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Zondo Commission resumes on 12 November

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The Zondo Commission into allegations of state capture resumes on Monday, 12 November, after a break of about a month. Corruption Watch has attended all the hearings and has compiled a page of updates which contains details of the testimony of all the witnesses who appeared during the first seven weeks, as well as relevant visual and audio material and other related articles.

On Monday the commission will hear the evidence of former public enterprises minister Barbara Hogan, who was initially due to testify on 10 October. While she was still in office, Hogan’s position was offered to former ANC MP Vytjie Mentor, who herself testified over two days at the end of August. Mentor claimed that during a 2010 meeting with Ajay Gupta, at which former president Jacob Zuma was present, Gupta offered her Hogan’s position.

“He told me that President Zuma was planning to reshuffle his cabinet soon, and one of the people he was going to remove was Barbara Hogan. He told me South African Airways (SAA) was burning money, and if I facilitated the abolishment of the SAA Johannesburg-to-Mumbai route, I could become minister of public enterprises.”

The incumbent public enterprises minister, Pravin Gordhan, is scheduled to appear on 15 November, according to the commission’s website. Former SAA chairperson Cheryl Carolus is also said to be preparing to give evidence – Carolus opposed the Johannesburg-Mumbai route cancellation that Ajay Gupta used to tempt Mentor.

To catch up with the revelations that came out of the first seven weeks of the commission’s hearing, please visit our Zondo Commission updates page, which features all the testimony heard to date, in easily downloadable PDF format.


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