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Your stories: tourist faces bribe dilemma

Here’s a snapshot of some of the corruption reports* we’ve received from the public recently, so you can get a feel for the kind of trends we’re picking up: immigration officers at Home Affairs colluding with agents, a tourist with a bribe dilemma and a clinic sister in the Eastern Cape cooking her books.

Immigration officers taking tjo-tjo

“There is corruption at home affairs head office. Refugee and immigration officers at home affairs work with immigration experts to approve applications and money gets paid to these officers every day. This thing has been happening for a long time. I accompanied a friend to apply for a permanent resident status, this is when I saw this incident and I checked I saw many people paying money to get these applications being approved.”

Experienced something similar? Report it to Corruption Watch here.

Cop + tourist negotiate bribe

“We were on the road between *** gate and *** near the Kruger Park. I was driving 84 km/h instead of 50 km/h. 3 police agents stopped me. A police man said that it will cost me 1250 rand and that I have to go back to the orpen gate (about 10 km driving) to pay and get a receipt. Just after that he asked me if this amount was affordable for me and he strongly suggested I propose another amount. I am a visitor from Belgium and I was surprised at this question and answered that it is the responsibility or the police to fix the level of the traffic fine! The police man repeated the same story again. I suggested than 1000 rand but he suggested that it was too much. I asked him what would be ‘good’ fine. He answered that 600 would be ok. I paid 600 Rand and received no official receipt.”

Experienced something similar? Report it to Corruption Watch here.

Clinic sister forging her register

“The Operational Manager of *** Clinic in *** (Eastern Cape) chases patients away. On some days she does open the clinic but writes that she was on duty in the duty register. She does not sign a leave form. If she sees more than 5 patients a day it’s a bonus. She definitely forges the patients she recorded. One way she may have done that is to have taken the list of patients that are recorded by the security or by the healthcare worker who registers the patients in the observation area. These are the patients who come to the clinic but were not necessarily consulted. This can be investigated by comparing the names of patients that were registered by the security and those in her tick register.”

Experienced something similar? Report it to Corruption Watch here.

Connected clerk stealing millions

Mr *** used to work for *** Municipality. Many people have reported about millions of rands stolen by him. Until today he is still enjoying Premier ***’s protection. He is still handling taxpayer’s money every day … he shares the stolen money with the Premier. Now witnesses are threatened by the Premier and are scared to testify.”

Experienced something similar? Report it to Corruption Watch here.

*Extra details that could identify the reporter or the accused have been taken out.


Here’s a snapshot of some of the corruption reports* we’ve received from the public recently: immigration officers at Home Affairs colluding with agents, a tourist with a bribe dilemma and a clinic sister in the Eastern Cape cooking her books.
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