilanesberg airports. Senior provincial and national politicians have been named at the commission of inquiry into state capture as alleged beneficiaries of an elaborate scheme to move money from the local carrier to the ruling party’s coffers.

SA Express money allegedly financed ANC political activities

24 June 2019

The commission of inquiry into state capture has been urged to consider recommending stricter regulation of
businesses involved in the regular movement of money to avoid loopholes used by money launderers and fraudsters.

Evidence leader says commission should seek stricter controls of cash industry

25 June 2019

A company contracted by South African Airways (SAA) in 2016 to provide fuel to some to some of its major route stations has failed to live up to its obligations to the national airline – despite being roped into SAA’s quest to achieve transformation by securing a portion of its fuel business for a black-owned entity.

SAA contractor’s role expanded without following procurement process

26 June 2019

Former South African Airways CEO Sizakele Mzimela told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday that former minister of public enterprises Malusi Gigaba’s tenure saw a breakdown of governance within the national airline.

Gigaba allowed SAA governance and communication to deteriorate

26 June 2019

Of all the issues that former public enterprises minister Malusi Gigaba preoccupied himself with at crisis-riddled
South African Airways a mere three months in office, the proposed closure of a route between Johannesburg and Mumbai, India was uppermost on his priority list. The proposal had come from a competitor on the route, India-based Jet Airways.

Decision on Mumbai route change seemingly made without SAA CEO’s knowledge

28 June 2019

Former Inline director Brandon King informed the commission by affidavit, to clarify a point in BNP director Daniel Mahlangu’s statement, that sole facilitator Masotsha Mngadi had asked BNP to use King’s details in the documentation, instead of Mngadi’s, to conceal his part in the process.

BNP facilitator’s conflict of interest concealed in SAA tender bid

April 2019

1 April 2019

The 2009 Special Investigating Unit report on facilities management company Bosasa was compromised by a court interdict in the early stages of the probe in 2007 that prohibited investigators from interviewing material witnesses.

SIU’s Bosasa investigation hamstrung from start

3 April 2019

Advocate Marijke de Kock, senior prosecutor with the National Prosecuting Authority, told the commission of inquiry on state capture on Tuesday that the documents relating to Bosasa’s fraud and corruption case, submitted by the company’s former COO Angelo Agrizzi to the commission, were authentic NPA records leaked during her investigation several years ago.

More light shed on NPA papers leaked to Bosasa

5 April 2019

Former Free State MEC for economic development Mxolisi Dukwana told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Friday how he was set up by his boss Ace Magashule in 2011 to meet with Rajesh Gupta, who demanded a partnership in a major innovation project under his department.

Former Free State MEC tells of Magashule’s relationship with Guptas

8 April 2019

The chairperson of the commission of inquiry into state capture deputy chief justice Raymond Zondo on Monday slammed his legal team for its failure to adhere to the commission’s rules regarding notices given to people implicated by witnesses who testify before the commission.

Chairperson displeased with second McBride postponement

11 April 2019

The crime intelligence component of South Africa’s law enforcement network was primarily used to frustrate the work of the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (Ipid) for years, the commission of inquiry into state capture heard from former Ipid head Robert McBride on Thursday.

McBride tells of systematic weakening of Ipid under state capture

11 April 2019

The bulk of former Independent Police Investigating Directorate head Robert McBride’s testimony on Thursday focused on the illegal renditions case over which his office presided, that involved former Hawks head Anwar Dramat and his then Gauteng provincial counterpart, General Shadrack Sibiya.

Ipid’s independence compromised by ministerial interference

12 April 2019

Former police minister Nathi Nhleko acted incorrectly in suspending former Hawks head Anwar Dramat and his Ipid counterpart Robert McBride in 2014 and 2015 respectively, as he sought to pursue the agenda of rendering the two institutions dysfunctional.

Nhleko worked hard to destabilise Ipid, McBride reveals

15 April 2019

A notion that Robert McBride and former Hawks head Anwa Dramat know each other personally and are from the same background may have been the motivation behind the political smear campaign accusing McBride of trying to protect a guilty Dramat in the alleged 2010 illegal renditions case over which he was suspended in 2014 and later resigned.

Campaign against McBride, Dramat politically motivated

15 April 2019

Robert McBride, former head of the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (Ipid), and two of his executives were exonerated in 2015 following what he calls a politically charged campaign to get rid of him. This, he said, was for the corruption he exposed in the South African Police Service  over his five-year Ipid term.

Determined efforts to get rid of McBride, Dramat

15 April 2019

Former Ipid head McBride told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday that his successor, Israel Kgamanyane, who was appointed in an acting capacity, lied to Parliament when he reported that the performance of the agency had improved while McBride was suspended.

Mdluli, Zuma investigations the reason for dismissals of Dramat and Sibiya

16 April 2019

The South African Police Service (Saps) runs on a system of patronage – “I do favours for my seniors, I get promoted” – which has a serious consequence for South Africa’s fight against corruption, unless it is curbed, said former Ipid head Robert McBride on Tuesday.

Saps used dirty tricks to go after Ipid, O’Sullivan and Trent

17 April 2019

Before the first whistle of the iconic 2010 Fifa World Cup had gone off, controversial KwaZulu-Natal businessman Thoshan Panday had started making himself lots of money by supplying the provincial police office with services for which invoices were grossly inflated, with the help of senior officials.

Hawks investigation into KZN businessman Panday ruffled feathers

17 April 2019

A mutual friend of former KwaZulu-Natal Hawks head Johan Booysen and Edward Zuma attempted to get the latter’s father, former president Jacob Zuma, to intervene during a tense period when Booysen was investigating an apparent business associate of Edward’s, Thoshan Panday, in 2010. Booysen began testifying before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday.

Panday called in Zuma assistance when the trap tightened

17 April 2019

Detailing what sounded like the plot in a Hollywood detective movie, former KwaZulu-Natal Hawks head Johan Booysen told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday of events that occurred between 2010 and 2011 while he investigated the alleged corruption between Durban businessman Thoshan Panday and senior officials in the province’s police headquarters.

KZN police commissioner protected controversial businessman Panday

18 April 2019

Despite all efforts of the KwaZulu-Natal Hawks to bring Durban businessman Thoshan Panday and Navin Madhoe, his accomplice in the provincial South African Police Service (Saps), to book after a lengthy investigation of corruption, charges against them for the attempt to bribe Johan Booysen were withdrawn.

Corrupt accused pulled out all the stops to avoid prosecution

26 April 2019

Advocates Nomgcobo Jiba and Lawrence Mrwebi, who were both implicated in Bosasa’s bribery scheme, have been sent packing from the National Prosecuting Authority by President Cyril Ramaphosa, on the recommendation of retired Constitutional Court Justice Yvonne Mokgoro, who oversaw a commission of inquiry that sought to determine the pair’s fitness for office.

Ramaphosa fires Jiba, Mrwebi

The Zondo Commission is on a break at the moment and will resume on 2 May 2019.

May 2019

2 May 2019

Not long after he fingered Durban businessman Thoshan Panday for attempting to bribe him in 2011 to evade prosecution, former KwaZulu-Natal Hawks head Johan Booysen was himself facing prosecution and fighting to keep his job.

Booysen describes determined efforts to work him out of KZN Hawks

3 May 2019

Former KZN Hawks head Johan Booysen told the Zondo Commission that in mid-August 2015 he too was invited to the Johannesburg home of the Gupta family, by Duduzane Zuma, the son of former president Jacob Zuma.

Booysen was also invited to the Gupta family home

3 May 2019

Johan Booysen told the Zondo Commission that former police crime intelligence boss Richard Mdluli enjoyed the protection of not only former national police commissioner Riah Phiyega and police minister Nathi Mthethwa, but also senior prosecutors within the National Prosecuting Authority, who stopped at nothing to get rid of his enemies.

Booysen details Saps’ dodgy manoeuvres to get rid of him

3 May 2019

Richard Mdluli was the Achilles Heel for politicians and senior law enforcement officials alike, because of the protection he required from prosecution for his alleged crimes while he headed up the South African Police Service’s crime intelligence unit.

Mdluli was protected by Phiyega, Mthethwa, and NPA prosecutors

7 May 2019

Brian Molefe spearheaded Transnet’s capture from the time he was appointed in 2011, but it was former public enterprises minister Malusi Gigaba who enabled it by appointing the directors that he did, when he came into the portfolio in late 2010.

Brian Molefe, Malusi Gigaba drove Transnet capture

9 May 2019

One of the reasons for state-owned freight and rail entity Transnet’s vulnerability to capture was that although it had an extensive governance structure on paper, it applied only to tenders under a certain value, and on many occasions, contracts were signed off without the stipulated processes of evaluation being followed.

Transnet group procurement processes were opaque and inconsistent

10 May 2019

An unbundling of a R619m payment by Brian Molefe into four separate payments meant that although the full value of the funds went to McKinsey, the payments avoided scrutiny because board approval was not required.

Molefe did not have to get board approval for unbundled payments

15 May 2019

The biggest winner out of Transnet’s multi-billion-rand locomotives contract in 2014 was Gupta-linked consultancy firm Regiments, which had not even been part of the original bid for the contract, but was slipped in through the back door with the help of Brian Molefe and Anoj Singh.

Cost of Transnet locomotive deal inexplicably increased by billions

16 May 2019

The projected cost of Transnet’s locomotive procurement project – which was approved by the parastatal’s board on the back of a memorandum by then group CEO Brian Molefe – stood at R54-billion, via a confinement that did not follow supply chain processes.

Transnet paid agency millions for work it could have done in-house

16 May 2019

The commission of inquiry into state capture heard on Thursday how in May 2016 consultancy firm Regiments ceded its contractual obligations for Transnet’s multi-billion-rand locomotives contract to Trillian Capital Partners, with the help of a confinement process facilitated by former group CEO Siyabonga Gama.

Trillian paid R82m for work it did not do

17 May 2019

A business proposal presented to the Transnet board in January 2014 to request a confinement to China South Rail (CSR) in the procurement of 100 electric and diesel locomotives for use on the company’s coal line between Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal was grossly flawed, and should never have been approved.

Flawed proposal for locomotives approved despite engineer’s questions

20 May 2019

Transnet’s alleged irregular management of its R54-billion locomotives contract in 2014 did not end at the bias displayed in the manufacturer contracts, or the inflated costs of supplier services, obtained from a monopoly of Gupta-related companies, but also extended to the delivery programme for the 1 064 locomotives being procured.

Accelerated locomotive delivery plan a financial burden for Transnet

23 May 2019

A shelf company that made over R70-million for the supposed relocation of manufacturing operations in the implementation phase of Transnet’s 1 064 locomotives project was at the centre of the proceedings at the commission of inquiry into state capture on Thursday.

Company that scored millions from Transnet probably not genuine

24 May 2019

Transnet’s tender dispute regulations came under scrutiny at the commission of inquiry into state capture on Friday during the testimony of Sharla Chetty (nee Pillay), the chief information officer of Transnet Port Terminals – particularly in relation to her award of a multimillion-rand network services tender to Neotel in October 2013, during the absence of group CEO Brian Molefe, in whose position Chetty was acting at the time.

Transnet’s tender dispute regulations under discussion

27 May 2019

An offer to Transnet from IT company T-Systems of a R248-million discount in pursuit of the parastatal’s network services tender in late 2013, actually came from government – according to Gerhard van der Westhuizen, who worked in the procurement division of Transnet until 2014.

Molefe deliberately flouted Transnet procurement policy

28 May 2019

An ongoing investigation by Mncedisi Ndlovu and Sedumedi Attorneys (MNS) has found that China South Rail (CSR), the Chinese company that won a R2.6-billion Transnet tender for 95 locomotives enjoyed preferential treatment from executives at the state-owned entity – so much so that Transnet’s own procurement rules were bent to suit CSR, when it failed to qualify in the very first round of the tender evaluation process.

Transnet favoured CSR by changing its own rules

28 May 2019

Former public enterprises minister Malusi Gigaba allegedly played the role of enabler in Transnet’s contravention of government’s preferential procurement law in the state-owned entity’s R54-billion locomotives project, first entered into in 2012.

Gigaba encouraged Transnet to flout Treasury conditions

28 May 2019

China South Rail’s second contract with Transnet, for 100 locomotives, saw CSR calling the shots after being approved on an allegedly flawed confinement basis, a high-level investigation into Transnet has found.

Transnet allowed CSR to dictate terms and defy contract conditions

July 2019

1 July 2019

Apart from giving instructions for the appointments and dismissals of senior executives without following due processes, former South African Airways chairperson Dudu Myeni was not above fabricating whistle-blower complaints to taint members of staff whom she wanted removed.

Myeni hired and fired at will at SAA

2 July 2019

Tony Gupta wanted government to allow his family to hold a welcome party on the tarmac of OR Tambo International Airport in 2013, most likely to prove his influence and importance to guests from India who were coming to a family wedding.

Guptas pushed for permission to hold a party on ORTIA tarmac

3 July 2019

The commission of inquiry heard how former chief of state protocol and now ambassador to the Netherlands, Bruce Koloane, abused the names of former president Jacob Zuma, as well as ministers Ben Martins and Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, to approve the landing.

Guptas defied govt resistance to special aircraft landing arrangements

8 July 2019

Jerry Matjila, former director-general for the Department of International Relations (Dirco), has described to the commission of inquiry into state capture the panic within the department after the Gupta family landed a private aircraft at Waterkloof air force base in Pretoria in 2013.

Dirco panic as unsanctioned Waterkloof landing was followed by wayward guests

8 July 2019

“I was just acting purely under the presumption that there had been total compliance [by the high commissioner],” said former chief of state protocol and now ambassador to the Netherlands, Bruce Koloane, in relation to the approval of the landing of a civilian aircraft, carrying Gupta wedding guests, at Waterkloof air base in 2013. “It’s important to note that I didn’t say approve or decline the request. I just said process the request so the process of clearance can be conducted.”

Koloane claims misunderstanding led to DoD’s Gupta Waterkloof approval

9 July 2019

Six years after the Gupta plane landing saga at Waterkloof air force base in Pretoria, South Africa’s ambassador to the Netherlands, Bruce Koloane, has admitted to name dropping, using the names of former president Jacob Zuma and two of his cabinet ministers to expedite the flight clearance process for the aircraft carrying the Gupta family’s wedding guests.

Koloane on Gupta Waterkloof landing: “I abused the power of my office”

10 July 2019

The commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday received a reconciliation of payments made by Transnet in respect of the locomotives deals that were the focus of its attention in May. The biggest shocker was the amount paid to Gupta-linked Regiments for R305-million for advisory services in relation to the R49-billion 1 064 locomotives deal of 2014.

To date, Regiments has scored R305-million from Transnet

11 July 2019

Major Thabo Ntshisi, the Department of Defence official who cleared the private flight from India in April 2013 that landed at the Waterkloof air force base with guests of the Gupta family, denies that he acted under duress from Bruce Koloane to do so, despite the former chief of state protocol having not supplied the requisite paperwork for such a request.

Wheeling and dealing for Gupta Waterkloof landing clearance

12 July 2019

A second company allegedly used to re-channel funds from a R51-million per annum contract by SA Express (SAX) in 2015 has come under the spotlight of the commission of inquiry into state capture. Neo Solutions CEO Vivien Natasen testified on Friday to transactions by former SAX general manager for commercial, Brian van Wyk, which involved Natasen’s company.

Bribes for politicians all in a day’s work for SAX’s Brian van Wyk

15 July 2019

The commission of inquiry into state capture, like many other structures before it, is the product of intelligence forces within and outside the ANC who are conducting a campaign to discredit former president Jacob Zuma. The spies have long had a campaign to discredit Zuma and remove him from any position of leadership. This was the gist of Zuma’s opening remarks before the commission on Monday.

Zuma claims conspiracies and smear campaigns against him

15 July 2019

Former president Jacob Zuma told the Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture that he does not recall making the call to Themba Maseko, telling him to assist the Gupta brothers. Maseko at that time was CEO of the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS). During his appearance at the commission in August 2018, Maseko said Zuma had called him and told him to help the Guptas in their pursuit for an alternative newspaper and television station.

Zuma’s memory blank on asking Themba Maseko to assist Guptas

16 July 2019

Former president Jacob Zuma returned to the stand before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Tuesday. He testified that he did not recall interfering in the work of the Government Communications and Information System (GCIS) in relation to the Gupta-owned New Age newspaper, as per the testimony of former GCIS CEO Themba Maseko in August last year.

Zuma claims limited contact with Guptas during set-up of the New Age

16 July 2019

Former president Jacob Zuma’s legal counsel has accused the head of the state capture commission’s legal team, Advocate Paul Pretorius, of trying to invoke certain emotions with his way of questioning. Zuma’s legal team objected to the line of questioning at this morning’s session, claiming Pretorius wants the commission chairperson, Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, to read something into it, and that Zuma was ambushed in an unfair cross-examination.

Zuma’s counsel objects to “unfair” line of questioning

17 July 2019

Former president Jacob Zuma refutes the claims made by the former minister of public enterprises Barbara Hogan. Hogan told the commission in November last year that Zuma interfered heavily with senior appointments and wanted specific candidates even if they did not meet the requirements. Zuma denied this on his third appearance at the Zondo commission of inquiry into state capture.

Zuma cannot remember insisting on Gama’s appointment as Transnet CEO

19 July 2019

Former president Jacob Zuma will continue to participate in the process of the commission of inquiry into state capture, despite having withdrawn earlier on the basis of unfair conduct. Zuma’s lawyer, Advocate Muzi Sikhakhane, had earlier on Friday declared that his client may even consider challenging the commission’s conduct against him in court.

Zuma reverses direction on withdrawal from state capture commission

19 July 2019

After a meeting between Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, the commission’s counsel and Zuma’s counsel in the chairperson’s chambers, all parties reached common ground for Zuma to continue giving evidence before the commission. This was after he had earlier said, through his lawyers, that he was withdrawing.

Zuma supporters demand equal treatment for all witnesses

22 July 2019

The Free State provincial legislature failed to hold former premier Ace Magashule and his agriculture MEC Mosebenzi Zwane accountable in 2013 after the alleged looting in the Vrede dairy farm project started, the commission of inquiry into state capture heard on Monday. On the witness stand to kick off the commission’s focus on the project – through which over R280-million is alleged to have been looted – was Roy Jankielsohn, a member of the legislature representing the DA.

Free State govt failed to act on alleged Vrede Dairy corruption

August 2019

13 August 2019

Former Free State agriculture MEC Mosebenzi Zwane pressured Phumelela municipality into leasing farming land for the Estina dairy farm project in 2012, to the extent that his team drew up the resolutions – usually done by council – that would give the project the green light. This was the testimony of former municipal manager Moses Moremi before the commission of inquiry into state capture.

Phumelela municipal council rushed into Vrede deal with no consideration

15 August 2019

The Free State government went with Indian company Paras in the Estina integrated dairy farm project in 2012 because no-one in South Africa was interested in supporting it, according to Peter Thabethe, the former head of the provincial agriculture department – and implicated by several witnesses in spearheading the project, which was allegedly mismanaged and from which over R200-million has reportedly been looted, leaving its intended beneficiaries out in the cold.

Former Free State agriculture head Thabethe discusses his role in Vrede saga

19 August 2019

Former justice minister Jeff Radebe initiated the push in 2014 for Mxolisi Nxasana to vacate his position as the national director of public prosecutions, which eventually happened in 2015. According to Nxasana, former president Jacob Zuma seemed to be under immense pressure to fire him, following some false rumour peddling by Nomgcobo Jiba and Lawrence Mrwebi that Nxasana would reinstate corruption charges against Zuma.

Jiba, Mrwebi spread rumours to induce Zuma to fire Mxolisi Nxasana

20 August 2019

Former head of the Free State agriculture department Peter Thabethe has conceded that he went into an agreement with Gupta-linked Estina in 2012 to run the provincial government’s multi-million-rand dairy farm project in Vrede with no feasibility study in hand, nor approval from the local municipality to use its land.

No due diligence or feasibility study done before Estina deal drawn up

26 August 2019

A former senior staffer in the office of former minister in the presidency, the late Collins Chabane, has confirmed before the commission of inquiry into state capture that the minister did indeed receive an instruction in 2011 from former president Jacob Zuma to fire Themba Maseko. In his testimony before the commission Zuma denied that he had given such an instruction.

Zuma lied about Maseko sacking, says official

28 August 2019

Former Free State MEC of economic development Mxolisi Dukwana wants to see ANC secretary–general Ace Magashule in jail for his involvement in what he calls the “asbestos heist” during Magashule’s time as premier. Dukwana is testifying before the commission of inquiry into state capture, and is into his second day.

“Blesser” Ace should be in jail

29 August 2019

Evidence led at the commission of inquiry into state capture on Friday focused on the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) funding to EML Energy, the black-owned company roped into the fuel procurement strategy of South African Airways (SAA) in 2016 in the name of transformation. The IDC’s chief risk officer, Mark Mainganya, was in the witness chair.

Lax approval process for multi-million-rand IDC loans

29 August 2019

Two months after giving evidence before the commission of inquiry into state capture in June, Mahikeng businesswoman Babadi Tlatsana has fled the country in fear for her safety. Tlatsana’s destination remains a secret.

SA Express witness flees for her life

September 2019

03 September 2019 

South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) CEO Mzwamadoda Mxakwe says the public broadcaster has met all the pre-conditions for a government bailout, but to date has not received it. A bailout is the only way that the SABC – currently sitting on a debt of R1.8-billion – will be able to rise to the surface again. He testified on Tuesday before the commission of inquiry into state capture.

SABC needs bailout to survive, says CEO

03 September 2019

The editorial integrity of the SABC suffered a knock when a breakdown of governance systems was allowed over a long period, leading to a newsroom that operated on “auto-pilot”. This is according to Phatiswa Magopeni, the public broadcaster’s head of news, who testified before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Tuesday.

External interference caused ‘serious decay’ at SABC

04 September 2019

The commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday heard how, in early 2012, members of the Gupta family lobbied for an SABC channel to start up their broadcast news offering to then group CEO Lulama Mokhobo, just one week after she had occupied the position. Mokhobo testified that then acting COO Hlaudi Motsoeneng took her to the Saxonwold home of the Guptas, only telling her that someone wanted to congratulate her on her appointment.

SABC’s irregular dealings with the Guptas

05 September 2019

Bruce Koloane has resigned as South Africa’s ambassador to the Netherlands, said Naledi Pandor, minister in the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (Dirco), in response to an oral question in Parliament on Wednesday.

Bruce Koloane resigns as Netherlands ambassador

09 September 2019

“Everything was done in good faith, on the understanding that it was helping the SABC.” This is the justification given by former SABC board chairperson Dr Ben Ngubane on Monday for the appointment of Hlaudi Motsoeneng as acting COO in 2011. It was his strong people skills that won Motsoeneng the confidence of the board. Ngubane was testifying before the commission of inquiry into state capture.

Motsoeneng’s ‘people skills’ helped him rapidly climb the ladder

10 September 2019

Hlaudi Motsoeneng has blamed bad advice given to him in 1995 by Marie Swanepoel, an official at the SABC in the Free State, for the narrative of lying about his lack of matric, that has dogged his profile at the public broadcaster. He conceded that he had never applied for any of the positions he held at the public broadcaster, but was head hunted from the start, due to his talent.

Motsoeneng “I’m the main man who influenced decisions of the SABC”

17 September 2019

Because it is very easy to abuse state assets when you work in the crime intelligence unit of the South African Police Service (Saps), some of its senior officials did so with impunity for years. As a result of this, crime intelligence abused the system of classifying documents to hide corruption and fraud.

Police crime intelligence corruption revealed

18 Sepember 2019

On his second day of testimony before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday, Hawks investigator Kobus Roelofse named senior journalist Ranjeni Munusamy and Arts and Culture Minister Nathi Mthethwa as beneficiaries of proceeds from an illegal scheme in which the secret service account (SSA) of the crime intelligence (CI) unit of the police was abused.

Cars, private trips, home security upgrades paid for by illegal CI scheme

19 September 2019

The almost decade-long investigation into alleged fraud and corruption against former head of crime intelligence (CI) Lieutenant-General Richard Mdluli and former procurement head Colonel Heine Barnard has been frustrated at all levels, including that of national police commissioner. It became clear to Hawks senior investigator Colonel Kobus Roelofse, though, that the classified documents kept from him possibly incriminated more than just Mdluli and Barnard, but important people outside the South African Police Service (Saps) too. He returned for his third day of testimony before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Thursday.

Mdluli investigation deliberately hampered at all levels

25 September 2019

“No matter how much we tried to explain these issues, it was clear that the decision had already been made that we must be removed.” This is the evidence of the head of investigations for the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (Ipid) Matthews Sesoko to the commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday. He was describing the distress suffered by himself and the directorate’s former executive director Robert McBride after they stood up against the purging of senior Hawks officials.

Nhleko was out to get Ipid’s Sesoko and McBride

26 September 2019

Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo has ordered that the testimony of crime intelligence (CI) official Colonel Dhanajaya Naidoo be heard in camera by the commission of inquiry into state capture on Friday.

The order, which was in response to an application by Naidoo, is the first of its kind for the commission, which began with public hearings in August last year.

First in-camera witness for Zondo

30 September 2019

Journalist Ranjeni Munusamy had her car repaired by the police’s crime intelligence (CI) unit in 2008 in return for her positive reporting on the division. This was alleged by former CI official Colonel Dhanajaya Naidoo on his second day of testimony before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday. Naidoo continues to testify in camera as he is currently under witness protection.

Crime intelligence paid for Munusamy car service

October 2019

01 October 2019

Although he never had any cash advances made out in his name, former crime intelligence (CI) head General Richard Mdluli was responsible for about R5-million of the unit’s funds being spent on the salaries and workrelated expenses of seven relatives employed under suspicious circumstances by CI. These employees very rarely presented themselves for duty, and would spend their time either shopping or maxing out petrol cards issued by CI. Theirs were among 250 appointments that would later catch the eye of the Hawks.

Mdluli nepotism, lease scheme revealed-converted

02 October 2019

Former crime intelligence (CI) officer Dhanajaya Naidoo closed off his testimony at the Zondo commission of inquiry into state capture with a tearful apology for his role in the looting of CI’s secret service account. Naidoo made more revelations about the looting of the slush fund and the intelligence officers who unlawfully benefited from the account.

CI slush fund used for private perks-converted

03 October 2019

The Vrede dairy farm project was again the topic under discussion at the commission of inquiry into state capture as former head of the Free State Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Peter Thabethe, made a return to the stand. Thabethe’s first round of testimony had to be adjourned after his legal team allegedly ditched him. He came back to give evidence about his role in the controversial dairy farm project.

Gupta wedding flight opened Vrede dairy can of worms

07 October 2019

For years there has been a strong narrative of Duduzane Zuma being a fixer and conduit between the Gupta family and influential government leaders, and it does not surprise him that details of such would surface before the commission of inquiry into state capture.

Zondo commission – Duduzane denies all allegations of impropriety

08 October 2019

Duduzane Zuma has told the commission of inquiry that the court of public opinion has rendered him a corrupt individual, despite the contrary being true, mainly due to the narrative put forward by the media over the years. He returned to the commission on Tuesday to wrap up his testimony

“I am looked at as a criminal,” says Duduzane

11 October 2019

The US has blacklisted the Gupta family, in a move praised by Justice Minister Ronald Lamola, on Thursday. Meanwhile, the dates for the return of former president Jacob Zuma to the commission of inquiry into state capture were confirmed.

Guptas on US blacklist, and the imminent return of Jacob Zuma

16 October 2019

The Guptas were no strangers to the structures of the Free State provincial government and were known to many officials who worked there – so much so that a mid-2010 executive committee meeting discussing a proposal to advertise in, and subscribe, to their New Age newspaper gave the administration the green light to do this.

Guptas were familiar in Free State government circles

17 October 2019

Former president Jacob Zuma will no longer appear before the commission of inquiry into state capture next week as previously announced by its chairperson Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo.

Zuma’s October appearance cancelled, November still on the schedule

31 October 2019

Mark Pamensky, the man reported to have been the Gupta ally within the board of Eskom when the family held lucrative coal contracts, took the stand at the commission of inquiry into state capture on Thursday. Pamensky, a qualified auditor, told the commission that he applied for a position on the power utility’s board in response to a newspaper advert in late 2014, with the intention to help the company reverse the financial disarray it was in at the time. He was at Eskom from December 2014 to November 2016.

Former Eskom director Pamensky takes the stand-converted

November 2019

01 November 2019

The Chairperson has decided to postpone the evidence of the witnesses scheduled to appear on Monday, 4 and Tuesday, 5 November 2019 to a date to be determined in due course. The hearings of the Commission will therefore resume on Wednesday, 6 November 2019 at the City of Johannesburg Council Chamber, 158 Civic Boulevard, Braamfontein.

Media statement 01 November 2019

05 November 2019

The former President, Mr JG Zuma, will will continue testimony before the Commission from 11 November 2019 to 15 November 2019.

Media statement (Mr JG ZUMA) 05 November 2019

05 November 2019

The Commission has been informed by the legal representatives of the former President, Mr JG Zuma, that he is ill and unable to attend the hearings scheduled for 11-15 November 2019.

Media statement (Pres ZUMA) 05 November 2019

06 Novemebr 2019

Former government spokesperson Themba Maseko returned to the witness chair at the commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday to provide more information on his 2011 transfer from the Government Communications Information System (GCIS) to the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA).

Procedures not followed in Maseko removal from GCIS

07 November 2019

Mzwanele Manyi told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Thursday that he did not have a special relationship with the Guptas during his tenure in government, but supported their New Age newspaper on the basis that it challenged the industry status quo with its unique approach to advertising.

Manyi defends GCIS’ liaison with the New Age-converted

18 November 2019

Former British MP Lord Peter Hain told the Zondo commission today that South African banks were complicit in the Gupta family’s money laundering activities.

Banks complicit in Gupta money laundering, says Hain

19 November 2019

Former director-general (DG) in the Presidency Reverend Frank Chikane is of the view that state capture could have been arrested if the political will to do so had existed when it first reared its head.

Chikane says state capture could have been stopped

19 November 2019

Former deputy finance minister Mcebisi Jonas refused to co-operate with the Hawks in its investigation of the Gupta family, even after the intervention of then Hawks head General Berning Ntlemeza, despite his public announcement that Ajay Gupta offered him a bribe.

Hawks deputy head questions truth of Jonas’ testimony

21 November 2019

The hearings of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption and Fraud in the Public Sector including Organs of State will resume on 21 November at 10h00.

Media Advisory The Commission Of Inquiry Into Sate Capture Resumes On 21 November 2019

21 November 2019 

Former minister of international relations and co-operation Maite Nkoana-Mashabane told the Zondo commission today that former president Jacob Zuma was aware of who Bruce Koloane was before he appointed him as the South African ambassador to the Netherlands.

Koloane’s Waterkloof transgression not a problem for Dirco

24 November 2019

The hearings of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption and Fraud in the Public Sector including Organs of State will resume on 25 November at 10h00.

Media Advisory The Commission Of Inquiry Into State Capture Resumes On 25 November 2019

25 November 2019

Former South African Revenue Service commissioner Tom Moyane should be able to defend himself against state capture allegations made against him by Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan before the Zondo commission – provided that by 15 January 2020, he submits an affidavit stating clearly his position on Gordhan’s assertion that he used his position as commissioner to advance the objectives of state capture.

Moyane may cross-examine Gordhan, subject to affidavit submission

26 November 2019

The make-up of the state intelligence services in South Africa changed drastically when former president Jacob Zuma came into office in 2009, notably going against the principles in the Constitution that aimed to preserve it from interference and capture.

Intelligence services restructured to protect the state, says Mo Shaik

27 November 2019 

Transnet’s procurement plan for its 1 064 locomotives project in 2013 saw an unreasonable increase in estimated cost from R38.6-billion to R54.9-billion, which is unjustifiable. The estimated cost to company (ETC) included in the business case approved by the board around the middle of 2013, made allowance for a 41% increase, whereas an 11% increase would have done just fine.

Unjustifiable increase in cost of Transnet locomotives project-converted

December 2019

03 December 2019

Former president Jacob Zuma has until next Monday to respond through a written submission to an application by journalist Redi Tlhabi to cross-examine him at the commission of inquiry into state capture. This is in connection with evidence given by Zuma during his appearance in July that relates to Tlhabi.

Zuma and Tlhabi may yet face off-converted

03 December 2019

Themba Maseko was not only aware of his move from the Government Communication Information System (GCIS) to the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) in 2011, but even agreed to it, despite telling the commission of inquiry into state capture differently. This is what Maseko’s former boss and then DPSA minister Richard Baloyi told the commission on Tuesday.

Check Maseko’s version properly, commission told

04 December 2019

Fana Hlongwane remembers a lot about a meeting arranged by Duduzane Zuma in which former deputy finance minister Mcebisi Jonas was also present in October 2015, but not the core subject of the trio’s discussion. This despite the fact that the meeting was meant as a platform for him and Jonas to iron out issues that had surfaced, with Zuma being the conduit.

Hlongwane hazy on details of meeting with Jonas and D. Zuma

January 2020

13 January 2020

Former president Jacob Zuma plans to oppose an application for a summons to be issued to him to appear before the commission of inquiry into state capture later this month. He has failed to appear on two previous occasions scheduled by the commission, in October and November last year.

Zuma set to oppose Zondo summons say reports

14 January 2020

The application to have the commission of inquiry into state capture issue a summons on former president Jacob Zuma to appear at the end of this month was adjourned on Tuesday for procedural reasons. This is to give the commission’s legal team some time to prepare an answering affidavit to one submitted by Zuma on Monday, citing his unavailability for medical reasons.

Zuma too sick to be summonsed

14 January 2020

Lieutenant Colonel Christine Anderson, the official in charge of movements at Waterkloof air force base at the time of the landing of the private Indian aircraft carrying guests of the Gupta family, took the stand before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Tuesday.

Gupta guests’ landing at Waterkloof in the spotlight again

15 January 2020

Former KwaZulu-Natal police commissioner Mmamonye Ngobeni received so much protection from members of the South African Police Service (Saps) and the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) that a corruption case that implicated her was swept under the carpet.

Thoshan Panday’s dodgy connections with Saps-converted

20 January 2020

The smoking gun in the Thoshan Panday corruption case involving the KwaZulu-Natal South African Police  Service (Saps) took the form of a simple-looking notebook in which the businessman’s personal assistant recorded every single detail of his scheme. Forensic investigator Trevor White told this to the commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday.

Panday’s dealings with police revealed in assistant’s notebook

22 January 2020

Forensic auditor Trevor White started his 2009 investigation into alleged procurement irregularities in the KwaZulu-Natal provincial government from the bottom up. The accountant-general in National Treasury advised White to proceed thus to avoid the possible muddling of the probe, should he end up finding against politicians.

Details of Amigos case surface in auditors testimony

23 January 2020

Whether or not the commission of inquiry into state capture ends up hearing from former president Jacob Zuma or members of the Gupta family implicated in the evidence of witnesses who have appeared before it, the show will go on and it will conclude its work without their input.

Extension application to be heard on 11 February (1)

23 January 2020

Former Eskom chairperson Zola Tsotsi has told the commission of inquiry into state capture that the blessing for a R43-million sponsorship contract for the Gupta-owned New Age newspaper’s livebroadcast breakfast briefings came from former CEO Colin Matjila soon after his appointment in an acting capacity.

Eskoms Gupta contract under scrutiny

24 January 2020

As was the case with Eskom, Transnet signed a partnership agreement with TNA Media, then owners of the New Age newspaper, without a termination clause, in 2013. Officials who reported to the general manager for shareholder impact Mboniso Sigonyela testified before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Friday.

Transnet GM bent on pricy New Age advertising, sponsorship

February 2020

03 February 2020

The hearings of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption and Fraud in the Public Sector including Organs of State will resume on 04 February 2020 at 10h00.


04 February 2020

An October 2012 meeting with Rajesh “Tony” Gupta at his family’s Saxonwold home was the catalyst for the demise of former South African Airways chairperson and acting CEO Vuyisile Kona, he told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Tuesday.

Refusal to treat with Guptas led to former SAA chair’s downfall

05 February 2020

Former SAA board member and SAA Technical (SAAT) chair Yakhe Kwinana has been implicated in a kickback scandal by a witness appearing before the commission of inquiry into state capture. It was in relation to a R1.2-billion contract for aircraft components for SAAT.

R1.2bn SAAT contract, kickback accusers point fingers at each other

06 February 2020

SAA Technical (SAAT) has to date spent just over R1-billion towards a contract that is shrouded with irregular processes, bidder favouritism and possible corruption, according to a senior official. SAAT is the national carrier’s aircraft maintenance division and is solely owned by SAA.

SAA, SAAT procurement irregularities revealed

13 February 2020

Advocate Nontsasa Memela, former head of procurement for SAA Technical (SAAT), has denied all claims of irregularities in the 2016 R1.3-billion tender for aircraft components and maintenance that was awarded by SAAT to a joint venture between South African company JM Aviation and US-based AAR Corp. The SAAT board approved the JM/AAR joint venture, despite recommendations from management of another supplier, Air France, following procurement process.

SAAT procurement head denies claims of irregularities in R1.3bn tender

17 February 2020

Thalente Myeni, the son of former SAA chairperson and close associate of former president Jacob Zuma, Dudu Myeni, appeared before the commission of inquiry into state capture under subpoena on Monday. Myeni was meant to answer to some of the consultancy work linked to his company, Premier Attraction 1016, which has enjoyed numerous consulting contracts across the country, including government-based.

Thalente Myeni kept no records of his company’s business

18 February 2020

Had it not been for the probe into his business affairs by the state capture commission late last year, the safety of the family of KwaZulu-Natal businessman “Mr X”, who has testified in-camera, would not be a cause for concern. For the period that he has testified on Monday and Tuesday, they have been forced to flee their home and take refuge with neighbours, unsure of what might happen to them, he said.

Myeni laundered R3m to Zuma foundation, says scared Mr X

19 February 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture heard on Wednesday how former South African Airways chairperson Dudu Myeni ordered the vetting of over 100 executive managers of the airline, supposedly for purposes of combating corruption.

Myeni’s invasive vetting of SAA execs uncovered

21 February 2020

“In as much as SAA is an airline, it can’t operate on autopilot.” This was one of the closing remarks of Polani Sokombela, the man who oversaw the auditing of South African Airways (SAA) by government for the first time in 2017. Sokombela is the head of the business executive unit for the Auditor-General of South Africa (Agsa).

SAA was in state of disarray for years

25 February 2020

Former communications minister Yunus Carrim says his stance on the controversial digital migration led to personal attacks aimed at him by those who benefited from the current analogue broadcasting format. Before the Zondo commission of inquiry into state capture today, the ANC veteran listed media companies Naspers and Multichoice as the ones that went out of their way to destroy his name.

Determination to forge ahead with digital migration was Carrim’s downfall

March 2020

13 March 2020

Popo Molefe’s board arrived in August 2014 to find the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) in the initial stages of an ambitious R172-billion modernisation programme that included infrastructure development and the procurement of trains for commuter services.

Fake qualifications, non-existent job offers, and dodgy contracts at Prasa

13 March 2020

Former Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) board chairperson Popo Molefe has detailed a corrupt state of affairs in place when he took up office at the parastatal – a state which he says operated on the whim of former group CEO Lucky Montana.

Update2-Popo Molefe names Zuma in Prasa shenanigans

16 March 2020

The hearings of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption and Fraud in the  Public Sector including Organs of State will resume on 16 March 2020 at 10h00.


17 March 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture has heard how the legal department within Prasa is often consulted at the crisis stages of supplier contracts, to save the parastatal, but hardly ever for advisory services in the beginning.

Dodgy suppliers and escalating contract costs all in day’s work at Prasa

May 2020

03 May 2020

Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo expects the public hearings of the commission of inquiry into state capture, which he chairs, to resume by the end of June. Among the first group of witnesses expected is former president Jacob Zuma. Zondo addressed a virtual media briefing on Wednesday.

Zuma expected in witness chair soon

June 2020

30 June 2020

Not only the top structure of the ANC, but also Parliament, were alerted of the widespread corruption at the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) that remains unaccounted for. According to former Prasa chairman Popo Molefe, his board made all attempts to hold looters accountable, without success, after the departure of the parastatal’s GCEO Lucky Montana in 2015.

Prasa board fired for pursuing corruption investigation, says Molefe

30 June 2020

Law enforcement agencies came under fire from state capture commission chairperson Deputy Chief Justice (DCJ) Raymond Zondo on Tuesday, when he bemoaned their sluggish approach to dealing with corruption allegations at the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa).

Hawks and NPA ignored Prasa corruption allegations for years

July 2020

01 July 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday heard of the alleged inappropriate conduct of Judge Nana Makhubele, who chaired an interim board of the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) from 2017 to 2018, in a litigation process brought against Prasa by a service provider.

Conduct of former Prasa chair in question

01 July 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture spent Wednesday probing links between former Prasa CEO Lucky Montana’s property deals from 2013 to 2016 and their suspicious takeover by a company called Precise Trade and Invest. Precise is a shelf company owned by lawyer Riaan Van der Walt, who was at the time a partner at Loubser van der Walt Incorporated.

Montana’s lavish wheeling and dealing in property

05 July 2020

The hearings of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption and Fraud in the Public Sector including Organs of State will resume on 06 July 2020 at 10h00.


09 July 2020

The hearings of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption, and Fraud in the Public Sector including Organs of State will resume on 10 July 2020 at 10h00.


14 July 2020

The commission of inquiry into allegations of state capture has received praise and criticism alike for its work since its establishment in 2018, but never has its chairperson, Deputy Chief Justice (DCJ) Raymond Zondo, been the subject of a personal complaint, until now.

Zondo commission – Zondo biased, says Montana to JSC

15 July 2020

Mbongiseni Majola, a programme manager at Mhlathuze Water Board who is accused of facilitating a money-laundering scheme that cost the entity millions of rands between 2015 and 2016, is too ill to appear before the commission of inquiry into state capture.

Zondo commission – Myeni wingman too ill for inquiry

16 July 2020

PricewaterhouseCoopers auditor Pule Mothibe on Thursday conceded before the commission of inquiry into state capture that his company failed to capture significant irregularities during its auditing of South African Airways (SAA).

PwC’s SAA audits not as clean as auditor made out

17 July 2020

Former Transnet chairperson Mafika Mkwanazi has told the commission of inquiry into state capture that his relationship with members of the Gupta family was limited to two meetings in early 2011 – soon after he was appointed. Mkwanazi met Tony Gupta at the family’s home in Saxonwold in January of that year, at the invitation of the family. Also present on the occasion was Duduzane Zuma.

Mkwanazi_I’m no friend of the Guptas

20 July 2020

Former environmental affairs minister Nomvula Mokonyane has told the commission of inquiry into state capture that Angelo Agrizzi is motivated by a hatred for women and black people in general, coupled with a political naïveté in which he played into political divisions of the ANC in accusing her of corruption.

Mokonyane denies any relationship with Agrizzi

21 July 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture had a false start on Tuesday to what was meant to be the hearing of further evidence related to Bosasa. It was expected that former national commissioner of prisons, Linda Mti, would take the stand, but he was a no show.

Glitches put halt to Bosasa evidence

21 July 2020

The Commission will no longer have a sitting tomorrow, 22 July 2020, and, on Thursday, 23 July 2020. This follows a decision taken by the Chairperson of the Commission.

Media Statement 21 July 2020

24 July 2020

The evidence of Pretoria High Court Judge Nana Makhubele before the commission of inquiry into state capture has been postponed to Monday 3 August 2020, while she is ordered by chairperson Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo to submit an affidavit responding to allegations made against her by past witnesses, by Wednesday next week.

Another no-show as Makhubele makes excuses

26 July 2020

The hearings of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption and Fraud in the Public Sector including Organs of State will resume on 27 July 2020 at 10h00.


27 July 2020

Former police minister Nathi Nhleko was grilled on Monday over his decision in late 2014 to suspend then Hawks head Anwa Dramat on the recommendation of an internal report that made a different finding against  JAhim to that of the Ipid. An investigation by Ipid had been underway since 2012, probing Dramat’s involvement in the renditions of two Zimbabwean nationals sought in that country for murder.

Nhleko in hot seat over Dramat suspension

28 July 2020

The issue of the two Independent Police Investigative Directorate (Ipid) reports of an investigation into misconduct allegations against former Hawks head Anwa Dramat came under the spotlight again on Tuesday at the commission of inquiry into state capture. Dramat was accused of overseeing the illegal rendition of two Zimbabwean nationals in late 2010.

Nhleko says Ipid tried to cover up for Dramat

29 July 2020

The hearings of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption and Fraud in the Public Sector including Organs of State will continue on 30 July 2020 at 10h00.


31 July 2020

If it were not for the arrival of Robert McBride at the Independent Police investigative Directorate (Ipid) in March 2014, there would not be a debate over two back-to-back Ipid reports with conflicting findings on the conduct of former Hawks head Anwa Dramat in a rendition case 10 years ago.

Ipid officials lied in their testimony, says investigator

August 2020

03 August 2020

On Monday morning the chairperson of the commission of inquiry into state capture, Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, dismissed yet another application for the postponement of the oral evidence of Judge Nana Makhubele.

Chairperson dismisses another Makhubele application to postpone

04 August 2020

Former director-general (DG) of the Department of Human Settlements Thabane Zulu has been named as one of the alleged indirect beneficiaries of an irregular contract awarded by the Free State government in 2014 in respect of a housing project that never took off, but cost the state over R200- million nevertheless.

Former DG Zulu scored a Maserati from failed FS project

05 August 2020

Judge Nana Makhubele, the former board chairperson of the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa), has denied that former president Jacob Zuma deployed her to the position in October 2017. Hers was an independent, economic decision that had nothing to with politics.

Prasa role had nothing to do with Zuma says Makhubele

06 August 2020

Former director-general of the Department of Human Settlements Thabane Zulu has denied receiving any benefits for his role in the asbestos eradication project entered into by the Free State government in 2014.

Zulu denies benefiting from asbestos deal

07 August 2020

Slain businessman Ignatius “Igo” Mpambani was not only the mastermind behind the R255-million joint venture (JV) contract entered into with the Free State government for the eradication of asbestos roofing in the province’s houses, but he also offered to “unlock opportunities” in this regard.

Well-connected Mpambani unlocked R255m asbestos deal

07 August 2020

The director of a company that was involved in the 2014 Free State asbestos project has told the commission of inquiry into state capture of a possible concealment of evidence in the matter. Kgotso Manyike’s ORI Group is the only company that did any work in the project, auditing and assessing over 300 000 houses across the province in 2014 in an effort to determine the extent of the need for the replacement of asbestos roofing across the province.

Hidden evidence and false promises in FS asbestos deal

11 August 2020

If government were to insist on cabinet ministers only appointing special advisors from among people known to them, South Africa could run the risk of nepotism and cronyism in these all-important roles. This was the parting shot from former finance minister Des van Rooyen as he responded to the last question, completing his testimony before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Tuesday.

Hasty advisor appointments because of time pressure, claims Van Rooyen

12 August 2020

The chairperson of the commission of inquiry into state capture, Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, had harsh words for public enterprises minister Pravin Gordhan on Wednesday as he was a no-show for his cross examination by former Sars commissioner Tom Moyane.

No-show Gordhan earns harsh words from chairperson

12 August 2020

Former Prasa attorney Madimpe Mogashoa has confirmed that he received instructions in December 2017 from then interim board chairperson Judge Nana Makhubele to settle claims brought against the agency by contractor Siyaya Group. Until that point, Prasa had urged him to defend the claims.

Former Prasa chair pressured lawyer to settle Siyaya claims

13 August 2020

Frequent trips to Saxonwold, money bags in boots of state cars, and death threats. These are some of the shenanigans about which the commission of inquiry into state capture heard on Thursday.

Former bodyguards reveal shady dealings of high profilers

19 August 2020

Businessman Edwin Sodi struggled to find his way out of a barrage of questions over a spreadsheet presumably meant to detail expenses his company, Blackhead Consulting, was to incur in relation to the R255-million asbestos eradication contract it entered into with the Free State government in 2014.

Deceased Mpambani behind kickback spreadsheet says partner

20 August 2020

Former Ipid head Robert McBride told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Thursday that if the directorate received enough funding from the state, it would not have to rely on outside help in its cases. He was defending Ipid’s use of information and assistance from private investigator Paul O’Sullivan in a case involving former acting national police commissioner Kgomotso Phahlane in 2016.

McBride defends Ipid stance on Phahlane probe

25 August 2020

The evidence of former environmental affairs minister Nomvula Mokonyane that no birthday party of hers was ever paid for by Bosasa nor hosted at the Victoria Guest House in Krugersdorp has been contradicted by the owner of the venue, Frederick Coetzee. He appeared before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Tuesday.

Mokonyane birthday party evidence challenged

28 August 2020

The Free State human settlements head of department Nthimose Mokhesi has admitted that his department failed to comply with provisions for unsolicited proposals when it accepted one for the R255-million asbestos eradication project in 2014.

Provisions flouted for asbestos project deviation, says HoD

31 August 2020

On Monday the commission of inquiry into state capture heard the evidence of Sandy Thomas, personal assistant to former environmental affairs minister Nomvula Mokonyane.

I hardly spoke to Agrizzi, says Mokonyane PA

September 2020

03 September 2020

It was actually a surprise gala dinner for close family and friends, and not a full-on party, for her 40th birthday that was hosted at the Victoria Guest House in 2003, former environmental affairs minister Nomvula Mokonyane told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Thursday.

Mokonyane backtracks on party venue

04 September 2020

Former ANC member of parliament Vincent Smith has denied before the commission of inquiry into state capture that payments made by former Bosasa COO Angelo Agrizzi towards his daughter’s tuition in 2015 were because he had a corrupt relationship with the company.

Former MP Vincent Smith says relationship with Agrizzi was above board

08 September 2020

The ANC’s 2014 anniversary gala dinner, held in Nelspruit on the eve of the party’s January 8 rally, ignited a line of questioning from state capture commission chairperson Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo on Tuesday.

Zondo questions Eskom sponsorship of ANC dinner

08 September 2020

Former Eskom chairperson Zola Tsotsi has told the commission of inquiry into state capture of a tumultuous period in early 2015 when former president Jacob Zuma instructed the board to suspend certain executives, including then acting CEO Tshediso Matona.

Eskom execs suspended on Myeni’s call

09 September 2020

Former Eskom chairperson Zola Tsotsi told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday that the events in the lead-up to the suspension of four members of the power utility’s executive in March 2015, and afterwards, show that there was an orchestrated move to bring Gupta people in.

Board about-turn was sign of Gupta influence, says Tsotsi

10 September 2020

Former Eskom director Venete Klein has defended her part in the suspension of four of the power utility’s executives in March 2015, saying that she could not confirm that they were purged in favour of Gupta appointees.

Eskom suspensions only addressed non-performance, says Klein

11 September 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture concluded the week of Eskom evidence with the testimony of former chairperson Ben Ngubane on Friday. He led the board of the power utility from 2015 to 2017, succeeding Zola Tsotsi.

Ngubane cornered on Guptaleaks emails

15 September 2020

It was through Matshela Koko that former Eskom company secretary and later head of legal Suzanne Daniels first met Gupta associate Salim Essa in 2015. She had several encounters with him, at one of which she met Ajay Gupta, while at another she was offered a bribe of R800-million.

Daniels claims Koko was Gupta enabler at Eskom

21 September 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture will not negotiate dates of oral evidence with witnesses, said chairperson Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo on Monday. He was announcing the dates for former president Jacob Zuma’s expected appearance before him – from 16 to 20 November.

Zondo tells Zuma to show up or face summons

23 September 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture has this week heard how former Free State MEC for human settlements Mosebenzi Zwane defied orders from then minister Tokyo Sexwale to stop an unlawful prepayment scheme devised in 2010 for an ambitious low-cost housing project worth over R1-billion.

Zwane pushed for unlawful housing scheme

25 September 2020

Former Free State MEC of human settlements Mosebenzi Zwane has thrown officials of the department at the time of the failed 2010 R1.4-billion housing project under the bus.

Failure of housing project not my fault, says Zwane

28 September 2020

A property transaction between Nthimotse Mokhesi, head of the Free State human settlements department, and Edwin Sodi, a contractor in the R255-million asbestos eradication project, came into the spotlight at the commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday.

Free State HOD’s apparent property bonanza under scrutiny

28 September 2020

The dismissal of six Free State human settlements officials for the failure of a housing project in 2010, following the implementation of an advance payment scheme, haunts the author of the only existing document that backed it up.

Contradictions and conniving in 2010 Free State housing project

28 September 2020

A second call for Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo to recuse himself from the commission of inquiry into state capture has come, this time from former president Jacob Zuma.

Zuma calls for Zondo to recuse himself

29 September 2020

Edwin Sodi, the man whose company was appointed as part of a joint venture (JV) to eradicate asbestos across townships in the Free State in 2014, is a regular donor to the ANC, often at the request of officials of the party.

FS asbestos company paid towards ANC events, elections

October 2020

1 October 2020

North West Premier Job Mokgoro has defended his authorisation of a 2015 payment of R50-million to subsidise SA Express (SAX) for airline operations relating to new flight services between Mahikeng and Johannesburg.

R50m payment to SA Express not my responsibility says Mokgoro

2 October 2020

ANC MP Cedrick Frolick has refuted the evidence of former Bosasa COO Angelo Agrizzi during an appearance before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Friday.

Agrizzi lied to inquiry, says Frolick

5 October 2020

Not only did former president Jacob Zuma want an inquiry into the affairs of a poorly performing Eskom in early 2015, but he was also present at the meeting at which the suspensions of three executives of the power utility were first mooted.

Zuma wanted Eskom inquiry

6 October 2020

Former Eskom executives who were controversially suspended in March 2015 under a cloud of confusion went for months without any word from the board that assured them that there was nothing untoward about their suspensions.

Murky suspension process stunned Eskom execs

9 October 2020

Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo has granted permission for the secretary of the commission of inquiry into state capture to issue a summons for former president Jacob Zuma to appear from 16 to 20 November 2020.

Zondo grants summons forcing Zuma to appear

12 October 2020

“From where I am seated I think it will be unfair of this commission to want to say I, as a layman politician there, should have taken the responsibilities of an accounting officer who himself had actually signed this document,” former Free State human settlements MEC Mosebenzi Zwane told the commision today.

Zwane’s ‘layman politician’ defence before Zondo

13 October 2020

The blame game continued among former Eskom board members on Tuesday with the testimony of former chairperson Ben Ngubane before the commission of inquiry into state capture. This was his second appearance.

Ngubane cornered over Gupta links during Eskom tenure

15 October 2020

“Transnet’s board was not trying to look after good governance in the reinstatement of Mr [Siyabonga] Gama. I can’t think of a reason where a board acting in a manner that is in the best interest of the company would ever do it. The likelihood, logically, is that the reason lies elsewhere,” said Christopher Todd, a director of Bowman Gilfillan, who provided legal services to Transnet at the time of Gama’s dismissal in June 2010.

Transnet’s reinstatement of Gama irrational, Zondo hears

16 October 2020

Former public enterprises minister sympathised with Siyabonga Gama for having been dismissed from his position as CEO of Transnet Freight Rail in 2010, calling it an unfair move.

Cabinet, board supported Gama in reinstatement drive

19 October 2020

Former Transnet chairperson Mafika Mkwanazi saw for the first time on Monday the total amounts paid to Siyabonga Gama after he was reinstated to his position as CEO of Transnet Freight Rail (TFR) in 2011. Mkwanazi concluded his testimony before the commission of inquiry into state capture.

Mkwanazi stunned by R17m payment to Gama

20 October 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture heard on Tuesday that Gupta associate Salim Essa appeared to know back in 2014 that then Transnet GCEO Brian Molefe would move to Eskom a few months later.

Essa bragged to Transnet contractor about influence in SOEs

23 October 2020

Former special advisor to Malusi Gigaba, Siyabonga Mahlangu, has denied that he put pressure on a senior Transnet legal official to expedite the reinstatement of Siyabonga Gama to his position as CEO of Transnet Freight Rail in 2011.

Gigaba advisor denies interference in Gama matter

26 October 2020

Former Denel board member Nonyameko Mandindi spoke of what she viewed as the unfair, hasty removal of the company’s top structure, with no basis, in September 2015.

No sound justification for Eskom-style suspensions at Denel

27 October 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture heard on Tuesday of the decision for Denel Land Systems (DLS) to enter into three contracts – by means of deviations – with Gupta-linked VR Laser between 2014 and 2016, despite warnings from the then head of procurement that the company’s own policies were being flouted.

Red flags ignored over Gupta-linked VR Laser, Zondo hears

28 October 2020

Had the 2014 procurement process of platform hulls – part of arms manufacturer Denel’s Hoefyster
project – gone through the office of the group executive in charge of supply chain management,
Gupta-linked VR Laser would not have won the contract.

Denel SCM head kept in the dark over Gupta contract

November 2020

2 November 2020

Former chairperson of SAA Technical and SAA board member Yakhe Kwinana kicked off the week’s proceedings at the commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday by addressing what she called double standards of its legal and investigations teams.

Kwinana’s whataboutism thwarted by Zondo

2 November 2020

Yakhe Kwinana has denied bullying Swiss ground handling services company Swissport into pulling in JM Aviation as its BEE partner in early 2015. Swissport entered into a contract with SAA Technical – of which Kwinana was chairperson – in 2012 for ground handling services.

Kwinana denies meddling in SAAT ground handling contract

3 November 2020

The chairperson of the commission of inquiry into state capture, Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, said on Tuesday that there needs to be a review of processes involved in the appointment of board members of state-owned companies.

Appointment process to SOE boards needs review, says Zondo

4 November 2020

“Chairperson, may I not answer that question, in case I incriminate myself.” This was the line of the day at the commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday, when former SAA chairperson Dudu Myeni testified via video link.

Myeni refuses to answer SAA-related questions from Zondo

5 November 2020

While former SAA chairperson Dudu Myeni may feel aggrieved that the commission of inquiry into state capture is selective in its pursuit of cases within its mandate, it is up to her to report any corruption that she knows of before the commission’s term ends.

Zondo tells Myeni to report corruption she knows of

5 November 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture should charge former SAA chairperson Dudu Myeni for breaching an order of its chairperson Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo by disclosing the name of a witness who appeared in-camera in February this year.

Charge Myeni for rules breach, says evidence leader to Zondo

6 November 2020

Dudu Myeni has registered prejudice from the commission of inquiry into state capture through her lawyers, citing what they see as inefficiencies on the part of its legal team.

Myeni lawyers cry prejudice from Zondo

8 November 2020

Yakhe Kwinana walked away from her chairperson role at SAA Technical and non-executive board membership at SAA in August 2016, taking with her an undue benefit of millions of rands from a R1.5-billion irregular contract for the supply of components, and a conflict of interest that benefited her private auditing business.

Dishonest Kwinana’s evidence explained

9 November 2020

The chairperson of the commission of inquiry into state capture, Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, on Friday concluded the day’s proceedings by explaining the circumstances surrounding the testimony of former SAA chairperson Dudu Myeni and her refusal to answer most of the questions set to her.

Myeni’s silence amid damning evidence

10 November 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture heard on Tuesday of the events in 2015 and 2016 surrounding the suspension of Denel’s CEO, CFO and company secretary, allegedly without following proper processes.

Zondo hears of Denel board’s mistreatment of execs

10 November 2020

Former Denel CFO Fikile Mhlontlo has confirmed that the leadership of subsidiary Denel Land Systems (DLS) favoured Gupta-linked VR Laser over LMT, which is majority owned by the parastatal, for a 2014 tender to manufacture platform hulls as part of its Hoefyster project.

Denel CFO unaware of favouritism towards Gupta company

11 November 2020

Gupta-linked VR Laser got the nod from former Denel GCEO Zwelakhe Ntshepe to partner with the parastatal in a foray into the Asian market in 2015, despite warnings from a due diligence process that warned against it.

Rushed Denel Asia deal explored

11 November 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday shone the spotlight on a decision by former Denel GCEO Zwelakhe

Former Denel CEO grilled over policy violation to favour Gupta company

11 November 2020

While former Eskom CEO Tshediso Matona fought his suspension from the power utility in early 2015 through the courts, the board was preparing for his exit and to negotiate a settlement with him.

Koko favoured by biased board, says Daniels

12 November 2020

It was former Denel GCEO Riaz Saloojee who proposed to a CEO within one of its divisions to favour Gupta-linked VR Laser in the awarding of a single source contract in 2015 because the company was politically connected.

Denel CEO Saloojee ordered favouring of Gupta company

13 November 2020

Former Denel board chairperson Daniel Mantsha kicked off his testimony before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Friday by defending his board’s decision to suspend the company’s top three executives in September 2015.

Former Denel chair Mantsha takes the stand before Zondo

16 November 2020

Former president Jacob Zuma will return before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Tuesday to hear the way forward on his application for chairperson Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo to recuse himself. Zondo spent the day on Monday listening to arguments from both his legal team and that of Zuma, who brought the application forward for a number of reasons.

Zondo commission – Zuma vs Zondo: application for judge’s recusal heard

19 November 2020

Former president Jacob Zuma walked out of the commission of inquiry into state capture on Thursday, with a parting shot from his lawyer Muzi Sikhakhane that a formal complaint will be lodged with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) about its chairperson Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo.

Zondo commission – What now for Zondo as Zuma walks out?

23 November 2020

Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo is laying a criminal complaint against former president Jacob Zuma for defying a summons compelling him to appear before him last week. Zondo will be asking the secretary of the commission of inquiry into state capture, which he chairs, to start the formal process.

Zondo commission – Zondo lays criminal complaint against Zuma for walkout

23 November 2020

There is a lot of work that corporate South Africa needs to do to help eradicate corruption and fraud, because government does not engage in corruption on its own. This is how Stephen van Coller, group CEO of IT giant EOH Holdings Limited, finished off his brief appearance before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday.

Zondo commission – Corporate SA just as complicit in corruption, says EOH CEO

25 November 2020

ENS forensic director Steven Powell told the state capture commission on Wednesday that directors of IT company EOH made several payments to prominent ANC members, including Zizi Kodwa, Reggie Nkabinde and the advisor of former president Jacob Zuma, Siyabulela Zintwa.

Zondo Commission – Motsoeneng’s ‘people skills’ helped him rapidly climb the ladder

26 November 2020

Today, evidence leader Matthew Chaskalson cross-examined Phetolo Ramosebudi, former treasurer of Airports Company South Africa (Acsa), regarding his implication in channelling tenders to the Gupta-linked company Regiments Capital.

Zondo commission Ramosebudi invokes right to not answer potentially incriminating questions

27 November 2020

Current Johannesburg mayor Geoff Makhubo got his turn to answer questions at the state capture commission after he was alleged to have influenced contracts from the City of Johannesburg (CoJ) in favour of the Gupta-linked Regiments Capital.

Zondo commission – Makhubo rejects idea that he influenced tenders at CoJ

27 November 2020

Former Transnet treasurer Phetolo Ramosebudi spent his second day before the state capture commission on Friday answering questions on the involvement of Trillian in the parastatal’s loan negotiations to help fund its locomotives procurement project.

Zondo commission-Update2-PhetoloRamosebudiartcile

30 November 2020

Former South African Revenue Service (Sars) commissioner Tom Moyane not only pre-empted the pursuit of several officials linked to the ‘rogue unit’, but he knew what he was doing in 2015 when he laid a criminal complaint against them in relation to the unit.

Zondo commission – Gordhan grilled in longest Zondo cross exam to date

December 2020

03 December 2020

The Guptas always intended to use Estina, which won a contract from the Free State government to oversee the Vrede Dairy Farm in 2012, as one of its money laundering vehicles. Evidence of this is in the company’s 2011 business dealings with well-known India-based laundering network World’s Window.

Update1-Zondo commission – Estina a mere laundering vehicle, Zondo hears

03 December 2020

The latest witness to decry the work of the investigations team of the commission of inquiry into state capture is former acting Eskom CEO, Matshela Koko.

Update2-Zondo commission Ramaphosa Tsotsi wanted me out of Eskom says Koko

04 December 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture has announced new dates in January and February 2021 on which former president Jacob Zuma must make himself available to appear.

Zondo commission – New Zondo dates set for Zuma

04 December 2020

Investigator Paul Holden returned to the commission of inquiry into state capture on Friday to continue his evidence on the flow of money from government contracts to entities linked to the Guptas, allegedly through money laundering schemes.

Zondo commission – Transnet port contract benefitted Guptas

07 December 2020

The first time former Eskom head of legal Suzanne Daniels became involved in matters involving Gupta-owned Tegeta Exploration and Resources was in November 2015, she told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday.

Zondo commission Tegeta guarantee was not board approved

08 December 2020

Brian Molefe was seconded to Eskom from Transnet in April 2015 on merit and not to advance state capture. This is what the power utility’s former chairperson Ben Ngubane told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Tuesday.

Update1-Zondo commission Molefe stood up to bully Glencore for sake of SA says Ngubane

09 December 2020 

The idea to suspend Eskom executives in March 2015 was understood by the board to have originated with former president Jacob Zuma, the commission of inquiry into state capture heard on Wednesday. 

Zondo commission – Tsotsi lied to board about origin of suspensions plan, says Khoza 

10 December 2020 

A former senior executive of Regiments and later Trillian Capital has told the commission of inquiry into state capture that the companies were involved in the capture of National Treasury, and senior employees were privy to plans to remove two finance ministers from government. 

Zondo commission Regiments Trillian instrumental in treasury capture 

11 December 2020 

Former mineral resources minister Mosebeni Zwane has denied knowledge of a business link between ANC secretary-general Ace Magashule and a contractor who allegedly benefited, through his influence, from a housing project allocation in 2010 overseen by his department when he was MEC in the Free State. 

Zondo commission Magashule business partner was on Zwanes contractor list 

21 December 2020 

The commission of inquiry into state capture will continue hearing oral evidence until March 2021. It expects President Cyril Ramaphosa and his predecessor Jacob Zuma, but chairperson Deputy Chief Justice (DCJ) Raymond Zondo is not holding his breath for the Guptas. 

Zondo commission – Zondo expects to hear evidence until March, but not from Guptas 

December 2020 

This is the first of two articles that look back at the year that was for the commission of inquiry into state capture, which closed public hearings for 2020 on Friday 11 December. 

Dec2020-Review1-Zondo commission an eventful year in review part 1 

December 2020 

This is the second of two articles that look back at the year that was for the commission of inquiry into state capture, which closed public hearings for 2020 on Friday 11 December. 

Dec2020-Review2-Zondo commission – an eventful year in review part 2

January 2021

11 January 2021

Gavin Craythorne, a long-term contractor to Alexkor, continued to testify on the mining joint venture between the state-owned mining company and the Alexander Bay community in the Northern Cape.

Zondo commission Alexkor audit and risk committee failed to do due diligence

11 January 2021

For the second session of the day, the Zondo commission heard Eskom-related evidence from the power utility’s acting senior manager for fuel resources, Dr Ayanda Nteta.

Update2-Zondo commission Manager pressured to conclude Tegeta deal

12 January 2021

Former Eskom senior manager Dr Ayanda Nteta told the Zondo commission that she did not tell anyone about the meetings with Tony Gupta because of trust issues within the company.

Zondo commission I did not divulge my meetings with Tony Gupta says Nteta-Final

13 January 2021

Former Eskom chief financial officer Anoj Singh has been spared tough questioning by the commission of inquiry into state capture, for now, thanks to a technical blunder by its legal team.

Zondo commission legal blunder delays Singh evidence

13 January 2021

Transnet not only paid R95-million to a company owned by former cabinet minister Siphiwe Nyanda in an unlawful contract, but it dished out a further R20-million settlement after the company claimed reputational damage following a lawsuit to recover the money.

Zondo commission – Nyanda scored twice with Transnet, despite unlawful contract

14 January 2021

Former acting director-general in the Department of Public Enterprises Matsietsi Mokholo told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Thursday that it was former Eskom CEO Brian Molefe who insisted on the secondment of Anoj Singh to the power utility in 2015.

Zondo commission – Molefe wanted Singh with him at Eskom

15 January 2021 

The commission of inquiry into state capture was forced to stop proceedings after the lunch break on Friday after chairperson Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo revealed that a staff member who works closely with him had tested positive for Covid-19.

Zondo commission – Covid-19 exposure interrupts state capture hearing

25 January 2021

The commission of inquiry into state capture resumed its hearings on Monday after a week’s break, with the testimony of former cabinet minister Sydney Mufamadi.

Zondo commission Mufamadi kicks off intelligence evidence before Zondo

26 January 2021

The State Security Agency (SSA) was used for a number of years to fund ANC activities, in some cases in the lead up to elections, without any officials accounting for the resources looted.

Zondo commission Spooks ANC benefited from secret agency slush fund (1)

27 January 2021

Because of threats to the safety of State Security Agency (SSA) officials investigating alleged corruption by their former colleagues, a senior investigator testified in-camera before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday.

Zondo commission – SSA probe found serious political interference, says investigator

28 January 2021

Former president Jacob Zuma will not only have to appear before the commission of inquiry into state capture when it orders him to do so, but will have to answer questions put to him by the evidence team. This is the order delivered on Thursday by the Constitutional Court.

Zondo commission ConCourt says Zuma must face Zondo answer questions

29 January 2021

The commission of inquiry into state capture heard on Friday that the State Security Agency (SSA) was allegedly used to sabotage President Cyril Ramaphosa’s CR17 campaign ahead of the ANC elective conference in Nasrec in 2017. Furthermore, millions were withdrawn from the SSA in what appears on the surface to be an attempt to influence conference outcomes.

Zondo commission SSA used to sabotage CR17 in lead-up to Nasrec

February 2021

01 February 2021

The ANC in Parliament should not “scapegoat” the party’s former president Jacob Zuma, after knowing for so long that state capture was happening, without taking responsibility for its nonaction. This was said by DA chief whip Natasha Mazzone as she concluded her evidence before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday.

Zondo commission – Parliament failed by the ANC, MPs tell Zondo

02 February 2021

Former ANC MP Zukiswa Rantho admitted before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Tuesday that divisions within the party’s parliamentary caucus led to a delay in an investigation into state capture.

Zondo commission – Push-back from ANC led to delays in SOE probe

02 February 2021

In the latest round of public exchanges between former president Jacob Zuma and the chairperson of the commission of inquiry into state capture, Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, the latter has condemned public remarks from Zuma saying that he would once again defy a summons to appear before him two weeks from now.

Zondo commission – Zondo says Zuma not above the law, must appear

04 February 2021

Former ANC MP Makhosi Khoza did not hold back in her evidence before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Thursday, detailing how the leadership of the party controlled how its caucus took big decisions in Parliament.

Zondo commission – ANC MPs under Luthuli House control, says Khoza

08 February 2021

Deputy minister of transport Dikeledi Magadzi has told the commission of inquiry into state capture that in 2016, when the DA put forward a motion in Parliament to launch an investigation into state capture, she would tow the party line in her voting. She testified on Monday.

Zondo commission – ‘I will always make sure I toe the party line,’ says deputy minister to Zondo

08 February 2021

Former ANC MP Vincent Smith says Parliament’s funding model must be given attention, if its role of oversight is to be taken seriously, among other solutions. He appeared before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday.

Zondo commission – Embattled Smith offers solutions to parly oversight faults

15 February 2021

Former president Jacob Zuma could find himself serving jail time if found to have been in contempt of the Constitutional Court by not appearing before the state capture commission on Monday.

Zondo Commission – Zondo to ask for Zuma to be thrown behind bars

18 February 2021

From the appointment processes of senior government leaders, to a renewed approach in the fight against corruption, the commission of inquiry into state capture heard from civil society and research institutions on Thursday on ways that these objectives could be achieved.

Zondo Commission – Civil society pointers on oversight for Zondo

22 February 2021

Former president Jacob Zuma did not lobby for the reinstatement of Lucky Montana to his position as CEO at the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) in 2015, as the agency’s former chairperson Popo Molefe said before the state capture commission last year.

Update1-Zondo Commission Zuma didnt root for Montanas return says Peters

22 February 2021

Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo has asked that former president Jacob Zuma be given a two year imprisonment term, should the Constitutional Court find him in contempt of its ruling relating to his appearance before the state capture commission earlier this month.

Update2-Zondo Commission Zondo asks Concourt for two-year jail time for Zuma

23 February 2021

Former parliamentary house chairperson of committees Cedric Frolick has told the state capture commission that the reason Parliament did not pursue an investigation into state capture in 2016 was because the Public Protector had already started one.

Zondo Commission – parly state capture probe would have undermined PP, says Frolick

23 February 2021

Former Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) chairperson Popo Molefe has made a proposal before the state capture commission that it consider, when making its recommendations, ensuring that politicians separate themselves from the process of appointing executives of state-owned companies.

Zondo Commission – Finger pointing at commission over Prasa woes

24 February 2021

Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo has instructed the secretary of the state capture commission to urgently issue its third police complaint, this time to Auswell Mashaba, a former Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) contractor.

Zondo Commission Zondo issues police complaint against defiant Prasa contractor

24 February 2021

Former state security minister Dipuo Letsatsi-Duba says the practice of ANC study groups in Parliament needs a re-look, as they hamper the oversight capacity of portfolio committees.

Zondo commission Study groups hinder parliament oversight says former minister

25 February 2021

The state capture commission’s week of evidence related to the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) saw everything from damming revelations of political meddling in the agency’s affairs, to money flows evidence relating to the controversial R3.5-billion locomotives tender, and sheer defiance from the man at the centre of it all, who finds himself on the wrong side of the law for refusing to appear.

Update2-Zondo Commission R3.5bn Prasa tender under spotlight at Zondo

March 2021

01 March 2021

Former CEO of Eskom Matshela Koko categorically denied having known that he was sharing Eskom internal matters with someone outside the power utility. Koko was making his fourth appearance before the commission of inquiry into allegations of state capture.

Zondo commission – Koko adamant he was tricked into sharing Eskom info with third party

02 March 2021

Former Eskom CEO Brain Molefe made a return to the stand at the commission of inquiry into allegations of corruption and state capture to explain the prepayment of R1.68-billion Eskom made to Tegeta to obtain Optimum Coal Mine.

Zondo commission Molefe labels Gupta link a smear campaign

04 March 2021

Bianca Goodson, the former CEO of Trillian Management Consultancy, has told the state capture commission that she was used as a conduit for the advancement of dodgy contracts involving Eskom and Transnet, and she has regrets for the role she played.

Zondo commission Goodson tells Zondo she regrets Trillian run

04 March 2021

Former Denel CEO Riaz Saloojee received around R400 000 per month from the company while on suspension between September 2015 and April 2016, despite its cash flow problems, while the board of the time, led by private attorney Daniel Mantsha, investigated charges of misconduct against him.

Update2-Zondo commission Mantsha sticks to his guns on Denel suspensions

08 March 2021

On Monday Malusi Gigaba cross-examined an in-camera witness who testified in September last year about his time as a personal protection officer for the former cabinet minister.

Zondo commission – Gigaba cross-examines former bodyguard before Zondo

08 March 2021

Former Transnet GCEO Brian Molefe has told the commission of inquiry into state capture that members of the Gupta family deserve to be protected by law enforcement agencies as much as any other accused, before being declared guilty of the crimes they have been accused of.

Update2-Zondo commission Molefe proud of links with Guptas Zondo hears

11 March 2021

Former Transnet GCEO Siyabonga Gama has told the state capture commission that if there was any political interference in his reinstatement to the position of CEO of Transnet Freight Rail (TFR) in 2011, he knew nothing about it.

Zondo commission – Transnet board begged for my return says Gama

11 March 2021

From defending the Guptas to posturing with lengthy analogies against his evidence leader and finally throwing the secretary of the state capture commission under the bus, Brian Molefe had an eventful week appearing before Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo.

Zondo commission – Brian Molefe appears before Zondo_part one

11 March 2021

When Brian Molefe approved a payment of R20-million of Transnet’s money in 2011 to a security company owned by former cabinet minister Siphiwe Nyanda, he had not fully applied his mind.

Zondo commission – Brian Molefe appears before Zondo_part two

12 March 2021

Former Transnet CFO Anoj Singh has rubbished allegations by his former driver that he visited the Gupta residence on several occasions during his tenure to collect cash, placing it in safety deposit boxes at a nearby facility.

Zondo commission Driver testimony not credible Singh tells Zondo

16 March 2021

A former senior manager at Eskom’s Kusile power station says she had no reason to participate in a witch hunt against the power utility’s former head of electricity generation, Matshela Koko. Nonhlanhla Kraai testified before the state capture commission on Tuesday.

Zondo commission – Former manager confirms Masango evidence on meeting with Koko Essa

17 March 2021

Former transport minister Dipuo Peters has stuck to her guns on the matter of her decision to fire the Prasa board in March 2017, saying it was her decision, and not a result of pressure from the ANC, which had been implicated in the agency’s corruption investigation.

Zondo Commission I removed the Prasa board not ANC says Peters

18 March 2021

Former Eskom CFO Anoj Singh admitted before the state capture commission on Thursday to engaging prospective contractors McKinsey Consulting and BEE partner Regiments Capital on a turnaround strategy for Eskom before he even joined the power utility on a secondment from Transnet in 2015.

Zondo commission – Singh met with McKinsey, Regiments before starting at Eskom

19 March 2021

Former public enterprises minister Lynne Brown has defended her role in the events at Eskom that have been under scrutiny at the state capture commission for several months.

Update1-Zondo commission I fought corruption but became Eskom scapegoat says Brown

19 March 2021

Mineral Resources and Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe has defended Bosasa’s security upgrades to his three private homes in Gauteng and Eastern Cape, saying they were a favour from company executive Papa Leshabane, and not the company itself.

Update2-Zondo commission Bosasa favours were not bribes says Mantashe

19 March 2021

Deputy minister of military veterans Thabang Makwetla says the first time he learned of a Special Investigating Unit report into catering company Bosasa was in 2019 at the end of his term as deputy minister of correctional services.

Update3-Zondo commission Makwetla tells Zondo he regrets Bosasa favour

22 March 2021

Lynne Brown has once again defended the appointment of Brian Molefe as Eskom CEO in August 2015, months after he was seconded from Transnet, but could not recall if company policy was 2021.

Zondo commission Markets ‘rejoiced’ after Brian Molefe joined Eskom says Brown

23 March 2021

What started out as a more cordial second round of cross-examination by Advocate Dali Mpofu of Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan on Tuesday evening, ended with Mpofu accusing the state capture commission chairperson Deputy Chief Justice (DCJ) Raymond Zondo of being “unfair” and “wrong” in the treatment of his team.

Zondo commission Gordhans cross-examination ends in Mpofu outburst against Zondo

23 March 2021

The state capture commission has heard how Bain & Company South Africa paid a local company, run by creative artists, millions annually to connect the advisory company with influential politicians and leaders of state owned entities.

Update2-Zondo commission Bain paid for parties for Zuma ANCYL Zondo hears

24 March 2021

Former Bain & Company South Africa consultant Athol Williams completed his testimony before the state capture commission on Wednesday with a plea for its chairperson Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo to help recommend better security for whistle-blowers in the country.

Zondo commission Bains dirty laundry out before Zondo

25 March 2021

The Constitutional Court has reserved judgment on the case between the state capture commission and former president Jacob Zuma. The commission has asked the court to find Zuma guilty of contempt for his refusal to appear before it in January and February this year.

Zondo commission Zondo makes case before Concourt for Zuma imprisonment

25 March 2021

Former Sars commissioner Tom Moyane joined the service with a clear brief to frustrate its investigative efforts into illicit trade, organised crime and tax evasion, many of which implicated politicians and prominent individuals.

Update1-Zondo commission Moyane joined Sars to frustrate high profile investigations

25 March 2021

The state capture commission’s Advocate Pule Seleka noted on Thursday that former Eskom CFO Anoj Singh was so “hands off” in his first year at the company, that he led talks on a turnaround plan with external advisors McKinsey Consulting, “unaware” that there was no contract validating the agreement between the two companies. Singh joined Eskom in August 2015.

Zondo commission – Singh’s Trillian bonanza again the focus of Zondo commission

The Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption and Fraud in the Public Sector including Organs of State

Background and context of Corruption Watch’s interest in the state capture commission

The work of Corruption Watch is driven by the reports of corruption that whistle-blowers bring to us. The success of the Zondo Commission will, in large part, depend equally on whistle-blowers to provide it with the evidence it needs to effectively investigate state capture. Download an overview of the commission from a Corruption Watch point of view:

Zondo Commission overview and context for Corruption Watch

All of our Zondo Commission coverage is contained in the accordion below. Simply click on a month to open up all our articles for that month, and click on it again, or click on another month, to close it.

August 2018

Testimony from day 2 – 21 August 2018

The National Treasury’s acting chief procurement officer, Ndleleni Mathebula, unpacked the inner workings of government’s massive procurement system.

Ndleleni Mathebula

22 and 23 August 2018

The commission is on recess for two days until Friday, 24 August 2018.

What is a commission of inquiry?

In order to understand the complexities of the Zondo Commission, it is very important to also understand what a commission of inquiry is, its origins in this country, and what level of authority it has. This opinion piece, first published in City Press in November 2016, provides this information under the title Do commissions of inquiry have teeth?.

The short voice note discussions answer the following questions:

  1. Under what circumstances would a commission of inquiry need to be established? English / isiZulu / Setswana
  2. Does the South African criminal justice system have adequate power to prosecute  and convict on corruption-related crimes? If they did have sufficient powers, wouldn’t it prevent the need for establishing commissions of inquiry? English / isiZulu / Setswana
  3. What authorities/powers do commissions of inquiries have? English / isiZulu / Setswana
  4. What should we as South Africans hope for the Zondo Commission to achieve? English / isiZulu / Setswana

24 August 2018

Former deputy finance minister Mcebisi Jonas delivered extraordinary testimony of how he was approached by a member of the Gupta family and offered a bribe of R600-million to take over as finance minister and work according to the Guptas’ agenda.

Mcebisi Jonas

Jonas’ full testimony

Video clip 1 / video clip 2

Day 4 and 5 – 27 and 28 August 2018

Former ANC MP Vytjie Mentor started her testimony by providing context to her early meetings with the Guptas and former president Jacob Zuma. On day two she gave details of a meeting at the Gupta home in Saxonwold, at which Jacob Zuma was present, as well as an indication of the lack of interest from ANC leadership at her concerns expressed in this regard.

Vytjie Mentor part 1  | Vytjie Mentor part 2

Mentor has a strongly supportive family who travelled long distances to be with her as she testified. We spoke to her sister to find out what makes this brave woman tick.

Vytjie Mentor through her sister’s eyes

Day 5 and 6 – 28 and 29 August 2018

In his testimony, former GCIS head Themba Maseko echoed Jonas and Mentor in questioning the conduct of the Hawks.

Themba Maseko part 1  |  Themba Maseko part 2  |  Themba Maseko part 3

CASAC to oppose extension

CASAC intends to oppose the extension of the commission’s period of operation. Read the organisation’s rationale here.

31 August and 3 September 2018

Acting DG of the government communication and information system, Phumla Williams, testified that former communications minister Faith Muthambi damaged the organisation to an extent that it will take some time to recover.

Phumla Williams part 1  |  Phumla Williams part 2

September 2018

4 September 2018

Faith Muthambi responded to Phumla Williams, describing her as ’emotionally unhinged’.

Faith Muthambi

6 September 2018

Justice Zondo heard applications from implicated persons, to cross-examine those who named them.

Applications to cross-examine

10 September 2018

Jan Gilliland, a senior official within the National Treasury, testified that the Guptas got just under R250-million in payments from government for their media companies.

Jan Gilliland

13 September 2018

The Gupta brothers Ajay and Rakesh, who are currently in Dubai, have tried to force the hand of the Zondo Commission by imposing conditions under which they would testify. Consequently, their application was denied.

Zondo denies Guptas

13 September 2018

Justice Zondo has granted Duduzane Zuma permission to cross-examine Mcebisi Jonas, who implicated him in the Guptas’ offer to him of money and a top cabinet position, provided he would do their bidding.

Duduzane Zuma application granted

13 September 2018

Justice Zondo has asked former president Jacob Zuma to submit his version of events in which he was implicated.

Jacob Zuma asked for input

14 September 2018

Former president Jacob Zuma is willing to co-operate with the Zondo Commission. However, he says that his decision not to cross-examine witnesses is being viewed as non-co-operation.

Zuma questions existence of state capture

17 September 2018

Testimony from Standard Bank revealed that cabinet ministers tried to put pressure on the bank after it made the decision to close accounts of the Guptas.

Standard Bank threatened after decision to close Gupta accounts.

18 September 2018

Witnesses from FNB and Absa came forward today to substantiate Standard Bank’s claim of government interference in the closure of Gupta bank accounts.

More banks claim government interference

19 September 2018

Nedbank was expected to pick up where the other three big banks left off, by becoming the Gupta family’s banker – this is the impression that Nedbank CEO Mike Brown got when he met with ANC officials.

Nedbank grilled by ANC over Gupta account closures

21 September 2018

Ajay Gupta, implicated in numerous instance of state capture, has claimed that he never met with Mcebisi Jonas to offer him a R600-million bribe and in fact, was somewhere else when the meeting was supposed to have happened.

Ajay Gupta refures Mcebisi Jonas’ meeting and bribery claim

28 September 2018

The Zondo Commission’s legal team has made an application for the so-called #GuptaLeaks e-mails to be admitted as evidence. In this case, the commission will be obligated to investigate them, according to its mandate.

#GuptaLeaks e-mails enter the picture.

November 2018

12 November 2018

Former public services minister Barbara Hogan, who was named in the testimony of Vytjie Mentor in August, appeared before the commission today and gave details of how former president Jacob Zuma pressured her to appoint a Transnet CEO of his choosing – one who was not as suitable as the board’s choice, and who at the time was involved in a misconduct disciplinary process to boot.

Barbara Hogan tells commission of Zuma’s meddling

13 November 2018

Former Eskom CEO Jacob Maroga, at the time leading up to his departure from the power utility in late 2009, was a chief executive who had gone rogue, understanding that he had the backing of the president. This is the description of former public enterprises minister Barbara Hogan during her second day of testimony.

Zuma interfered in Eskom leadership

14 November 2018

Barbara Hogan wraps up her testimony, describing former president Jacob Zuma’s complete disregard for good governance in SEOs, while Mwanzele Manyi gets his day before the commission, defending the controversial changes he made while head of GCIS.

Hogans describes Zuma interference in SAA

Manyi defends the changes he made in GCIS

15 November 2018

The Zondo commission of inquiry into state capture sat briefly on Thursday morning to deal only with procedural matters involving the return of two witnesses, former MP Vytjie Mentor and former finance minister Nhlanhla Nene, who testified in August and October respectively.

Nene, Mentor set to make second appearance

16 November 2018 – week 13 overview

After a month-long break, the Zondo Commission into allegations of state capture resumed on 12 November, and immediately gave South Africans much to think about. From former public enterprises minister Barbara Hogan detailing the interference of former president Jacob Zuma in leadership issues in SOEs, to former GCIS head Mzwanele Manyi pointing fingers at his successor Phumla Williams, it was an interesting first week back.

Week 13 overview

19 November 2018

Public enterprises minister Pravin Gordhan made his highly anticipated appearance before the commission. Gordhan revealed information that showed how keen the South African government was in 2014 to secure the nuclear deal with Russia.

Gordhan tells of government’s push to secure nuclear deal

Read Gordhan’s full statement to the commission.

20 November 2018

Public enterprises minister Pravin Gordhan continued with his testimony, which is expected to wrap up on Wednesday 21 November. He described the efforts made by the Zuma government to push him out of Treasury.

Gordhan was aware of moves to eliminate him

21 November 2018

Public enterprises minister Pravin Gordhan said that a general fear of retribution from powerful people in the state capture machinery was a big reason that many in the ruling party have not reported corruption they see happening. Gordhan finished his testimony and was followed by former treasury director-general Lungisa Fuzile.

Gordhan defends fearful state capture whistle-blowers

21 November 2018

Recalling the events of December 2015, former treasury director-general Lungisa Fuzile said that in retrospect, it all fits like a hand in glove – that this is how the takeover of departments is designed. He added that a similar pattern of events had happened at the Department of Mineral Resources, which was taken over by Mosebenzi Zwane in September of that year.

Fuzile describes plan to put Gupta stooges in senior treasury posts

22 November 2018

Former finance minister Des van Rooyen’s stay in Treasury in late 2015 may have been a uniquely short one, but it had serious consequences for the department – particularly then director-general Lungisa Fuzile – largely because of his lack of attention and appreciation for protocol and procedure.

Van Rooyen’s disregard for proper Treasury procedure

22 November 2018

Insults and derogatory statements, such as those made yesterday by EFF leader Julius Malema, severely undermines the seriousness of the work being done by the Zondo Commission, and could negatively influence the willingness of witnesses to give vital testimony. CW has called on Deputy Chief Justice Zondo to hold Malema to account for his disrespectful words.

Corruption Watch press statement

23 November 2018 – week 14 overview

A treasury in disarray – this was the main focus of this week’s testimony at the Zondo Commission. Former finance minister Pravin Gordhan and his former director-general Lungisa Fuzile painted a disturbing – and at times, amusing – picture of the goings-on in National Treasury during 2014 and 2015.

Week 14 overview

26 November 2018

Former treasury spokesperson Phumza Macanda told the Zondo Commission that she, like her former colleagues who have testified before her, had the impression that Des van Rooyen did not know the two advisors he brought along to the department when he was appointed finance minister in 2015.

Van Rooyen in over his head

27 November 2018

“The commission will not consider what is said outside the commission and in media, and anyone with credible evidence should come forward and give it,” said Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, responding to allegations made by the EFF against public enterprises minister Pravin Gordhan and the commission’s head of legal Paul Pretorius.

Commission will only consider evidence placed before it

29 November 2018

In December 2010, just weeks into Cheryl Carolus’ tenure as chairperson of South African Airways, former public enterprises minister Malusi Gigaba sought to impose a private Indian-based airliner on the leadership of SAA.

Gigaba wanted Carolus to relinquish Jhb-Mumbai route to Indian airline

December 2018

5 December 2018

The commission of inquiry into state capture announced on Tuesday that it had halted its public hearings until January. The date of the recommencement of the hearings, chaired by Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, will be announced next month.

Zondo Commission postponed to 2019

October 2018

3 October 2018

For the first time since his dismissal on 9 December 2015, finance minister Nhlanhla Nene revealed details of the sequence of events leading up to that day. Nene was reappointed as finance minister on 27 February 2018.

Nhlanhla Nene opens up about 2015 dismissal

Photos of former finance minister Nhlanhla Nene at the Zondo Commission. Photographer: Kwazi Dlamini, Corruption Watch.

10 October 2018

The commission of inquiry into state capture has been postponed to 12 November when it will hear the evidence of former public enterprises minister Barbara Hogan.

Commission will reconvene on 12 November

January 2019

15 January 2019

Angelo Agrizzi, the former chief operations officer of controversial facilities management company Bosasa, is the first person to testify before the state capture commission this year. On Wednesday he revealed that the company spent between R4-million and R6-million monthly for bribes to senior government officials on the company’s payroll.

Bosasa spent millions on govt bribes

17 January 2019

On day two of testimony from former Bosasa executive Angelo Agrizzi, attendees watched video evidence that showed CEO Gavin Watson and two of his directors packing and arranging stacks of money while inside a vault at the company offices.

Govt officials kept loyal to Bosasa with bribes

18 January 2019

Bosasa – which enjoys a large number of government contracts – generated cash that would be used to bribe public officials in return for their loyalty and favours., said the company’s former COO Angelo Agrizzi on his third day of testimony.

Money laundering the Bosasa way

18 January 2019

Commission secretary Khotso De Wee is on special leave while an investigation into allegations of corruption against him ensues. De Wee was implicated in the statement of former Bosasa COO Angelo Agrizzi, who said that De Wee was one of the senior officials of the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development who received bribes from Bosasa.

Zondo Commission secretary implicated in Bosasa bribery

21 January 2019

Bosasa, now African Global Operations, was at the beck and call of former environmental affairs minister Nomvula Mokonyane for the most part, said Agrizzi, even paying for rented cars for as long as three months at a time for her daughter, during her visits from her studies in China.

Bosasa at Nomvula Mokonyane’s beck and call

22 January 2019

Former Bosasa COO Angelo Agrizzi says not only is the Department of Correctional Services captured, but the members of Parliament charged with overseeing its affairs have long been in the pocket of Bosasa, one of its biggest contractors.

Bosasa captured the correctional services department

22 January 2019

Linda Mti, former national commissioner for the Department of Correctional Services, continued to benefit financially for his part for years, despite his resignation from government in late 2006. Mti was but one recipient of largesse from Bosasa, which manages the catering and security services contracts at correctional services across the country.

Prisons catering deal was a cash cow for Bosasa and friends

22 January 2019

The chairperson of the commission on inquiry into state capture, Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, on Tuesday announced the appointment of Peter Pedlar as acting secretary of the commission. Pedlar replaces Dr Khotso De Wee, who is currently on special leave pending an investigation into his implication in corruption by a witness.

Peter Pedlar announced as acting secretary

23 January 2019

Former Bosasa COO Angelo Agrizzi told the commission of inquiry how he and other directors had to destroy evidence when they first discovered that the Special Investigating Unit was coming after the company.

Bosasa’s cat and mouse game with SIU investigators

23 January 2019

The Special Investigating Unit recommended as far back as 2009 that the Department of Correctional Services take action against its former national commissioner and CFO, Linda Mti and Patrick Gillingham respectively, for their irregular dealings with Bosasa. To date, this has not happened.

SIU recommended action against Bosasa, DCS crooks in 2009

24 January 2019

With key National Prosecuting Authority people in its pocket, Bosasa could keep tabs on the progress of the case against the company, and therefore influence its direction.

SIU’s Bosasa investigation compromised by NPA bribees

24 January 2019

Bosasa CEO Gavin Watson allegedly boasted about playing puppeteer with former president Jacob Zuma to his colleague Angelo Agrizzi and former commissioner of the Department of Correctional Services Linda Mti.

Bosasa executives privy to sensitive details of NPA case against them

24 January 2019

Former South African Airways chairperson Dudu Myeni was on Bosasa’s payroll, receiving R300 000 per month. She was the conduit between Bosasa and former president Jacob Zuma.

Myeni, Zuma helped smooth the way for Bosasa.

29 January 2019

Former Bosasa COO Angelo Agrizzi, still in the witness chair, outlined numerous plans by CEO Gavin Watson and his brothers to buy Agrizzi’s silence over the corrupt activities he had seen and taken part in, in his almost 20 years with Bosasa.

Agrizzi asked to take the fall for Watson et al

29 January 2019

An audio recording played on Tuesday morning revealed witness Angelo Agrizzi making racist, derogatory remarks in the company of other people.

“I am a racist,” says Agrizzi

30 January 2019

From a fake prawn farm and duping the South African Revenue Service (Sars) through falsified financials, to violating immigration laws, former Bosasa CFO Andries van Tonder participated in many compromising dealings in his two-decade career at the company.

Van Tonder corroborates Agrizzi’s testimony regarding Bosasa shenanigans

31 January 2019

Cabinet ministers Gwede Mantashe and Nomvula Mokonyane, and deputy minister of correctional services Thabang Makwetla, were named among those who benefited from home security and general maintenance work paid for by the company over some years.

Mantashe, Mokonyane got free home improvements and maintenance from Bosasa

31 January 2019

Former Bosasa IT head Leon van Tonder testified of his participation in the illegal deletion of files relating to the multi-million-rand catering contract with the Department of Correctional Services, a contract that was in the spotlight of the Special Investigating Unit.

Former IT head told to delete incriminating data from Bosasa servers

February 2019

5 February 2019

n assortment of witnesses appeared before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Tuesday, all giving evidence relating to Bosasa. They included Adriaan Basson, editor-in-chief of News24, who related how Bosasa employees and service providers threatened him during the time he was investigating the company.

Bosasa employees and service providers threatened journalists

7 February 2019

Former Bosasa COO Angelo Agrizzi is out on R20 000 bail, having been arrested this week on fraud and money-laundering charges. Appearing alongside him at the bail hearing were erstwhile colleagues Andries van Tonder, the former CFO of Bosasa; former Bosasa fleet manager Frans Vorster; former CFO of the Department of Correctional Services (DCS), Patrick Gillingham; and others.

Bosasa execs and pals charged 10 years after SIU investigation

11 February 2019

Former ANC MP Vytjie Mentor returned to the hot seat at the commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday, to answer to allegations she had made in an affidavit last year. Most of the morning’s proceedings focused on travel records of both Mentor and some of the people she had implicated in her testimony in August 2018.

Vytjie Mentor returns to be cross-examined

12 February 2019

Former ANC MP Vytjie Mentor stuck to her guns on Tuesday, not deviating from evidence she has submitted to the commission of inquiry into state capture regarding the issue of the Gupta brothers being part of an August 2012 state visit to China, led by former president Jacob Zuma.

Mentor presses on despite discrepancies in testimony

13 February 2019

Former ANC MP Vytjie Mentor, despite being pressed, would not budge on the veracity of her version of the evidence. Mentor faced the legal representatives of former chief of staff in the office of Jacob Zuma, Lakela Kaunda, and advocate Mandla Mtolo of the Hawks. Both questioned her version of events.

Mentor cross-examination reveals inconsistencies

14 February 2019

The credibility of former MP Vytjie Mentor’s evidence to the state capture commission took another knock on Thursday with the testimony of architect Erna Wiese in relation to the layout of the Gupta family home in Saxonwold, Johannesburg. Mentor alleges a meeting occurred in 2010 between herself and Ajay Gupta. Wiese was part of a team of senior architects, valuers and surveyors who accompanied Mentor and a team from the commission on an inspection of the house.

Mentor’s recollection of Gupta house inconsistent with expert findings

14 February 2019

The testimony of IPID executive director Robert McBride was postponed indefinitely on Thursday, because his sworn statement was only received late on Wednesday, and as a result the commission’s lawyers had not had sufficient time to notify the people implicated in his evidence.

McBride testimony postponed until implicated persons have been notified

18 February 2019

Former finance minister Des van Rooyen’s application to cross-examine the department’s former director-general Lungisa Fuzile at the commission of inquiry into state capture was postponed on Monday, because of logistical issues raised by the commission chairperson, Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo.

Van Rooyen’s application to cross-examine former finance DG on hold

19 February 2019

National Treasury’s chief director of macro-economic policy, Catherine MacLeod, testified at the commission of inquiry into state capture on Tuesday, giving insight into the damage caused to the economy by former president Jacob Zuma’s cabinet reshuffles, specifically because of the negative reaction of financial markets.

Zuma’s agenda-driven cabinet reshuffles created havoc in financial markets

20 February 2019

Eskom chairperson Jabu Mabuza will testify before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Friday, and is expected to give insight into the financial status of the power utility when the new board took over last year. Essentially, the events of 2015, the commencement year of the R3-billion contract with coal supplier Tegeta, will form a large part of the evidence sought by the commission for the coming few weeks.

Eskom’s procurement processes to be closely scrutinised

21 February 2019

Wednesday, 20 February, marked the beginning of the commission’s focus on state-owned entities in the state capture project, with Eskom first in line.

Eskom’s disregard of procurement processes in the spotlight

22 February 2019

Overdue announcement of results, a bad credit record, no funding, and threats of no further funding. This is the Eskom Jabu Mabuza and the rest of the board found when they started in January last year. The board inherited a financially unstable company, and there have been many hurdles to overcome.

Eskom, from world’s top five to total dysfunctionality

22 February 2019

Eskom chairperson Jabu Mabuza has told the commission of inquiry into state capture that it is important for the utility to have the confidence of investors and funders, because it relies heavily on this for survival.

Eskom must have investor confidence to survive

25 February 2019

Eskom board chairperson Jabu Mabuza concluded his appearance before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday. He said that Eskom’s most vulnerable period was between March and December 2015, when a change in leadership enabled third parties affiliated to the Guptas to run amok, pillaging the power utility’s finances along the way.

Mabuza unpacks Eskom capture

27 February 2019

Former chief executive of Glencore, Clinton Ephron, has told the commission of inquiry into state capture how a struggling Optimum coal mine was at Eskom’s mercy for years while negotiating for an amendment to their coal supply agreement.

Struggling Optimum helped to its doom by Eskom

28 February 2019

When former sports and recreation minister Fikile Mbalula was informed of his imminent promotion by members of the Gupta family. He reported this at a meeting of the ANC’s national executive committee but to members’ consternation, former president Jacob Zuma did not address the issue on the day, or on any other occasion after that.

Mbalula’s 2011 Gupta disclosure swept under the carpet

March 2019

1 March 2019

Eskom head of treasury Andre Pillay testified that a R25-billion loan facility signed in 2017 by then interim CEO Sean Maritz was a grossly flawed process that exposed interference from then board chairperson Zethembe Khoza and former public enterprises minister Lynn Brown.

Eskom pressed to sign up for dodgy R25bn loan agreement

4 March 2019

For the R25-billion loan deal between Eskom and Chinese firm Huarong to proceed, all repayments from the power utility would have to be paid into the account of an entity called Ideva. This put officials in Eskom’s treasury unit in an awkward situation, and prompted senior manager for funding execution Sincedile Shweni to demand that Ideva submit financial statements, through which he could assess its legitimacy.

Executives bypassed regulations to push through Eskom-Huarong deal

5 March 2019

The controversial advance payment of R659-million that Eskom made to Tegeta Exploration in April 2016 came under the spotlight at the commission of inquiry into state capture on Tuesday. The commission heard how procurement controls were breached in order to process the payment on an unusually tight deadline.

Multi-million-rand Tegeta payment rushed through irregularly

11 March 2019

Another manager in Eskom’s primary energy division has testified to the irregular processes that senior executives at the power utility used to impose penalties on Optimum mine while that it was owned by Glencore Minerals and during the lead up to its acquisition by Tegeta Exploration.

Eskom execs helped Tegeta bully Glencore into selling Optimum

11 March 2019

The commission of inquiry into state capture heard on Monday how Eskom lied to National Treasury about Majuba power station receiving coal from Brakfontein Extension, a part of the Brakfontein mine with which the power utility concluded a coal supply agreement in March 2015.

Power station forced to accept sub-standard coal from Gupta company

12 March 2019

A dismissive Brian Molefe, new in the position of CEO in 2015, wanted to hear nothing of a proposed price hike by Eskom to Optimum, on the basis that the mine had for some time been supplying coal at a higher cost than what they were getting from Eskom for it.

Eskom execs refused to listen to reason in Optimum case

12 March 2019

Standard Bank’s Ian Sinton has revealed how his team had to investigate a trail of transactions over the course of 2014 that the bank deemed suspicious, stemming from Transnet as the original source. Over R200-milliion was moved around in this way, before Standard Bank took action.

Standard Bank probed suspicious transactions between Transnet and contractors

13 March 2019

Tom Moyane’s lawyer, Advocate Dali Mpofu, submitted Moyane’s argument to be permitted to cross-examination, over allegations Pravin Gordhan made against him during his testimony before the commission in November last year.

Arguments for and against Moyane’s application to cross-examine Gordhan

14 March 2019

The commission of inquiry into state capture heard on Wednesday that former Gupta company Oakbay Investments may have lied about being good for the money to buy Glencore-owned Optimum mine in early 2016.

Dodgy machinations behind Eskom’s insistence of Optimum sale to Oakbay

14 March 2019

Former mineral resources director-general, Thibedi Ramontja, told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Thursday that all issues relating to Optimum mine became centralised in the office of former minister Mosebenzi Zwane when he arrived at the department in late 2015.

Zwane took over Optimum Mine-related issues on appointment as minister

15 March 2019

Former deputy finance minister Mcebisi Jonas has refuted claims by Duduzane Zuma that the only reason the latter drove him to the Gupta family home in Saxonwold on 23 October 2015 was to help settle a spat between Jonas and Duduzane’s long-time friend Fana Hlongwane.

Jonas sticks to his story under cross-examination

18 March 2019

Former public enterprises minister Lynne Brown brought changes to the Denel board in mid-2015 that contributed to its financial freefall and did not speak to the needs of the arms company at that time.

Denel board appointed without following proper processes

20 March 2019

The board of directors appointed at state-owned arms company Denel in 2015 did not only embark on a deal with VR Laser without sufficiently researching market appetite for this new entity, but a consequence of the deal is that Denel lost a lot of money in the process, while VR Laser was the main beneficiary.

Lynne Brown a major player in Denel’s ill-advised moves

20 March 2019

The takeover of VR Laser, the company allegedly used by the Gupta family to advance a venture with Denel and establish the controversial Denel Asia, was detailed by its former shareholder and COO Madoda Benny Jiyane at the commission of inquiry into state capture on Tuesday, 19 March.

VR Laser’s Jiyane swiftly and sneakily forced out by Gupta cronies

21 March 2019

The only reason former Denel head Riaz Saloojee lost his job in 2016 was because he was a stumbling block to all Gupta attempts to do irregular business with the state-owned arms manufacturer.

Denel Asia nothing but a money-making scheme for Guptas

22 March 2019

Fikile Mbalula confirmed on Friday that he told an ANC national executive committee meeting in 2011 of his anger and irritation at finding out from by Ajay Gupta of his impending promotion from deputy minister of police to minister of sports and recreation the previous year.

Mbalula was concerned about the Guptas’ growing influence and power

26 March 2019

Former Bosasa auditor Peet Venter told the Zondo commission that he was threatened by former Bosasa COO turned whistle-blower Angelo Agrizzi to get him to participate in Agrizzi’s plan to expose Bosasa CEO Gavin Watson.

Agrizzi, Van Tonder plotted to expose Gavin Watson and take Bosasa down

27 March 2019

On his second day of testimony at the Zondo commission of inquiry into state capture, former Bosasa auditor Peet Venter told the commission that the firm’s CEO Gavin Watson asked him numerous times to do illegal things.

Bosasa CEO Watson made others do his dirty work

June 2019

3 June 2019

Former ANN7 editor Rajesh Sundaram described his role in helping to set up in 2013 what he called a television station for the “mafia” who just wanted to spew out propaganda to South Africans, as the biggest regret of his career. Sundaram started testifying at the Zondo Commission today.

ANN7 train wreck run by Number 9

3 June 2019

Recruited in India in 2013, Rajesh Sundaram was never even interviewed as is the requirement for visa applicants, and his application was largely expedited through Gupta associate Ashu Chawla, who had influence with the office of then president Jacob Zuma. Sundaram had his visa within a day of submitting the relevant documentation.

Visa laws flouted in favour of Gupta employee

5 June 2019

In determining the best choice of loans to fund the multi-billion-rand locomotives procurement project that was concluded in 2014, Transnet executives may have opted to use the concept of interest rate swaps strategically to the benefit of their loan fixers, among them Regiments.

Only loan fixers and banks benefited from Transnet’s interest rate swaps

6 June 2019

The latest former Transnet executive to testify before the commission of inquiry into state capture – Mathane Makgatho, who headed up the treasury unit – has laid bare the deliberate side-lining of her department during the locomotives procurement process, by then group CFO Anoj Singh.

Singh brushed aside concerns with Regiments’ role in Transnet procurement

6 June 2019

Former Transnet group treasurer Mathane Makgatho has told the commission of inquiry into state capture that she often butted heads with her former boss, Anoj Singh, on matters pertaining to project funding within the parastatal. In the lead-up to the acquisition of 1 054 locomotives in 2014 in particular, she would begin to see a pattern forming of the former group CFO deliberately undermining her role.

Singh defended Regiments’ intrusion on Transnet procurement processes

7 June 2019

In concluding her testimony before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Friday, former Transnet group treasurer Mathane Makgatho described a toxic environment that was so bad for her security and her health, it led to her resignation at the end of November 2014, just 20 months into the position.

Toxic Transnet environment drove people away

10 June 2019

Former Transnet chief information officer Makano Mosidi testified before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday that a memorandum signed by her, recommending that the parastatal award a data services contract to IT company T-Systems, was signed under duress, and while recommendations she had made had not been followed.

T-Systems awarded Transnet tender against CIO’s recommendation

10 June 2019

A Transnet board meeting in January 2017 that was to rubber-stamp a tender process for a data services contract ended up becoming an attack of the parastatal’s systems by former director Stanley Shane.

Transnet’s Gijima/T-Systems data services tender debacle

10 June 2019

The commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday heard how Siyabonga Gama cautioned a compromised former chief information officer of Transnet, Makano Mosidi, of the dangers of procurement, where one could endanger their life if not careful.

Transnet’s Siyabonga Gama to CIO: Procurement is a dangerous game

11 June 2019

The commission of inquiry into state capture heard on Tuesday how executives of telecommunications provider Neotel failed to dupe auditors Deloitte in 2015 when the latter picked up irregular payments to Gupta-linked company Homix, in relation to a R1.8-billion Transnet contract awarded to Neotel.

The dodgy dealings of Neotel and Transnet (with a little help from Homix)

12 June 2019

Former National Prosecuting Authority head Mxolisi Nxasana has told the commission of inquiry into state capture that he did not have to undergo an interview ahead of his appointment to the position in 2013. Nxasana is the first witness to have been called on the directive of chairperson Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo.

No interview required for Nxasana appointment

12 June 2019

While on the face of it he was warmly welcomed to the position of national director of public prosecutions in October 2013, Mxolisi Nxasana has told the commission of inquiry into state capture that his predecessor, Advocate Nomgqobo Jiba, was waging an active campaign to have him removed.

NPA officials, including Jiba, manoeuvred to get rid of Nxasana

14 June 2019

What started out as a quest for South African Airways to secure a debt consolidation loan in 2015 became a case of gross flouting of its procurement processes, largely at the hands of its board. This has been the evidence of the financially unstable airline’s former treasurer, Cynthia Stimpel, whose objection to a board-proposed move to get the funding from the Free State Development Corporation led to her suspension in late 2016.

SAA board interfered in procurement processes

18 June 2019

Former SAA chief financial officer Phumeza Nhantsi says her initiation into the state-owned entity involved engaging formal processes in reverse, at the behest of a board that flouted procurement prescripts. Nhantsi told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Tuesday that she was used as a vehicle by other people to enrich themselves.

“Throughout this process, I did things in reverse”, former SAA CFO admits

19 June 2019

The former CFO of South African Airways, Phumeza Nhantsi, has told the commission of inquiry into state capture that she endured severe pressure from the airline’s then chairperson Dudu Myeni on the one hand and Masotsha Mngadi of BNP Capital on the other to sign off on an irregular cancellation fee for the company in 2016.

SAA’s former CFO feared for her job and life when dealing with Dudu Myeni

20 June 2019

The focus of the inquiry on Wednesday was a contract for handling services on behalf of SA Express at Mahikeng and Pilanesberg airports. Senior provincial and national politicians have been named at the commission of inquiry into state capture as alleged beneficiaries of an elaborate scheme to move money from the local carrier to the ruling party’s coffers.

SA Express money allegedly financed ANC political activities

24 June 2019

The commission of inquiry into state capture has been urged to consider recommending stricter regulation of
businesses involved in the regular movement of money to avoid loopholes used by money launderers and fraudsters.

Evidence leader says commission should seek stricter controls of cash industry

25 June 2019

A company contracted by South African Airways (SAA) in 2016 to provide fuel to some to some of its major route stations has failed to live up to its obligations to the national airline – despite being roped into SAA’s quest to achieve transformation by securing a portion of its fuel business for a black-owned entity.

SAA contractor’s role expanded without following procurement process

26 June 2019

Former South African Airways CEO Sizakele Mzimela told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday that former minister of public enterprises Malusi Gigaba’s tenure saw a breakdown of governance within the national airline.

Gigaba allowed SAA governance and communication to deteriorate

26 June 2019

Of all the issues that former public enterprises minister Malusi Gigaba preoccupied himself with at crisis-riddled
South African Airways a mere three months in office, the proposed closure of a route between Johannesburg and Mumbai, India was uppermost on his priority list. The proposal had come from a competitor on the route, India-based Jet Airways.

Decision on Mumbai route change seemingly made without SAA CEO’s knowledge

28 June 2019

Former Inline director Brandon King informed the commission by affidavit, to clarify a point in BNP director Daniel Mahlangu’s statement, that sole facilitator Masotsha Mngadi had asked BNP to use King’s details in the documentation, instead of Mngadi’s, to conceal his part in the process.

BNP facilitator’s conflict of interest concealed in SAA tender bid

April 2019

1 April 2019

The 2009 Special Investigating Unit report on facilities management company Bosasa was compromised by a court interdict in the early stages of the probe in 2007 that prohibited investigators from interviewing material witnesses.

SIU’s Bosasa investigation hamstrung from start

3 April 2019

Advocate Marijke de Kock, senior prosecutor with the National Prosecuting Authority, told the commission of inquiry on state capture on Tuesday that the documents relating to Bosasa’s fraud and corruption case, submitted by the company’s former COO Angelo Agrizzi to the commission, were authentic NPA records leaked during her investigation several years ago.

More light shed on NPA papers leaked to Bosasa

5 April 2019

Former Free State MEC for economic development Mxolisi Dukwana told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Friday how he was set up by his boss Ace Magashule in 2011 to meet with Rajesh Gupta, who demanded a partnership in a major innovation project under his department.

Former Free State MEC tells of Magashule’s relationship with Guptas

8 April 2019

The chairperson of the commission of inquiry into state capture deputy chief justice Raymond Zondo on Monday slammed his legal team for its failure to adhere to the commission’s rules regarding notices given to people implicated by witnesses who testify before the commission.

Chairperson displeased with second McBride postponement

11 April 2019

The crime intelligence component of South Africa’s law enforcement network was primarily used to frustrate the work of the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (Ipid) for years, the commission of inquiry into state capture heard from former Ipid head Robert McBride on Thursday.

McBride tells of systematic weakening of Ipid under state capture

11 April 2019

The bulk of former Independent Police Investigating Directorate head Robert McBride’s testimony on Thursday focused on the illegal renditions case over which his office presided, that involved former Hawks head Anwar Dramat and his then Gauteng provincial counterpart, General Shadrack Sibiya.

Ipid’s independence compromised by ministerial interference

12 April 2019

Former police minister Nathi Nhleko acted incorrectly in suspending former Hawks head Anwar Dramat and his Ipid counterpart Robert McBride in 2014 and 2015 respectively, as he sought to pursue the agenda of rendering the two institutions dysfunctional.

Nhleko worked hard to destabilise Ipid, McBride reveals

15 April 2019

A notion that Robert McBride and former Hawks head Anwa Dramat know each other personally and are from the same background may have been the motivation behind the political smear campaign accusing McBride of trying to protect a guilty Dramat in the alleged 2010 illegal renditions case over which he was suspended in 2014 and later resigned.

Campaign against McBride, Dramat politically motivated

15 April 2019

Robert McBride, former head of the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (Ipid), and two of his executives were exonerated in 2015 following what he calls a politically charged campaign to get rid of him. This, he said, was for the corruption he exposed in the South African Police Service  over his five-year Ipid term.

Determined efforts to get rid of McBride, Dramat

15 April 2019

Former Ipid head McBride told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday that his successor, Israel Kgamanyane, who was appointed in an acting capacity, lied to Parliament when he reported that the performance of the agency had improved while McBride was suspended.

Mdluli, Zuma investigations the reason for dismissals of Dramat and Sibiya

16 April 2019

The South African Police Service (Saps) runs on a system of patronage – “I do favours for my seniors, I get promoted” – which has a serious consequence for South Africa’s fight against corruption, unless it is curbed, said former Ipid head Robert McBride on Tuesday.

Saps used dirty tricks to go after Ipid, O’Sullivan and Trent

17 April 2019

Before the first whistle of the iconic 2010 Fifa World Cup had gone off, controversial KwaZulu-Natal businessman Thoshan Panday had started making himself lots of money by supplying the provincial police office with services for which invoices were grossly inflated, with the help of senior officials.

Hawks investigation into KZN businessman Panday ruffled feathers

17 April 2019

A mutual friend of former KwaZulu-Natal Hawks head Johan Booysen and Edward Zuma attempted to get the latter’s father, former president Jacob Zuma, to intervene during a tense period when Booysen was investigating an apparent business associate of Edward’s, Thoshan Panday, in 2010. Booysen began testifying before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday.

Panday called in Zuma assistance when the trap tightened

17 April 2019

Detailing what sounded like the plot in a Hollywood detective movie, former KwaZulu-Natal Hawks head Johan Booysen told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday of events that occurred between 2010 and 2011 while he investigated the alleged corruption between Durban businessman Thoshan Panday and senior officials in the province’s police headquarters.

KZN police commissioner protected controversial businessman Panday

18 April 2019

Despite all efforts of the KwaZulu-Natal Hawks to bring Durban businessman Thoshan Panday and Navin Madhoe, his accomplice in the provincial South African Police Service (Saps), to book after a lengthy investigation of corruption, charges against them for the attempt to bribe Johan Booysen were withdrawn.

Corrupt accused pulled out all the stops to avoid prosecution

26 April 2019

Advocates Nomgcobo Jiba and Lawrence Mrwebi, who were both implicated in Bosasa’s bribery scheme, have been sent packing from the National Prosecuting Authority by President Cyril Ramaphosa, on the recommendation of retired Constitutional Court Justice Yvonne Mokgoro, who oversaw a commission of inquiry that sought to determine the pair’s fitness for office.

Ramaphosa fires Jiba, Mrwebi

The Zondo Commission is on a break at the moment and will resume on 2 May 2019.

May 2019

2 May 2019

Not long after he fingered Durban businessman Thoshan Panday for attempting to bribe him in 2011 to evade prosecution, former KwaZulu-Natal Hawks head Johan Booysen was himself facing prosecution and fighting to keep his job.

Booysen describes determined efforts to work him out of KZN Hawks

3 May 2019

Former KZN Hawks head Johan Booysen told the Zondo Commission that in mid-August 2015 he too was invited to the Johannesburg home of the Gupta family, by Duduzane Zuma, the son of former president Jacob Zuma.

Booysen was also invited to the Gupta family home

3 May 2019

Johan Booysen told the Zondo Commission that former police crime intelligence boss Richard Mdluli enjoyed the protection of not only former national police commissioner Riah Phiyega and police minister Nathi Mthethwa, but also senior prosecutors within the National Prosecuting Authority, who stopped at nothing to get rid of his enemies.

Booysen details Saps’ dodgy manoeuvres to get rid of him

3 May 2019

Richard Mdluli was the Achilles Heel for politicians and senior law enforcement officials alike, because of the protection he required from prosecution for his alleged crimes while he headed up the South African Police Service’s crime intelligence unit.

Mdluli was protected by Phiyega, Mthethwa, and NPA prosecutors

7 May 2019

Brian Molefe spearheaded Transnet’s capture from the time he was appointed in 2011, but it was former public enterprises minister Malusi Gigaba who enabled it by appointing the directors that he did, when he came into the portfolio in late 2010.

Brian Molefe, Malusi Gigaba drove Transnet capture

9 May 2019

One of the reasons for state-owned freight and rail entity Transnet’s vulnerability to capture was that although it had an extensive governance structure on paper, it applied only to tenders under a certain value, and on many occasions, contracts were signed off without the stipulated processes of evaluation being followed.

Transnet group procurement processes were opaque and inconsistent

10 May 2019

An unbundling of a R619m payment by Brian Molefe into four separate payments meant that although the full value of the funds went to McKinsey, the payments avoided scrutiny because board approval was not required.

Molefe did not have to get board approval for unbundled payments

15 May 2019

The biggest winner out of Transnet’s multi-billion-rand locomotives contract in 2014 was Gupta-linked consultancy firm Regiments, which had not even been part of the original bid for the contract, but was slipped in through the back door with the help of Brian Molefe and Anoj Singh.

Cost of Transnet locomotive deal inexplicably increased by billions

16 May 2019

The projected cost of Transnet’s locomotive procurement project – which was approved by the parastatal’s board on the back of a memorandum by then group CEO Brian Molefe – stood at R54-billion, via a confinement that did not follow supply chain processes.

Transnet paid agency millions for work it could have done in-house

16 May 2019

The commission of inquiry into state capture heard on Thursday how in May 2016 consultancy firm Regiments ceded its contractual obligations for Transnet’s multi-billion-rand locomotives contract to Trillian Capital Partners, with the help of a confinement process facilitated by former group CEO Siyabonga Gama.

Trillian paid R82m for work it did not do

17 May 2019

A business proposal presented to the Transnet board in January 2014 to request a confinement to China South Rail (CSR) in the procurement of 100 electric and diesel locomotives for use on the company’s coal line between Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal was grossly flawed, and should never have been approved.

Flawed proposal for locomotives approved despite engineer’s questions

20 May 2019

Transnet’s alleged irregular management of its R54-billion locomotives contract in 2014 did not end at the bias displayed in the manufacturer contracts, or the inflated costs of supplier services, obtained from a monopoly of Gupta-related companies, but also extended to the delivery programme for the 1 064 locomotives being procured.

Accelerated locomotive delivery plan a financial burden for Transnet

23 May 2019

A shelf company that made over R70-million for the supposed relocation of manufacturing operations in the implementation phase of Transnet’s 1 064 locomotives project was at the centre of the proceedings at the commission of inquiry into state capture on Thursday.

Company that scored millions from Transnet probably not genuine

24 May 2019

Transnet’s tender dispute regulations came under scrutiny at the commission of inquiry into state capture on Friday during the testimony of Sharla Chetty (nee Pillay), the chief information officer of Transnet Port Terminals – particularly in relation to her award of a multimillion-rand network services tender to Neotel in October 2013, during the absence of group CEO Brian Molefe, in whose position Chetty was acting at the time.

Transnet’s tender dispute regulations under discussion

27 May 2019

An offer to Transnet from IT company T-Systems of a R248-million discount in pursuit of the parastatal’s network services tender in late 2013, actually came from government – according to Gerhard van der Westhuizen, who worked in the procurement division of Transnet until 2014.

Molefe deliberately flouted Transnet procurement policy

28 May 2019

An ongoing investigation by Mncedisi Ndlovu and Sedumedi Attorneys (MNS) has found that China South Rail (CSR), the Chinese company that won a R2.6-billion Transnet tender for 95 locomotives enjoyed preferential treatment from executives at the state-owned entity – so much so that Transnet’s own procurement rules were bent to suit CSR, when it failed to qualify in the very first round of the tender evaluation process.

Transnet favoured CSR by changing its own rules

28 May 2019

Former public enterprises minister Malusi Gigaba allegedly played the role of enabler in Transnet’s contravention of government’s preferential procurement law in the state-owned entity’s R54-billion locomotives project, first entered into in 2012.

Gigaba encouraged Transnet to flout Treasury conditions

28 May 2019

China South Rail’s second contract with Transnet, for 100 locomotives, saw CSR calling the shots after being approved on an allegedly flawed confinement basis, a high-level investigation into Transnet has found.

Transnet allowed CSR to dictate terms and defy contract conditions

July 2019

1 July 2019

Apart from giving instructions for the appointments and dismissals of senior executives without following due processes, former South African Airways chairperson Dudu Myeni was not above fabricating whistle-blower complaints to taint members of staff whom she wanted removed.

Myeni hired and fired at will at SAA

2 July 2019

Tony Gupta wanted government to allow his family to hold a welcome party on the tarmac of OR Tambo International Airport in 2013, most likely to prove his influence and importance to guests from India who were coming to a family wedding.

Guptas pushed for permission to hold a party on ORTIA tarmac

3 July 2019

The commission of inquiry heard how former chief of state protocol and now ambassador to the Netherlands, Bruce Koloane, abused the names of former president Jacob Zuma, as well as ministers Ben Martins and Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, to approve the landing.

Guptas defied govt resistance to special aircraft landing arrangements

8 July 2019

Jerry Matjila, former director-general for the Department of International Relations (Dirco), has described to the commission of inquiry into state capture the panic within the department after the Gupta family landed a private aircraft at Waterkloof air force base in Pretoria in 2013.

Dirco panic as unsanctioned Waterkloof landing was followed by wayward guests

8 July 2019

“I was just acting purely under the presumption that there had been total compliance [by the high commissioner],” said former chief of state protocol and now ambassador to the Netherlands, Bruce Koloane, in relation to the approval of the landing of a civilian aircraft, carrying Gupta wedding guests, at Waterkloof air base in 2013. “It’s important to note that I didn’t say approve or decline the request. I just said process the request so the process of clearance can be conducted.”

Koloane claims misunderstanding led to DoD’s Gupta Waterkloof approval

9 July 2019

Six years after the Gupta plane landing saga at Waterkloof air force base in Pretoria, South Africa’s ambassador to the Netherlands, Bruce Koloane, has admitted to name dropping, using the names of former president Jacob Zuma and two of his cabinet ministers to expedite the flight clearance process for the aircraft carrying the Gupta family’s wedding guests.

Koloane on Gupta Waterkloof landing: “I abused the power of my office”

10 July 2019

The commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday received a reconciliation of payments made by Transnet in respect of the locomotives deals that were the focus of its attention in May. The biggest shocker was the amount paid to Gupta-linked Regiments for R305-million for advisory services in relation to the R49-billion 1 064 locomotives deal of 2014.

To date, Regiments has scored R305-million from Transnet

11 July 2019

Major Thabo Ntshisi, the Department of Defence official who cleared the private flight from India in April 2013 that landed at the Waterkloof air force base with guests of the Gupta family, denies that he acted under duress from Bruce Koloane to do so, despite the former chief of state protocol having not supplied the requisite paperwork for such a request.

Wheeling and dealing for Gupta Waterkloof landing clearance

12 July 2019

A second company allegedly used to re-channel funds from a R51-million per annum contract by SA Express (SAX) in 2015 has come under the spotlight of the commission of inquiry into state capture. Neo Solutions CEO Vivien Natasen testified on Friday to transactions by former SAX general manager for commercial, Brian van Wyk, which involved Natasen’s company.

Bribes for politicians all in a day’s work for SAX’s Brian van Wyk

15 July 2019

The commission of inquiry into state capture, like many other structures before it, is the product of intelligence forces within and outside the ANC who are conducting a campaign to discredit former president Jacob Zuma. The spies have long had a campaign to discredit Zuma and remove him from any position of leadership. This was the gist of Zuma’s opening remarks before the commission on Monday.

Zuma claims conspiracies and smear campaigns against him

15 July 2019

Former president Jacob Zuma told the Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture that he does not recall making the call to Themba Maseko, telling him to assist the Gupta brothers. Maseko at that time was CEO of the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS). During his appearance at the commission in August 2018, Maseko said Zuma had called him and told him to help the Guptas in their pursuit for an alternative newspaper and television station.

Zuma’s memory blank on asking Themba Maseko to assist Guptas

16 July 2019

Former president Jacob Zuma returned to the stand before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Tuesday. He testified that he did not recall interfering in the work of the Government Communications and Information System (GCIS) in relation to the Gupta-owned New Age newspaper, as per the testimony of former GCIS CEO Themba Maseko in August last year.

Zuma claims limited contact with Guptas during set-up of the New Age

16 July 2019

Former president Jacob Zuma’s legal counsel has accused the head of the state capture commission’s legal team, Advocate Paul Pretorius, of trying to invoke certain emotions with his way of questioning. Zuma’s legal team objected to the line of questioning at this morning’s session, claiming Pretorius wants the commission chairperson, Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, to read something into it, and that Zuma was ambushed in an unfair cross-examination.

Zuma’s counsel objects to “unfair” line of questioning

17 July 2019

Former president Jacob Zuma refutes the claims made by the former minister of public enterprises Barbara Hogan. Hogan told the commission in November last year that Zuma interfered heavily with senior appointments and wanted specific candidates even if they did not meet the requirements. Zuma denied this on his third appearance at the Zondo commission of inquiry into state capture.

Zuma cannot remember insisting on Gama’s appointment as Transnet CEO

19 July 2019

Former president Jacob Zuma will continue to participate in the process of the commission of inquiry into state capture, despite having withdrawn earlier on the basis of unfair conduct. Zuma’s lawyer, Advocate Muzi Sikhakhane, had earlier on Friday declared that his client may even consider challenging the commission’s conduct against him in court.

Zuma reverses direction on withdrawal from state capture commission

19 July 2019

After a meeting between Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, the commission’s counsel and Zuma’s counsel in the chairperson’s chambers, all parties reached common ground for Zuma to continue giving evidence before the commission. This was after he had earlier said, through his lawyers, that he was withdrawing.

Zuma supporters demand equal treatment for all witnesses

22 July 2019

The Free State provincial legislature failed to hold former premier Ace Magashule and his agriculture MEC Mosebenzi Zwane accountable in 2013 after the alleged looting in the Vrede dairy farm project started, the commission of inquiry into state capture heard on Monday. On the witness stand to kick off the commission’s focus on the project – through which over R280-million is alleged to have been looted – was Roy Jankielsohn, a member of the legislature representing the DA.

Free State govt failed to act on alleged Vrede Dairy corruption

August 2019

13 August 2019

Former Free State agriculture MEC Mosebenzi Zwane pressured Phumelela municipality into leasing farming land for the Estina dairy farm project in 2012, to the extent that his team drew up the resolutions – usually done by council – that would give the project the green light. This was the testimony of former municipal manager Moses Moremi before the commission of inquiry into state capture.

Phumelela municipal council rushed into Vrede deal with no consideration

15 August 2019

The Free State government went with Indian company Paras in the Estina integrated dairy farm project in 2012 because no-one in South Africa was interested in supporting it, according to Peter Thabethe, the former head of the provincial agriculture department – and implicated by several witnesses in spearheading the project, which was allegedly mismanaged and from which over R200-million has reportedly been looted, leaving its intended beneficiaries out in the cold.

Former Free State agriculture head Thabethe discusses his role in Vrede saga

19 August 2019

Former justice minister Jeff Radebe initiated the push in 2014 for Mxolisi Nxasana to vacate his position as the national director of public prosecutions, which eventually happened in 2015. According to Nxasana, former president Jacob Zuma seemed to be under immense pressure to fire him, following some false rumour peddling by Nomgcobo Jiba and Lawrence Mrwebi that Nxasana would reinstate corruption charges against Zuma.

Jiba, Mrwebi spread rumours to induce Zuma to fire Mxolisi Nxasana

20 August 2019

Former head of the Free State agriculture department Peter Thabethe has conceded that he went into an agreement with Gupta-linked Estina in 2012 to run the provincial government’s multi-million-rand dairy farm project in Vrede with no feasibility study in hand, nor approval from the local municipality to use its land.

No due diligence or feasibility study done before Estina deal drawn up

26 August 2019

A former senior staffer in the office of former minister in the presidency, the late Collins Chabane, has confirmed before the commission of inquiry into state capture that the minister did indeed receive an instruction in 2011 from former president Jacob Zuma to fire Themba Maseko. In his testimony before the commission Zuma denied that he had given such an instruction.

Zuma lied about Maseko sacking, says official

28 August 2019

Former Free State MEC of economic development Mxolisi Dukwana wants to see ANC secretary–general Ace Magashule in jail for his involvement in what he calls the “asbestos heist” during Magashule’s time as premier. Dukwana is testifying before the commission of inquiry into state capture, and is into his second day.

“Blesser” Ace should be in jail

29 August 2019

Evidence led at the commission of inquiry into state capture on Friday focused on the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) funding to EML Energy, the black-owned company roped into the fuel procurement strategy of South African Airways (SAA) in 2016 in the name of transformation. The IDC’s chief risk officer, Mark Mainganya, was in the witness chair.

Lax approval process for multi-million-rand IDC loans

29 August 2019

Two months after giving evidence before the commission of inquiry into state capture in June, Mahikeng businesswoman Babadi Tlatsana has fled the country in fear for her safety. Tlatsana’s destination remains a secret.

SA Express witness flees for her life

September 2019

03 September 2019 

South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) CEO Mzwamadoda Mxakwe says the public broadcaster has met all the pre-conditions for a government bailout, but to date has not received it. A bailout is the only way that the SABC – currently sitting on a debt of R1.8-billion – will be able to rise to the surface again. He testified on Tuesday before the commission of inquiry into state capture.

SABC needs bailout to survive, says CEO

03 September 2019

The editorial integrity of the SABC suffered a knock when a breakdown of governance systems was allowed over a long period, leading to a newsroom that operated on “auto-pilot”. This is according to Phatiswa Magopeni, the public broadcaster’s head of news, who testified before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Tuesday.

External interference caused ‘serious decay’ at SABC

04 September 2019

The commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday heard how, in early 2012, members of the Gupta family lobbied for an SABC channel to start up their broadcast news offering to then group CEO Lulama Mokhobo, just one week after she had occupied the position. Mokhobo testified that then acting COO Hlaudi Motsoeneng took her to the Saxonwold home of the Guptas, only telling her that someone wanted to congratulate her on her appointment.

SABC’s irregular dealings with the Guptas

05 September 2019

Bruce Koloane has resigned as South Africa’s ambassador to the Netherlands, said Naledi Pandor, minister in the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (Dirco), in response to an oral question in Parliament on Wednesday.

Bruce Koloane resigns as Netherlands ambassador

09 September 2019

“Everything was done in good faith, on the understanding that it was helping the SABC.” This is the justification given by former SABC board chairperson Dr Ben Ngubane on Monday for the appointment of Hlaudi Motsoeneng as acting COO in 2011. It was his strong people skills that won Motsoeneng the confidence of the board. Ngubane was testifying before the commission of inquiry into state capture.

Motsoeneng’s ‘people skills’ helped him rapidly climb the ladder

10 September 2019

Hlaudi Motsoeneng has blamed bad advice given to him in 1995 by Marie Swanepoel, an official at the SABC in the Free State, for the narrative of lying about his lack of matric, that has dogged his profile at the public broadcaster. He conceded that he had never applied for any of the positions he held at the public broadcaster, but was head hunted from the start, due to his talent.

Motsoeneng “I’m the main man who influenced decisions of the SABC”

17 September 2019

Because it is very easy to abuse state assets when you work in the crime intelligence unit of the South African Police Service (Saps), some of its senior officials did so with impunity for years. As a result of this, crime intelligence abused the system of classifying documents to hide corruption and fraud.

Police crime intelligence corruption revealed

18 Sepember 2019

On his second day of testimony before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday, Hawks investigator Kobus Roelofse named senior journalist Ranjeni Munusamy and Arts and Culture Minister Nathi Mthethwa as beneficiaries of proceeds from an illegal scheme in which the secret service account (SSA) of the crime intelligence (CI) unit of the police was abused.

Cars, private trips, home security upgrades paid for by illegal CI scheme

19 September 2019

The almost decade-long investigation into alleged fraud and corruption against former head of crime intelligence (CI) Lieutenant-General Richard Mdluli and former procurement head Colonel Heine Barnard has been frustrated at all levels, including that of national police commissioner. It became clear to Hawks senior investigator Colonel Kobus Roelofse, though, that the classified documents kept from him possibly incriminated more than just Mdluli and Barnard, but important people outside the South African Police Service (Saps) too. He returned for his third day of testimony before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Thursday.

Mdluli investigation deliberately hampered at all levels

25 September 2019

“No matter how much we tried to explain these issues, it was clear that the decision had already been made that we must be removed.” This is the evidence of the head of investigations for the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (Ipid) Matthews Sesoko to the commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday. He was describing the distress suffered by himself and the directorate’s former executive director Robert McBride after they stood up against the purging of senior Hawks officials.

Nhleko was out to get Ipid’s Sesoko and McBride

26 September 2019

Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo has ordered that the testimony of crime intelligence (CI) official Colonel Dhanajaya Naidoo be heard in camera by the commission of inquiry into state capture on Friday.

The order, which was in response to an application by Naidoo, is the first of its kind for the commission, which began with public hearings in August last year.

First in-camera witness for Zondo

30 September 2019

Journalist Ranjeni Munusamy had her car repaired by the police’s crime intelligence (CI) unit in 2008 in return for her positive reporting on the division. This was alleged by former CI official Colonel Dhanajaya Naidoo on his second day of testimony before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday. Naidoo continues to testify in camera as he is currently under witness protection.

Crime intelligence paid for Munusamy car service

October 2019

01 October 2019

Although he never had any cash advances made out in his name, former crime intelligence (CI) head General Richard Mdluli was responsible for about R5-million of the unit’s funds being spent on the salaries and workrelated expenses of seven relatives employed under suspicious circumstances by CI. These employees very rarely presented themselves for duty, and would spend their time either shopping or maxing out petrol cards issued by CI. Theirs were among 250 appointments that would later catch the eye of the Hawks.

Mdluli nepotism, lease scheme revealed-converted

02 October 2019

Former crime intelligence (CI) officer Dhanajaya Naidoo closed off his testimony at the Zondo commission of inquiry into state capture with a tearful apology for his role in the looting of CI’s secret service account. Naidoo made more revelations about the looting of the slush fund and the intelligence officers who unlawfully benefited from the account.

CI slush fund used for private perks-converted

03 October 2019

The Vrede dairy farm project was again the topic under discussion at the commission of inquiry into state capture as former head of the Free State Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Peter Thabethe, made a return to the stand. Thabethe’s first round of testimony had to be adjourned after his legal team allegedly ditched him. He came back to give evidence about his role in the controversial dairy farm project.

Gupta wedding flight opened Vrede dairy can of worms

07 October 2019

For years there has been a strong narrative of Duduzane Zuma being a fixer and conduit between the Gupta family and influential government leaders, and it does not surprise him that details of such would surface before the commission of inquiry into state capture.

Zondo commission – Duduzane denies all allegations of impropriety

08 October 2019

Duduzane Zuma has told the commission of inquiry that the court of public opinion has rendered him a corrupt individual, despite the contrary being true, mainly due to the narrative put forward by the media over the years. He returned to the commission on Tuesday to wrap up his testimony

“I am looked at as a criminal,” says Duduzane

11 October 2019

The US has blacklisted the Gupta family, in a move praised by Justice Minister Ronald Lamola, on Thursday. Meanwhile, the dates for the return of former president Jacob Zuma to the commission of inquiry into state capture were confirmed.

Guptas on US blacklist, and the imminent return of Jacob Zuma

16 October 2019

The Guptas were no strangers to the structures of the Free State provincial government and were known to many officials who worked there – so much so that a mid-2010 executive committee meeting discussing a proposal to advertise in, and subscribe, to their New Age newspaper gave the administration the green light to do this.

Guptas were familiar in Free State government circles

17 October 2019

Former president Jacob Zuma will no longer appear before the commission of inquiry into state capture next week as previously announced by its chairperson Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo.

Zuma’s October appearance cancelled, November still on the schedule

31 October 2019

Mark Pamensky, the man reported to have been the Gupta ally within the board of Eskom when the family held lucrative coal contracts, took the stand at the commission of inquiry into state capture on Thursday. Pamensky, a qualified auditor, told the commission that he applied for a position on the power utility’s board in response to a newspaper advert in late 2014, with the intention to help the company reverse the financial disarray it was in at the time. He was at Eskom from December 2014 to November 2016.

Former Eskom director Pamensky takes the stand-converted

November 2019

01 November 2019

The Chairperson has decided to postpone the evidence of the witnesses scheduled to appear on Monday, 4 and Tuesday, 5 November 2019 to a date to be determined in due course. The hearings of the Commission will therefore resume on Wednesday, 6 November 2019 at the City of Johannesburg Council Chamber, 158 Civic Boulevard, Braamfontein.

Media statement 01 November 2019

05 November 2019

The former President, Mr JG Zuma, will will continue testimony before the Commission from 11 November 2019 to 15 November 2019.

Media statement (Mr JG ZUMA) 05 November 2019

05 November 2019

The Commission has been informed by the legal representatives of the former President, Mr JG Zuma, that he is ill and unable to attend the hearings scheduled for 11-15 November 2019.

Media statement (Pres ZUMA) 05 November 2019

06 Novemebr 2019

Former government spokesperson Themba Maseko returned to the witness chair at the commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday to provide more information on his 2011 transfer from the Government Communications Information System (GCIS) to the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA).

Procedures not followed in Maseko removal from GCIS

07 November 2019

Mzwanele Manyi told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Thursday that he did not have a special relationship with the Guptas during his tenure in government, but supported their New Age newspaper on the basis that it challenged the industry status quo with its unique approach to advertising.

Manyi defends GCIS’ liaison with the New Age-converted

18 November 2019

Former British MP Lord Peter Hain told the Zondo commission today that South African banks were complicit in the Gupta family’s money laundering activities.

Banks complicit in Gupta money laundering, says Hain

19 November 2019

Former director-general (DG) in the Presidency Reverend Frank Chikane is of the view that state capture could have been arrested if the political will to do so had existed when it first reared its head.

Chikane says state capture could have been stopped

19 November 2019

Former deputy finance minister Mcebisi Jonas refused to co-operate with the Hawks in its investigation of the Gupta family, even after the intervention of then Hawks head General Berning Ntlemeza, despite his public announcement that Ajay Gupta offered him a bribe.

Hawks deputy head questions truth of Jonas’ testimony

21 November 2019

The hearings of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption and Fraud in the Public Sector including Organs of State will resume on 21 November at 10h00.

Media Advisory The Commission Of Inquiry Into Sate Capture Resumes On 21 November 2019

21 November 2019 

Former minister of international relations and co-operation Maite Nkoana-Mashabane told the Zondo commission today that former president Jacob Zuma was aware of who Bruce Koloane was before he appointed him as the South African ambassador to the Netherlands.

Koloane’s Waterkloof transgression not a problem for Dirco

24 November 2019

The hearings of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption and Fraud in the Public Sector including Organs of State will resume on 25 November at 10h00.

Media Advisory The Commission Of Inquiry Into State Capture Resumes On 25 November 2019

25 November 2019

Former South African Revenue Service commissioner Tom Moyane should be able to defend himself against state capture allegations made against him by Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan before the Zondo commission – provided that by 15 January 2020, he submits an affidavit stating clearly his position on Gordhan’s assertion that he used his position as commissioner to advance the objectives of state capture.

Moyane may cross-examine Gordhan, subject to affidavit submission

26 November 2019

The make-up of the state intelligence services in South Africa changed drastically when former president Jacob Zuma came into office in 2009, notably going against the principles in the Constitution that aimed to preserve it from interference and capture.

Intelligence services restructured to protect the state, says Mo Shaik

27 November 2019 

Transnet’s procurement plan for its 1 064 locomotives project in 2013 saw an unreasonable increase in estimated cost from R38.6-billion to R54.9-billion, which is unjustifiable. The estimated cost to company (ETC) included in the business case approved by the board around the middle of 2013, made allowance for a 41% increase, whereas an 11% increase would have done just fine.

Unjustifiable increase in cost of Transnet locomotives project-converted

December 2019

03 December 2019

Former president Jacob Zuma has until next Monday to respond through a written submission to an application by journalist Redi Tlhabi to cross-examine him at the commission of inquiry into state capture. This is in connection with evidence given by Zuma during his appearance in July that relates to Tlhabi.

Zuma and Tlhabi may yet face off-converted

03 December 2019

Themba Maseko was not only aware of his move from the Government Communication Information System (GCIS) to the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) in 2011, but even agreed to it, despite telling the commission of inquiry into state capture differently. This is what Maseko’s former boss and then DPSA minister Richard Baloyi told the commission on Tuesday.

Check Maseko’s version properly, commission told

04 December 2019

Fana Hlongwane remembers a lot about a meeting arranged by Duduzane Zuma in which former deputy finance minister Mcebisi Jonas was also present in October 2015, but not the core subject of the trio’s discussion. This despite the fact that the meeting was meant as a platform for him and Jonas to iron out issues that had surfaced, with Zuma being the conduit.

Hlongwane hazy on details of meeting with Jonas and D. Zuma

January 2020

13 January 2020

Former president Jacob Zuma plans to oppose an application for a summons to be issued to him to appear before the commission of inquiry into state capture later this month. He has failed to appear on two previous occasions scheduled by the commission, in October and November last year.

Zuma set to oppose Zondo summons say reports

14 January 2020

The application to have the commission of inquiry into state capture issue a summons on former president Jacob Zuma to appear at the end of this month was adjourned on Tuesday for procedural reasons. This is to give the commission’s legal team some time to prepare an answering affidavit to one submitted by Zuma on Monday, citing his unavailability for medical reasons.

Zuma too sick to be summonsed

14 January 2020

Lieutenant Colonel Christine Anderson, the official in charge of movements at Waterkloof air force base at the time of the landing of the private Indian aircraft carrying guests of the Gupta family, took the stand before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Tuesday.

Gupta guests’ landing at Waterkloof in the spotlight again

15 January 2020

Former KwaZulu-Natal police commissioner Mmamonye Ngobeni received so much protection from members of the South African Police Service (Saps) and the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) that a corruption case that implicated her was swept under the carpet.

Thoshan Panday’s dodgy connections with Saps-converted

20 January 2020

The smoking gun in the Thoshan Panday corruption case involving the KwaZulu-Natal South African Police  Service (Saps) took the form of a simple-looking notebook in which the businessman’s personal assistant recorded every single detail of his scheme. Forensic investigator Trevor White told this to the commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday.

Panday’s dealings with police revealed in assistant’s notebook

22 January 2020

Forensic auditor Trevor White started his 2009 investigation into alleged procurement irregularities in the KwaZulu-Natal provincial government from the bottom up. The accountant-general in National Treasury advised White to proceed thus to avoid the possible muddling of the probe, should he end up finding against politicians.

Details of Amigos case surface in auditors testimony

23 January 2020

Whether or not the commission of inquiry into state capture ends up hearing from former president Jacob Zuma or members of the Gupta family implicated in the evidence of witnesses who have appeared before it, the show will go on and it will conclude its work without their input.

Extension application to be heard on 11 February (1)

23 January 2020

Former Eskom chairperson Zola Tsotsi has told the commission of inquiry into state capture that the blessing for a R43-million sponsorship contract for the Gupta-owned New Age newspaper’s livebroadcast breakfast briefings came from former CEO Colin Matjila soon after his appointment in an acting capacity.

Eskoms Gupta contract under scrutiny

24 January 2020

As was the case with Eskom, Transnet signed a partnership agreement with TNA Media, then owners of the New Age newspaper, without a termination clause, in 2013. Officials who reported to the general manager for shareholder impact Mboniso Sigonyela testified before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Friday.

Transnet GM bent on pricy New Age advertising, sponsorship

February 2020

03 February 2020

The hearings of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption and Fraud in the Public Sector including Organs of State will resume on 04 February 2020 at 10h00.


04 February 2020

An October 2012 meeting with Rajesh “Tony” Gupta at his family’s Saxonwold home was the catalyst for the demise of former South African Airways chairperson and acting CEO Vuyisile Kona, he told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Tuesday.

Refusal to treat with Guptas led to former SAA chair’s downfall

05 February 2020

Former SAA board member and SAA Technical (SAAT) chair Yakhe Kwinana has been implicated in a kickback scandal by a witness appearing before the commission of inquiry into state capture. It was in relation to a R1.2-billion contract for aircraft components for SAAT.

R1.2bn SAAT contract, kickback accusers point fingers at each other

06 February 2020

SAA Technical (SAAT) has to date spent just over R1-billion towards a contract that is shrouded with irregular processes, bidder favouritism and possible corruption, according to a senior official. SAAT is the national carrier’s aircraft maintenance division and is solely owned by SAA.

SAA, SAAT procurement irregularities revealed

13 February 2020

Advocate Nontsasa Memela, former head of procurement for SAA Technical (SAAT), has denied all claims of irregularities in the 2016 R1.3-billion tender for aircraft components and maintenance that was awarded by SAAT to a joint venture between South African company JM Aviation and US-based AAR Corp. The SAAT board approved the JM/AAR joint venture, despite recommendations from management of another supplier, Air France, following procurement process.

SAAT procurement head denies claims of irregularities in R1.3bn tender

17 February 2020

Thalente Myeni, the son of former SAA chairperson and close associate of former president Jacob Zuma, Dudu Myeni, appeared before the commission of inquiry into state capture under subpoena on Monday. Myeni was meant to answer to some of the consultancy work linked to his company, Premier Attraction 1016, which has enjoyed numerous consulting contracts across the country, including government-based.

Thalente Myeni kept no records of his company’s business

18 February 2020

Had it not been for the probe into his business affairs by the state capture commission late last year, the safety of the family of KwaZulu-Natal businessman “Mr X”, who has testified in-camera, would not be a cause for concern. For the period that he has testified on Monday and Tuesday, they have been forced to flee their home and take refuge with neighbours, unsure of what might happen to them, he said.

Myeni laundered R3m to Zuma foundation, says scared Mr X

19 February 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture heard on Wednesday how former South African Airways chairperson Dudu Myeni ordered the vetting of over 100 executive managers of the airline, supposedly for purposes of combating corruption.

Myeni’s invasive vetting of SAA execs uncovered

21 February 2020

“In as much as SAA is an airline, it can’t operate on autopilot.” This was one of the closing remarks of Polani Sokombela, the man who oversaw the auditing of South African Airways (SAA) by government for the first time in 2017. Sokombela is the head of the business executive unit for the Auditor-General of South Africa (Agsa).

SAA was in state of disarray for years

25 February 2020

Former communications minister Yunus Carrim says his stance on the controversial digital migration led to personal attacks aimed at him by those who benefited from the current analogue broadcasting format. Before the Zondo commission of inquiry into state capture today, the ANC veteran listed media companies Naspers and Multichoice as the ones that went out of their way to destroy his name.

Determination to forge ahead with digital migration was Carrim’s downfall

March 2020

13 March 2020

Popo Molefe’s board arrived in August 2014 to find the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) in the initial stages of an ambitious R172-billion modernisation programme that included infrastructure development and the procurement of trains for commuter services.

Fake qualifications, non-existent job offers, and dodgy contracts at Prasa

13 March 2020

Former Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) board chairperson Popo Molefe has detailed a corrupt state of affairs in place when he took up office at the parastatal – a state which he says operated on the whim of former group CEO Lucky Montana.

Update2-Popo Molefe names Zuma in Prasa shenanigans

16 March 2020

The hearings of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption and Fraud in the  Public Sector including Organs of State will resume on 16 March 2020 at 10h00.


17 March 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture has heard how the legal department within Prasa is often consulted at the crisis stages of supplier contracts, to save the parastatal, but hardly ever for advisory services in the beginning.

Dodgy suppliers and escalating contract costs all in day’s work at Prasa

May 2020

03 May 2020

Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo expects the public hearings of the commission of inquiry into state capture, which he chairs, to resume by the end of June. Among the first group of witnesses expected is former president Jacob Zuma. Zondo addressed a virtual media briefing on Wednesday.

Zuma expected in witness chair soon

June 2020

30 June 2020

Not only the top structure of the ANC, but also Parliament, were alerted of the widespread corruption at the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) that remains unaccounted for. According to former Prasa chairman Popo Molefe, his board made all attempts to hold looters accountable, without success, after the departure of the parastatal’s GCEO Lucky Montana in 2015.

Prasa board fired for pursuing corruption investigation, says Molefe

30 June 2020

Law enforcement agencies came under fire from state capture commission chairperson Deputy Chief Justice (DCJ) Raymond Zondo on Tuesday, when he bemoaned their sluggish approach to dealing with corruption allegations at the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa).

Hawks and NPA ignored Prasa corruption allegations for years

July 2020

01 July 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday heard of the alleged inappropriate conduct of Judge Nana Makhubele, who chaired an interim board of the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) from 2017 to 2018, in a litigation process brought against Prasa by a service provider.

Conduct of former Prasa chair in question

01 July 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture spent Wednesday probing links between former Prasa CEO Lucky Montana’s property deals from 2013 to 2016 and their suspicious takeover by a company called Precise Trade and Invest. Precise is a shelf company owned by lawyer Riaan Van der Walt, who was at the time a partner at Loubser van der Walt Incorporated.

Montana’s lavish wheeling and dealing in property

05 July 2020

The hearings of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption and Fraud in the Public Sector including Organs of State will resume on 06 July 2020 at 10h00.


09 July 2020

The hearings of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption, and Fraud in the Public Sector including Organs of State will resume on 10 July 2020 at 10h00.


14 July 2020

The commission of inquiry into allegations of state capture has received praise and criticism alike for its work since its establishment in 2018, but never has its chairperson, Deputy Chief Justice (DCJ) Raymond Zondo, been the subject of a personal complaint, until now.

Zondo commission – Zondo biased, says Montana to JSC

15 July 2020

Mbongiseni Majola, a programme manager at Mhlathuze Water Board who is accused of facilitating a money-laundering scheme that cost the entity millions of rands between 2015 and 2016, is too ill to appear before the commission of inquiry into state capture.

Zondo commission – Myeni wingman too ill for inquiry

16 July 2020

PricewaterhouseCoopers auditor Pule Mothibe on Thursday conceded before the commission of inquiry into state capture that his company failed to capture significant irregularities during its auditing of South African Airways (SAA).

PwC’s SAA audits not as clean as auditor made out

17 July 2020

Former Transnet chairperson Mafika Mkwanazi has told the commission of inquiry into state capture that his relationship with members of the Gupta family was limited to two meetings in early 2011 – soon after he was appointed. Mkwanazi met Tony Gupta at the family’s home in Saxonwold in January of that year, at the invitation of the family. Also present on the occasion was Duduzane Zuma.

Mkwanazi_I’m no friend of the Guptas

20 July 2020

Former environmental affairs minister Nomvula Mokonyane has told the commission of inquiry into state capture that Angelo Agrizzi is motivated by a hatred for women and black people in general, coupled with a political naïveté in which he played into political divisions of the ANC in accusing her of corruption.

Mokonyane denies any relationship with Agrizzi

21 July 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture had a false start on Tuesday to what was meant to be the hearing of further evidence related to Bosasa. It was expected that former national commissioner of prisons, Linda Mti, would take the stand, but he was a no show.

Glitches put halt to Bosasa evidence

21 July 2020

The Commission will no longer have a sitting tomorrow, 22 July 2020, and, on Thursday, 23 July 2020. This follows a decision taken by the Chairperson of the Commission.

Media Statement 21 July 2020

24 July 2020

The evidence of Pretoria High Court Judge Nana Makhubele before the commission of inquiry into state capture has been postponed to Monday 3 August 2020, while she is ordered by chairperson Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo to submit an affidavit responding to allegations made against her by past witnesses, by Wednesday next week.

Another no-show as Makhubele makes excuses

26 July 2020

The hearings of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption and Fraud in the Public Sector including Organs of State will resume on 27 July 2020 at 10h00.


27 July 2020

Former police minister Nathi Nhleko was grilled on Monday over his decision in late 2014 to suspend then Hawks head Anwa Dramat on the recommendation of an internal report that made a different finding against  JAhim to that of the Ipid. An investigation by Ipid had been underway since 2012, probing Dramat’s involvement in the renditions of two Zimbabwean nationals sought in that country for murder.

Nhleko in hot seat over Dramat suspension

28 July 2020

The issue of the two Independent Police Investigative Directorate (Ipid) reports of an investigation into misconduct allegations against former Hawks head Anwa Dramat came under the spotlight again on Tuesday at the commission of inquiry into state capture. Dramat was accused of overseeing the illegal rendition of two Zimbabwean nationals in late 2010.

Nhleko says Ipid tried to cover up for Dramat

29 July 2020

The hearings of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption and Fraud in the Public Sector including Organs of State will continue on 30 July 2020 at 10h00.


31 July 2020

If it were not for the arrival of Robert McBride at the Independent Police investigative Directorate (Ipid) in March 2014, there would not be a debate over two back-to-back Ipid reports with conflicting findings on the conduct of former Hawks head Anwa Dramat in a rendition case 10 years ago.

Ipid officials lied in their testimony, says investigator

August 2020

03 August 2020

On Monday morning the chairperson of the commission of inquiry into state capture, Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, dismissed yet another application for the postponement of the oral evidence of Judge Nana Makhubele.

Chairperson dismisses another Makhubele application to postpone

04 August 2020

Former director-general (DG) of the Department of Human Settlements Thabane Zulu has been named as one of the alleged indirect beneficiaries of an irregular contract awarded by the Free State government in 2014 in respect of a housing project that never took off, but cost the state over R200- million nevertheless.

Former DG Zulu scored a Maserati from failed FS project

05 August 2020

Judge Nana Makhubele, the former board chairperson of the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa), has denied that former president Jacob Zuma deployed her to the position in October 2017. Hers was an independent, economic decision that had nothing to with politics.

Prasa role had nothing to do with Zuma says Makhubele

06 August 2020

Former director-general of the Department of Human Settlements Thabane Zulu has denied receiving any benefits for his role in the asbestos eradication project entered into by the Free State government in 2014.

Zulu denies benefiting from asbestos deal

07 August 2020

Slain businessman Ignatius “Igo” Mpambani was not only the mastermind behind the R255-million joint venture (JV) contract entered into with the Free State government for the eradication of asbestos roofing in the province’s houses, but he also offered to “unlock opportunities” in this regard.

Well-connected Mpambani unlocked R255m asbestos deal

07 August 2020

The director of a company that was involved in the 2014 Free State asbestos project has told the commission of inquiry into state capture of a possible concealment of evidence in the matter. Kgotso Manyike’s ORI Group is the only company that did any work in the project, auditing and assessing over 300 000 houses across the province in 2014 in an effort to determine the extent of the need for the replacement of asbestos roofing across the province.

Hidden evidence and false promises in FS asbestos deal

11 August 2020

If government were to insist on cabinet ministers only appointing special advisors from among people known to them, South Africa could run the risk of nepotism and cronyism in these all-important roles. This was the parting shot from former finance minister Des van Rooyen as he responded to the last question, completing his testimony before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Tuesday.

Hasty advisor appointments because of time pressure, claims Van Rooyen

12 August 2020

The chairperson of the commission of inquiry into state capture, Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, had harsh words for public enterprises minister Pravin Gordhan on Wednesday as he was a no-show for his cross examination by former Sars commissioner Tom Moyane.

No-show Gordhan earns harsh words from chairperson

12 August 2020

Former Prasa attorney Madimpe Mogashoa has confirmed that he received instructions in December 2017 from then interim board chairperson Judge Nana Makhubele to settle claims brought against the agency by contractor Siyaya Group. Until that point, Prasa had urged him to defend the claims.

Former Prasa chair pressured lawyer to settle Siyaya claims

13 August 2020

Frequent trips to Saxonwold, money bags in boots of state cars, and death threats. These are some of the shenanigans about which the commission of inquiry into state capture heard on Thursday.

Former bodyguards reveal shady dealings of high profilers

19 August 2020

Businessman Edwin Sodi struggled to find his way out of a barrage of questions over a spreadsheet presumably meant to detail expenses his company, Blackhead Consulting, was to incur in relation to the R255-million asbestos eradication contract it entered into with the Free State government in 2014.

Deceased Mpambani behind kickback spreadsheet says partner

20 August 2020

Former Ipid head Robert McBride told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Thursday that if the directorate received enough funding from the state, it would not have to rely on outside help in its cases. He was defending Ipid’s use of information and assistance from private investigator Paul O’Sullivan in a case involving former acting national police commissioner Kgomotso Phahlane in 2016.

McBride defends Ipid stance on Phahlane probe

25 August 2020

The evidence of former environmental affairs minister Nomvula Mokonyane that no birthday party of hers was ever paid for by Bosasa nor hosted at the Victoria Guest House in Krugersdorp has been contradicted by the owner of the venue, Frederick Coetzee. He appeared before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Tuesday.

Mokonyane birthday party evidence challenged

28 August 2020

The Free State human settlements head of department Nthimose Mokhesi has admitted that his department failed to comply with provisions for unsolicited proposals when it accepted one for the R255-million asbestos eradication project in 2014.

Provisions flouted for asbestos project deviation, says HoD

31 August 2020

On Monday the commission of inquiry into state capture heard the evidence of Sandy Thomas, personal assistant to former environmental affairs minister Nomvula Mokonyane.

I hardly spoke to Agrizzi, says Mokonyane PA

September 2020

03 September 2020

It was actually a surprise gala dinner for close family and friends, and not a full-on party, for her 40th birthday that was hosted at the Victoria Guest House in 2003, former environmental affairs minister Nomvula Mokonyane told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Thursday.

Mokonyane backtracks on party venue

04 September 2020

Former ANC member of parliament Vincent Smith has denied before the commission of inquiry into state capture that payments made by former Bosasa COO Angelo Agrizzi towards his daughter’s tuition in 2015 were because he had a corrupt relationship with the company.

Former MP Vincent Smith says relationship with Agrizzi was above board

08 September 2020

The ANC’s 2014 anniversary gala dinner, held in Nelspruit on the eve of the party’s January 8 rally, ignited a line of questioning from state capture commission chairperson Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo on Tuesday.

Zondo questions Eskom sponsorship of ANC dinner

08 September 2020

Former Eskom chairperson Zola Tsotsi has told the commission of inquiry into state capture of a tumultuous period in early 2015 when former president Jacob Zuma instructed the board to suspend certain executives, including then acting CEO Tshediso Matona.

Eskom execs suspended on Myeni’s call

09 September 2020

Former Eskom chairperson Zola Tsotsi told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday that the events in the lead-up to the suspension of four members of the power utility’s executive in March 2015, and afterwards, show that there was an orchestrated move to bring Gupta people in.

Board about-turn was sign of Gupta influence, says Tsotsi

10 September 2020

Former Eskom director Venete Klein has defended her part in the suspension of four of the power utility’s executives in March 2015, saying that she could not confirm that they were purged in favour of Gupta appointees.

Eskom suspensions only addressed non-performance, says Klein

11 September 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture concluded the week of Eskom evidence with the testimony of former chairperson Ben Ngubane on Friday. He led the board of the power utility from 2015 to 2017, succeeding Zola Tsotsi.

Ngubane cornered on Guptaleaks emails

15 September 2020

It was through Matshela Koko that former Eskom company secretary and later head of legal Suzanne Daniels first met Gupta associate Salim Essa in 2015. She had several encounters with him, at one of which she met Ajay Gupta, while at another she was offered a bribe of R800-million.

Daniels claims Koko was Gupta enabler at Eskom

21 September 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture will not negotiate dates of oral evidence with witnesses, said chairperson Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo on Monday. He was announcing the dates for former president Jacob Zuma’s expected appearance before him – from 16 to 20 November.

Zondo tells Zuma to show up or face summons

23 September 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture has this week heard how former Free State MEC for human settlements Mosebenzi Zwane defied orders from then minister Tokyo Sexwale to stop an unlawful prepayment scheme devised in 2010 for an ambitious low-cost housing project worth over R1-billion.

Zwane pushed for unlawful housing scheme

25 September 2020

Former Free State MEC of human settlements Mosebenzi Zwane has thrown officials of the department at the time of the failed 2010 R1.4-billion housing project under the bus.

Failure of housing project not my fault, says Zwane

28 September 2020

A property transaction between Nthimotse Mokhesi, head of the Free State human settlements department, and Edwin Sodi, a contractor in the R255-million asbestos eradication project, came into the spotlight at the commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday.

Free State HOD’s apparent property bonanza under scrutiny

28 September 2020

The dismissal of six Free State human settlements officials for the failure of a housing project in 2010, following the implementation of an advance payment scheme, haunts the author of the only existing document that backed it up.

Contradictions and conniving in 2010 Free State housing project

28 September 2020

A second call for Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo to recuse himself from the commission of inquiry into state capture has come, this time from former president Jacob Zuma.

Zuma calls for Zondo to recuse himself

29 September 2020

Edwin Sodi, the man whose company was appointed as part of a joint venture (JV) to eradicate asbestos across townships in the Free State in 2014, is a regular donor to the ANC, often at the request of officials of the party.

FS asbestos company paid towards ANC events, elections

October 2020

1 October 2020

North West Premier Job Mokgoro has defended his authorisation of a 2015 payment of R50-million to subsidise SA Express (SAX) for airline operations relating to new flight services between Mahikeng and Johannesburg.

R50m payment to SA Express not my responsibility says Mokgoro

2 October 2020

ANC MP Cedrick Frolick has refuted the evidence of former Bosasa COO Angelo Agrizzi during an appearance before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Friday.

Agrizzi lied to inquiry, says Frolick

5 October 2020

Not only did former president Jacob Zuma want an inquiry into the affairs of a poorly performing Eskom in early 2015, but he was also present at the meeting at which the suspensions of three executives of the power utility were first mooted.

Zuma wanted Eskom inquiry

6 October 2020

Former Eskom executives who were controversially suspended in March 2015 under a cloud of confusion went for months without any word from the board that assured them that there was nothing untoward about their suspensions.

Murky suspension process stunned Eskom execs

9 October 2020

Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo has granted permission for the secretary of the commission of inquiry into state capture to issue a summons for former president Jacob Zuma to appear from 16 to 20 November 2020.

Zondo grants summons forcing Zuma to appear

12 October 2020

“From where I am seated I think it will be unfair of this commission to want to say I, as a layman politician there, should have taken the responsibilities of an accounting officer who himself had actually signed this document,” former Free State human settlements MEC Mosebenzi Zwane told the commision today.

Zwane’s ‘layman politician’ defence before Zondo

13 October 2020

The blame game continued among former Eskom board members on Tuesday with the testimony of former chairperson Ben Ngubane before the commission of inquiry into state capture. This was his second appearance.

Ngubane cornered over Gupta links during Eskom tenure

15 October 2020

“Transnet’s board was not trying to look after good governance in the reinstatement of Mr [Siyabonga] Gama. I can’t think of a reason where a board acting in a manner that is in the best interest of the company would ever do it. The likelihood, logically, is that the reason lies elsewhere,” said Christopher Todd, a director of Bowman Gilfillan, who provided legal services to Transnet at the time of Gama’s dismissal in June 2010.

Transnet’s reinstatement of Gama irrational, Zondo hears

16 October 2020

Former public enterprises minister sympathised with Siyabonga Gama for having been dismissed from his position as CEO of Transnet Freight Rail in 2010, calling it an unfair move.

Cabinet, board supported Gama in reinstatement drive

19 October 2020

Former Transnet chairperson Mafika Mkwanazi saw for the first time on Monday the total amounts paid to Siyabonga Gama after he was reinstated to his position as CEO of Transnet Freight Rail (TFR) in 2011. Mkwanazi concluded his testimony before the commission of inquiry into state capture.

Mkwanazi stunned by R17m payment to Gama

20 October 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture heard on Tuesday that Gupta associate Salim Essa appeared to know back in 2014 that then Transnet GCEO Brian Molefe would move to Eskom a few months later.

Essa bragged to Transnet contractor about influence in SOEs

23 October 2020

Former special advisor to Malusi Gigaba, Siyabonga Mahlangu, has denied that he put pressure on a senior Transnet legal official to expedite the reinstatement of Siyabonga Gama to his position as CEO of Transnet Freight Rail in 2011.

Gigaba advisor denies interference in Gama matter

26 October 2020

Former Denel board member Nonyameko Mandindi spoke of what she viewed as the unfair, hasty removal of the company’s top structure, with no basis, in September 2015.

No sound justification for Eskom-style suspensions at Denel

27 October 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture heard on Tuesday of the decision for Denel Land Systems (DLS) to enter into three contracts – by means of deviations – with Gupta-linked VR Laser between 2014 and 2016, despite warnings from the then head of procurement that the company’s own policies were being flouted.

Red flags ignored over Gupta-linked VR Laser, Zondo hears

28 October 2020

Had the 2014 procurement process of platform hulls – part of arms manufacturer Denel’s Hoefyster
project – gone through the office of the group executive in charge of supply chain management,
Gupta-linked VR Laser would not have won the contract.

Denel SCM head kept in the dark over Gupta contract

November 2020

2 November 2020

Former chairperson of SAA Technical and SAA board member Yakhe Kwinana kicked off the week’s proceedings at the commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday by addressing what she called double standards of its legal and investigations teams.

Kwinana’s whataboutism thwarted by Zondo

2 November 2020

Yakhe Kwinana has denied bullying Swiss ground handling services company Swissport into pulling in JM Aviation as its BEE partner in early 2015. Swissport entered into a contract with SAA Technical – of which Kwinana was chairperson – in 2012 for ground handling services.

Kwinana denies meddling in SAAT ground handling contract

3 November 2020

The chairperson of the commission of inquiry into state capture, Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, said on Tuesday that there needs to be a review of processes involved in the appointment of board members of state-owned companies.

Appointment process to SOE boards needs review, says Zondo

4 November 2020

“Chairperson, may I not answer that question, in case I incriminate myself.” This was the line of the day at the commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday, when former SAA chairperson Dudu Myeni testified via video link.

Myeni refuses to answer SAA-related questions from Zondo

5 November 2020

While former SAA chairperson Dudu Myeni may feel aggrieved that the commission of inquiry into state capture is selective in its pursuit of cases within its mandate, it is up to her to report any corruption that she knows of before the commission’s term ends.

Zondo tells Myeni to report corruption she knows of

5 November 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture should charge former SAA chairperson Dudu Myeni for breaching an order of its chairperson Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo by disclosing the name of a witness who appeared in-camera in February this year.

Charge Myeni for rules breach, says evidence leader to Zondo

6 November 2020

Dudu Myeni has registered prejudice from the commission of inquiry into state capture through her lawyers, citing what they see as inefficiencies on the part of its legal team.

Myeni lawyers cry prejudice from Zondo

8 November 2020

Yakhe Kwinana walked away from her chairperson role at SAA Technical and non-executive board membership at SAA in August 2016, taking with her an undue benefit of millions of rands from a R1.5-billion irregular contract for the supply of components, and a conflict of interest that benefited her private auditing business.

Dishonest Kwinana’s evidence explained

9 November 2020

The chairperson of the commission of inquiry into state capture, Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, on Friday concluded the day’s proceedings by explaining the circumstances surrounding the testimony of former SAA chairperson Dudu Myeni and her refusal to answer most of the questions set to her.

Myeni’s silence amid damning evidence

10 November 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture heard on Tuesday of the events in 2015 and 2016 surrounding the suspension of Denel’s CEO, CFO and company secretary, allegedly without following proper processes.

Zondo hears of Denel board’s mistreatment of execs

10 November 2020

Former Denel CFO Fikile Mhlontlo has confirmed that the leadership of subsidiary Denel Land Systems (DLS) favoured Gupta-linked VR Laser over LMT, which is majority owned by the parastatal, for a 2014 tender to manufacture platform hulls as part of its Hoefyster project.

Denel CFO unaware of favouritism towards Gupta company

11 November 2020

Gupta-linked VR Laser got the nod from former Denel GCEO Zwelakhe Ntshepe to partner with the parastatal in a foray into the Asian market in 2015, despite warnings from a due diligence process that warned against it.

Rushed Denel Asia deal explored

11 November 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday shone the spotlight on a decision by former Denel GCEO Zwelakhe

Former Denel CEO grilled over policy violation to favour Gupta company

11 November 2020

While former Eskom CEO Tshediso Matona fought his suspension from the power utility in early 2015 through the courts, the board was preparing for his exit and to negotiate a settlement with him.

Koko favoured by biased board, says Daniels

12 November 2020

It was former Denel GCEO Riaz Saloojee who proposed to a CEO within one of its divisions to favour Gupta-linked VR Laser in the awarding of a single source contract in 2015 because the company was politically connected.

Denel CEO Saloojee ordered favouring of Gupta company

13 November 2020

Former Denel board chairperson Daniel Mantsha kicked off his testimony before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Friday by defending his board’s decision to suspend the company’s top three executives in September 2015.

Former Denel chair Mantsha takes the stand before Zondo

16 November 2020

Former president Jacob Zuma will return before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Tuesday to hear the way forward on his application for chairperson Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo to recuse himself. Zondo spent the day on Monday listening to arguments from both his legal team and that of Zuma, who brought the application forward for a number of reasons.

Zondo commission – Zuma vs Zondo: application for judge’s recusal heard

19 November 2020

Former president Jacob Zuma walked out of the commission of inquiry into state capture on Thursday, with a parting shot from his lawyer Muzi Sikhakhane that a formal complaint will be lodged with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) about its chairperson Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo.

Zondo commission – What now for Zondo as Zuma walks out?

23 November 2020

Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo is laying a criminal complaint against former president Jacob Zuma for defying a summons compelling him to appear before him last week. Zondo will be asking the secretary of the commission of inquiry into state capture, which he chairs, to start the formal process.

Zondo commission – Zondo lays criminal complaint against Zuma for walkout

23 November 2020

There is a lot of work that corporate South Africa needs to do to help eradicate corruption and fraud, because government does not engage in corruption on its own. This is how Stephen van Coller, group CEO of IT giant EOH Holdings Limited, finished off his brief appearance before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday.

Zondo commission – Corporate SA just as complicit in corruption, says EOH CEO

25 November 2020

ENS forensic director Steven Powell told the state capture commission on Wednesday that directors of IT company EOH made several payments to prominent ANC members, including Zizi Kodwa, Reggie Nkabinde and the advisor of former president Jacob Zuma, Siyabulela Zintwa.

Zondo Commission – Motsoeneng’s ‘people skills’ helped him rapidly climb the ladder

26 November 2020

Today, evidence leader Matthew Chaskalson cross-examined Phetolo Ramosebudi, former treasurer of Airports Company South Africa (Acsa), regarding his implication in channelling tenders to the Gupta-linked company Regiments Capital.

Zondo commission Ramosebudi invokes right to not answer potentially incriminating questions

27 November 2020

Current Johannesburg mayor Geoff Makhubo got his turn to answer questions at the state capture commission after he was alleged to have influenced contracts from the City of Johannesburg (CoJ) in favour of the Gupta-linked Regiments Capital.

Zondo commission – Makhubo rejects idea that he influenced tenders at CoJ

27 November 2020

Former Transnet treasurer Phetolo Ramosebudi spent his second day before the state capture commission on Friday answering questions on the involvement of Trillian in the parastatal’s loan negotiations to help fund its locomotives procurement project.

Zondo commission-Update2-PhetoloRamosebudiartcile

30 November 2020

Former South African Revenue Service (Sars) commissioner Tom Moyane not only pre-empted the pursuit of several officials linked to the ‘rogue unit’, but he knew what he was doing in 2015 when he laid a criminal complaint against them in relation to the unit.

Zondo commission – Gordhan grilled in longest Zondo cross exam to date

December 2020

03 December 2020

The Guptas always intended to use Estina, which won a contract from the Free State government to oversee the Vrede Dairy Farm in 2012, as one of its money laundering vehicles. Evidence of this is in the company’s 2011 business dealings with well-known India-based laundering network World’s Window.

Update1-Zondo commission – Estina a mere laundering vehicle, Zondo hears

03 December 2020

The latest witness to decry the work of the investigations team of the commission of inquiry into state capture is former acting Eskom CEO, Matshela Koko.

Update2-Zondo commission Ramaphosa Tsotsi wanted me out of Eskom says Koko

04 December 2020

The commission of inquiry into state capture has announced new dates in January and February 2021 on which former president Jacob Zuma must make himself available to appear.

Zondo commission – New Zondo dates set for Zuma

04 December 2020

Investigator Paul Holden returned to the commission of inquiry into state capture on Friday to continue his evidence on the flow of money from government contracts to entities linked to the Guptas, allegedly through money laundering schemes.

Zondo commission – Transnet port contract benefitted Guptas

07 December 2020

The first time former Eskom head of legal Suzanne Daniels became involved in matters involving Gupta-owned Tegeta Exploration and Resources was in November 2015, she told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday.

Zondo commission Tegeta guarantee was not board approved

08 December 2020

Brian Molefe was seconded to Eskom from Transnet in April 2015 on merit and not to advance state capture. This is what the power utility’s former chairperson Ben Ngubane told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Tuesday.

Update1-Zondo commission Molefe stood up to bully Glencore for sake of SA says Ngubane

09 December 2020 

The idea to suspend Eskom executives in March 2015 was understood by the board to have originated with former president Jacob Zuma, the commission of inquiry into state capture heard on Wednesday. 

Zondo commission – Tsotsi lied to board about origin of suspensions plan, says Khoza 

10 December 2020 

A former senior executive of Regiments and later Trillian Capital has told the commission of inquiry into state capture that the companies were involved in the capture of National Treasury, and senior employees were privy to plans to remove two finance ministers from government. 

Zondo commission Regiments Trillian instrumental in treasury capture 

11 December 2020 

Former mineral resources minister Mosebeni Zwane has denied knowledge of a business link between ANC secretary-general Ace Magashule and a contractor who allegedly benefited, through his influence, from a housing project allocation in 2010 overseen by his department when he was MEC in the Free State. 

Zondo commission Magashule business partner was on Zwanes contractor list 

21 December 2020 

The commission of inquiry into state capture will continue hearing oral evidence until March 2021. It expects President Cyril Ramaphosa and his predecessor Jacob Zuma, but chairperson Deputy Chief Justice (DCJ) Raymond Zondo is not holding his breath for the Guptas. 

Zondo commission – Zondo expects to hear evidence until March, but not from Guptas 

December 2020 

This is the first of two articles that look back at the year that was for the commission of inquiry into state capture, which closed public hearings for 2020 on Friday 11 December. 

Dec2020-Review1-Zondo commission an eventful year in review part 1 

December 2020 

This is the second of two articles that look back at the year that was for the commission of inquiry into state capture, which closed public hearings for 2020 on Friday 11 December. 

Dec2020-Review2-Zondo commission – an eventful year in review part 2

January 2021

11 January 2021

Gavin Craythorne, a long-term contractor to Alexkor, continued to testify on the mining joint venture between the state-owned mining company and the Alexander Bay community in the Northern Cape.

Zondo commission Alexkor audit and risk committee failed to do due diligence

11 January 2021

For the second session of the day, the Zondo commission heard Eskom-related evidence from the power utility’s acting senior manager for fuel resources, Dr Ayanda Nteta.

Update2-Zondo commission Manager pressured to conclude Tegeta deal

12 January 2021

Former Eskom senior manager Dr Ayanda Nteta told the Zondo commission that she did not tell anyone about the meetings with Tony Gupta because of trust issues within the company.

Zondo commission I did not divulge my meetings with Tony Gupta says Nteta-Final

13 January 2021

Former Eskom chief financial officer Anoj Singh has been spared tough questioning by the commission of inquiry into state capture, for now, thanks to a technical blunder by its legal team.

Zondo commission legal blunder delays Singh evidence

13 January 2021

Transnet not only paid R95-million to a company owned by former cabinet minister Siphiwe Nyanda in an unlawful contract, but it dished out a further R20-million settlement after the company claimed reputational damage following a lawsuit to recover the money.

Zondo commission – Nyanda scored twice with Transnet, despite unlawful contract

14 January 2021

Former acting director-general in the Department of Public Enterprises Matsietsi Mokholo told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Thursday that it was former Eskom CEO Brian Molefe who insisted on the secondment of Anoj Singh to the power utility in 2015.

Zondo commission – Molefe wanted Singh with him at Eskom

15 January 2021 

The commission of inquiry into state capture was forced to stop proceedings after the lunch break on Friday after chairperson Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo revealed that a staff member who works closely with him had tested positive for Covid-19.

Zondo commission – Covid-19 exposure interrupts state capture hearing

25 January 2021

The commission of inquiry into state capture resumed its hearings on Monday after a week’s break, with the testimony of former cabinet minister Sydney Mufamadi.

Zondo commission Mufamadi kicks off intelligence evidence before Zondo

26 January 2021

The State Security Agency (SSA) was used for a number of years to fund ANC activities, in some cases in the lead up to elections, without any officials accounting for the resources looted.

Zondo commission Spooks ANC benefited from secret agency slush fund (1)

27 January 2021

Because of threats to the safety of State Security Agency (SSA) officials investigating alleged corruption by their former colleagues, a senior investigator testified in-camera before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday.

Zondo commission – SSA probe found serious political interference, says investigator

28 January 2021

Former president Jacob Zuma will not only have to appear before the commission of inquiry into state capture when it orders him to do so, but will have to answer questions put to him by the evidence team. This is the order delivered on Thursday by the Constitutional Court.

Zondo commission ConCourt says Zuma must face Zondo answer questions

29 January 2021

The commission of inquiry into state capture heard on Friday that the State Security Agency (SSA) was allegedly used to sabotage President Cyril Ramaphosa’s CR17 campaign ahead of the ANC elective conference in Nasrec in 2017. Furthermore, millions were withdrawn from the SSA in what appears on the surface to be an attempt to influence conference outcomes.

Zondo commission SSA used to sabotage CR17 in lead-up to Nasrec

February 2021

01 February 2021

The ANC in Parliament should not “scapegoat” the party’s former president Jacob Zuma, after knowing for so long that state capture was happening, without taking responsibility for its nonaction. This was said by DA chief whip Natasha Mazzone as she concluded her evidence before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday.

Zondo commission – Parliament failed by the ANC, MPs tell Zondo

02 February 2021

Former ANC MP Zukiswa Rantho admitted before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Tuesday that divisions within the party’s parliamentary caucus led to a delay in an investigation into state capture.

Zondo commission – Push-back from ANC led to delays in SOE probe

02 February 2021

In the latest round of public exchanges between former president Jacob Zuma and the chairperson of the commission of inquiry into state capture, Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, the latter has condemned public remarks from Zuma saying that he would once again defy a summons to appear before him two weeks from now.

Zondo commission – Zondo says Zuma not above the law, must appear

04 February 2021

Former ANC MP Makhosi Khoza did not hold back in her evidence before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Thursday, detailing how the leadership of the party controlled how its caucus took big decisions in Parliament.

Zondo commission – ANC MPs under Luthuli House control, says Khoza

08 February 2021

Deputy minister of transport Dikeledi Magadzi has told the commission of inquiry into state capture that in 2016, when the DA put forward a motion in Parliament to launch an investigation into state capture, she would tow the party line in her voting. She testified on Monday.

Zondo commission – ‘I will always make sure I toe the party line,’ says deputy minister to Zondo

08 February 2021

Former ANC MP Vincent Smith says Parliament’s funding model must be given attention, if its role of oversight is to be taken seriously, among other solutions. He appeared before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday.

Zondo commission – Embattled Smith offers solutions to parly oversight faults

15 February 2021

Former president Jacob Zuma could find himself serving jail time if found to have been in contempt of the Constitutional Court by not appearing before the state capture commission on Monday.

Zondo Commission – Zondo to ask for Zuma to be thrown behind bars

18 February 2021

From the appointment processes of senior government leaders, to a renewed approach in the fight against corruption, the commission of inquiry into state capture heard from civil society and research institutions on Thursday on ways that these objectives could be achieved.

Zondo Commission – Civil society pointers on oversight for Zondo

22 February 2021

Former president Jacob Zuma did not lobby for the reinstatement of Lucky Montana to his position as CEO at the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) in 2015, as the agency’s former chairperson Popo Molefe said before the state capture commission last year.

Update1-Zondo Commission Zuma didnt root for Montanas return says Peters

22 February 2021

Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo has asked that former president Jacob Zuma be given a two year imprisonment term, should the Constitutional Court find him in contempt of its ruling relating to his appearance before the state capture commission earlier this month.

Update2-Zondo Commission Zondo asks Concourt for two-year jail time for Zuma

23 February 2021

Former parliamentary house chairperson of committees Cedric Frolick has told the state capture commission that the reason Parliament did not pursue an investigation into state capture in 2016 was because the Public Protector had already started one.

Zondo Commission – parly state capture probe would have undermined PP, says Frolick

23 February 2021

Former Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) chairperson Popo Molefe has made a proposal before the state capture commission that it consider, when making its recommendations, ensuring that politicians separate themselves from the process of appointing executives of state-owned companies.

Zondo Commission – Finger pointing at commission over Prasa woes

24 February 2021

Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo has instructed the secretary of the state capture commission to urgently issue its third police complaint, this time to Auswell Mashaba, a former Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) contractor.

Zondo Commission Zondo issues police complaint against defiant Prasa contractor

24 February 2021

Former state security minister Dipuo Letsatsi-Duba says the practice of ANC study groups in Parliament needs a re-look, as they hamper the oversight capacity of portfolio committees.

Zondo commission Study groups hinder parliament oversight says former minister

25 February 2021

The state capture commission’s week of evidence related to the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) saw everything from damming revelations of political meddling in the agency’s affairs, to money flows evidence relating to the controversial R3.5-billion locomotives tender, and sheer defiance from the man at the centre of it all, who finds himself on the wrong side of the law for refusing to appear.

Update2-Zondo Commission R3.5bn Prasa tender under spotlight at Zondo

March 2021

01 March 2021

Former CEO of Eskom Matshela Koko categorically denied having known that he was sharing Eskom internal matters with someone outside the power utility. Koko was making his fourth appearance before the commission of inquiry into allegations of state capture.

Zondo commission – Koko adamant he was tricked into sharing Eskom info with third party

02 March 2021

Former Eskom CEO Brain Molefe made a return to the stand at the commission of inquiry into allegations of corruption and state capture to explain the prepayment of R1.68-billion Eskom made to Tegeta to obtain Optimum Coal Mine.

Zondo commission Molefe labels Gupta link a smear campaign

04 March 2021

Bianca Goodson, the former CEO of Trillian Management Consultancy, has told the state capture commission that she was used as a conduit for the advancement of dodgy contracts involving Eskom and Transnet, and she has regrets for the role she played.

Zondo commission Goodson tells Zondo she regrets Trillian run

04 March 2021

Former Denel CEO Riaz Saloojee received around R400 000 per month from the company while on suspension between September 2015 and April 2016, despite its cash flow problems, while the board of the time, led by private attorney Daniel Mantsha, investigated charges of misconduct against him.

Update2-Zondo commission Mantsha sticks to his guns on Denel suspensions

08 March 2021

On Monday Malusi Gigaba cross-examined an in-camera witness who testified in September last year about his time as a personal protection officer for the former cabinet minister.

Zondo commission – Gigaba cross-examines former bodyguard before Zondo

08 March 2021

Former Transnet GCEO Brian Molefe has told the commission of inquiry into state capture that members of the Gupta family deserve to be protected by law enforcement agencies as much as any other accused, before being declared guilty of the crimes they have been accused of.

Update2-Zondo commission Molefe proud of links with Guptas Zondo hears

11 March 2021

Former Transnet GCEO Siyabonga Gama has told the state capture commission that if there was any political interference in his reinstatement to the position of CEO of Transnet Freight Rail (TFR) in 2011, he knew nothing about it.

Zondo commission – Transnet board begged for my return says Gama

11 March 2021

From defending the Guptas to posturing with lengthy analogies against his evidence leader and finally throwing the secretary of the state capture commission under the bus, Brian Molefe had an eventful week appearing before Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo.

Zondo commission – Brian Molefe appears before Zondo_part one

11 March 2021

When Brian Molefe approved a payment of R20-million of Transnet’s money in 2011 to a security company owned by former cabinet minister Siphiwe Nyanda, he had not fully applied his mind.

Zondo commission – Brian Molefe appears before Zondo_part two

12 March 2021

Former Transnet CFO Anoj Singh has rubbished allegations by his former driver that he visited the Gupta residence on several occasions during his tenure to collect cash, placing it in safety deposit boxes at a nearby facility.

Zondo commission Driver testimony not credible Singh tells Zondo

16 March 2021

A former senior manager at Eskom’s Kusile power station says she had no reason to participate in a witch hunt against the power utility’s former head of electricity generation, Matshela Koko. Nonhlanhla Kraai testified before the state capture commission on Tuesday.

Zondo commission – Former manager confirms Masango evidence on meeting with Koko Essa

17 March 2021

Former transport minister Dipuo Peters has stuck to her guns on the matter of her decision to fire the Prasa board in March 2017, saying it was her decision, and not a result of pressure from the ANC, which had been implicated in the agency’s corruption investigation.

Zondo Commission I removed the Prasa board not ANC says Peters

18 March 2021

Former Eskom CFO Anoj Singh admitted before the state capture commission on Thursday to engaging prospective contractors McKinsey Consulting and BEE partner Regiments Capital on a turnaround strategy for Eskom before he even joined the power utility on a secondment from Transnet in 2015.

Zondo commission – Singh met with McKinsey, Regiments before starting at Eskom

19 March 2021

Former public enterprises minister Lynne Brown has defended her role in the events at Eskom that have been under scrutiny at the state capture commission for several months.

Update1-Zondo commission I fought corruption but became Eskom scapegoat says Brown

19 March 2021

Mineral Resources and Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe has defended Bosasa’s security upgrades to his three private homes in Gauteng and Eastern Cape, saying they were a favour from company executive Papa Leshabane, and not the company itself.

Update2-Zondo commission Bosasa favours were not bribes says Mantashe

19 March 2021

Deputy minister of military veterans Thabang Makwetla says the first time he learned of a Special Investigating Unit report into catering company Bosasa was in 2019 at the end of his term as deputy minister of correctional services.

Update3-Zondo commission Makwetla tells Zondo he regrets Bosasa favour

22 March 2021

Lynne Brown has once again defended the appointment of Brian Molefe as Eskom CEO in August 2015, months after he was seconded from Transnet, but could not recall if company policy was 2021.

Zondo commission Markets ‘rejoiced’ after Brian Molefe joined Eskom says Brown

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