Report corruption

Who else can help

There are other organisations that are able to deal with corruption-related queries and complaints. On this page you will find information if you have a corruption or fraud problem.

If you need legal help, there are some organisations that can help. If none of these organisations can help you and your query is related to a human rights problem, contact the Black Sash.

Help for a problem with:

General corruption queries

Help with a non-criminal case of corruption: the Public Protector

The Public Protector is an independent institution established under section 182 of the Constitution. It receives reports from any person who has a complaint of corruption that involves government departments, agencies or officials who violate their ethical codes or codes of conduct, as long as it is not a criminal case. Criminal cases are received by the SAPS, see below.

Reports can be made in person at a Public Protector office in any province. For more advice visit this web page

You can report corrupt activity to the Public Protector in various ways:

  • Phone 0800 11 20 40, toll free
  • Fax to 012 362 3473
  • Complete the online form
  • Download a complaints form, fill it in and post it to

Public Protector, Private Bag X677, PRETORIA 0001

Help with a criminal case of corruption: report it to the South African Police Service (SAPS)

Cases of corruption that involve criminal offences can be reported at any police station. Report a non-criminal case to the Public Protector, see above.

The SAPS has two specialist units that may investigate corruption cases – the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI, The Hawks) and the Commercial Branch. After a case is opened at a police station, it may be referred to one of these specialist units for further investigation.

The local police station where the case is reported must communicate the progress of the case to the person who reported the case.

You can also report any crime anonymously to Crime Stop, a toll-free hotline run by the SAPS. The number is 08600 10111.

Government employee

Help with corruption involving any government employee

The Public Service Commission is an independent institution established under Chapter 9 of the Constitution that oversees the public service. One of the functions is to receive complaints from individuals regarding maladministration, dishonesty, improper behaviour or financial misconduct by government employees. The commission hosts the National Anti-Corruption Hotline for the Public Service, which receives and compiles reports on corruption, and it refers the reports to investigators.

Contact the National Anti-Corruption Hotline for the Public Service on 0800 701701, toll free.

Government departments, agencies or officials

Help with government departments, agencies or officials

Help with a problem involving the Department of Environmental Affairs
Call 0800 116 110 toll free to make an anonymous report of dishonesty in the Department of Environmental Affairs.

Help with a problem involving the Department of Home Affairs
Call 0800 204 476 toll free to make a report. You can also send an email to

Help with a problem involving the Department of Human Settlements
Call 0800 204 401 to make a complaint of fraud in the housing department.

Help with a problem involving social grants
You can report any fraud relating to social grants by phoning 0800 601 011 (toll free)

Help with a problem involving the Government Employees Pension Fund
Call the special anti-corruption hotline on 0800 43 43 73 to report a problem.

Help with a problem involving the South African Revenue Service
Call the hotline on 0800 002 870 (toll free) to report fraud and corruption in SARS.

Help with any problem of service delivery: Call the presidential hotline
Call the hotline on 17737 (1 PRES) when attempts to get help from a government department, province, municipality or state agency have failed. You can also send an email to

Help with a problem involving a municipality

You can approach your ward councillor, ward committee or the mayor’s office. Here is a link to a useful manual that can help you effectively deal with your municipality
Download guide

Help with a problem with the Department of Health or a hospital or clinic

  • Call the national office on (012) 395 8000
  • Fax to (012) 395 9019

If you have a problem with a hospital or clinic you should first contact them. If that is unsuccessful you can phone the provincial complaint lines:

  • In the Eastern Cape you can call 0800 032 364 toll free
  • In the Free State you can call 0800 535 554 toll free
  • In Gauteng you can call 0800 203 886 toll free
  • In KwaZulu-Natal you can call 033 395 2009 toll free
  • In Limpopo you can call 0800 919 191 toll free
  • In Mpumalanga you can call 0800 204 098 toll free
  • In the Northern Cape you can call 018 387 5778 toll free
  • In the North West you can call 018 391 4000/1/2 toll free
  • In the Western Cape you can call 021 483 5624 toll free


Help with a problem at a school

The National Department of Education has a telephone hotline 0800 202 933 (toll free). Also, click here to find a useful handbook on school governance in South Africa.

Download handbook


Help with a problem between you and your employer; or a problem with your union or with a CCMA official

You can approach the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu).

  • Phone 011 339 4911
  • Fax to 011 339 5080 / 339 6940
  • Email:
  • PO Box 1019, Johannesburg 2000
  • Street address: Cosatu House, 110 Jorissen Street (cnr Simmonds Street), Braamfontein, Johannesburg.

You can also approach the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) which is an official body for dispute resolution, established in terms of the Labour Relations Act.

  • Call centre 086 116 1616
  • Phone 011 377 6650 / 6600
  • Fax to 011 834 7351
  • Email:
  • Private Bag X94, Marshalltown 2107
  • Street address of head office: 28 Harrison Street, Johannesburg 2001
  • To report fraud in the CCMA call the Fraud Hotline on 0860 666 348 or contact the call-back number on 072 595 9135, or send a fax to 086 726 1681.
  • You can also email


Help with a problem in a prison: The Independent Inspecting Judge for Correctional Services

The Inspecting Judge monitors the treatment of prisoners and the conditions in prisons.

  • Phone 021 412 1012/3/4

Land claim

Help with a problem involving a land claim: Commission on Restitution of Land Rights

The commission is a division of the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform.

  • Private Bag X833, Pretoria 0001
  • Phone the national office on 012 312 9244 / 9146
  • Fax to 012 321 0428
  • Contact Person: Chief Land Claims Commissioner Nomfundo Gobodo by emailing

Magistrate, judge, prosecutor

Help with a problem involving a magistrate: the Magistrate’s Commission
The Magistrate’s Commission is an independent institution established by the Magistrates Act of 1993, which can investigate complaints of corruption involving magistrates. It is based in Pretoria. Contact the chairperson of the Magistrate’s Commission at PO Box 9096, Pretoria, 0001, or on 012 325 3951, or by email at

Help with a problem involving a judge: the Judicial Service Commission

The Judicial Service Commission is an institution established under section 178 of the Constitution. If it receives a complaint of corruption involving a judge, it can create a Judicial Conduct Committee to investigate. It is based in Bloemfontein. Contact details for the Judicial Service Commission:

  • Phone 011 838 2010 / 2019
  • Fax to 086 649 0944
  • Private Bag X1, Constitutional Hill, Braamfontein 2017
  • Street Address: 1 Hospital Street, The Constitutional Court, Constitutional Hill, Braamfontein, Johannesburg

Help with a problem involving a prosecutor:  the National Prosecuting Authority Hotline

The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) is an institution established under section 179 of the Constitution. It employs and manages all prosecutors. It has a telephone hotline where any person can report corrupt activities and unethical behaviour by members of the NPA staff. The NPA hotline is open 24 hours a day, is administered by an independent organisation, and will accept anonymous calls.

  • Contact the NPA Hotline on 0800 21 25 80
  • Or post your complaint to the National Prosecuting Authority, Private Bag X752, Pretoria 0001.

The police

If you are unhappy with the service from SAPS you can call the SAPS Service Line 0860 13 0860, toll free.

Help with a problem involving a police official: the Independent Police Investigations Directorate
The Independent Police Investigations Directorate (IPID) is an independent institution established under the Constitution. It investigates any person’s complaint against both the SAPS and the metro police services. The IPID investigates the following kinds of cases:

  • The involvement of any SAPS members in criminal activities such as corruption, assault, theft, robbery, rape or any other criminal offences.
  • The involvement of any metro police member in criminal activities such as corruption, assault, theft, robbery, rape or any other criminal offences.
  • Police conduct or behaviour that is prohibited in terms of the SAPS Standing Orders or Police Regulations, such as neglect of duties or failure to comply with the Police Code of Conduct.

A complaint about police corruption may be lodged in person at an IPID office in any province, or by telephone, letter or email. Visit this IPID web page for more information. The complaint must be written down on the form which may be downloaded as a PDF – print it, fill it out and submit it.
Download the form

Help with a problem involving a traffic officer: phone the National Traffic Call Centre
You can call 0861 400 800 (not toll free) to report fraud and corruption in government traffic activities, as well as to report bad drivers, unsafe vehicles and reckless and negligent driver behaviour. You can also send a fax to 086 602 5928.

You can also report incidents to the SAPS Anti-Corruption Internal Unit:
Eastern Cape: 0823020402 |
Free State: 083 443 7987 |
Gauteng: 082 828 5778 |
Limpopo: 071 678 3347 |
KwaZulu-Natal: 082 556 8532 1
Mpumalanga: 082 449 0329 |
Northern Cape: 076 910 0447 |
North West: 084 085 4336 |
Western Cape: 079 894 1376 |


3rd Floor
The Marine Building
22 Dorothy Street Nyembe Street(Gardiner Street)
Tel. 031 310 1300
Fax. 031 305 8214


20th Floor
Marble Towers Building
No. 208-212 Jeppe Street
Tel. 011 220 1500
Fax. 011 333 2705


2nd Floor Femnic Building
66A Market Street
Tel. 015 291 9800
Fax. 015 295 3409


Nedbank Centre, 1st Floor
48 Brown Street
Tel. 013 754 1000
Fax. 013 752 2602

Eastern Cape

Mezzanine Floor Permanent Building
4244 Oxford Street cnr Terminus Streets
East London
Tel. 043 7066500
Fax. 043 7066526

Free State

15 cnr Andrew & Westburger Streets
Ground Floor
Standard Bank Building
Tel. 051 406 6800
Fax. 051 430 8852

Northern Cape

39 George Street
Tel. 053 807 5100
Fax. 053 832 5615

North West

No.1 Station Road
Molopo Shopping Centre, 1st Floor
Mafikeng 2745
Tel. 018 397 2500
Fax. 018 381 1495

Western Cape

Fintrust Building, 1st Floor
Corner Petrusa & Mazzur Street
Bellville 7530
Tel. 021 941 4800
Fax. 021 949 3196

Pension fund

Help with a problem between you and your pension fund: The Pension Funds Adjudicator

The Pension Funds Adjudicator receives complaints regarding private sector pension funds, provident funds and retirement annuities. It investigates and determines complaints of abuse of power, maladministration, disputes of fact or law and employer dereliction of duty in respect of pension funds.

  • Phone 012 346 1738 or 012 748 4000 for inquiries
  • Fax to 086 693 7472
  • Send email to
  • Give an anonymous tip-off at 0800 111 667 (toll free) or fax to 0800 00 77 88 (toll free) or email

If you are a government pensioner, contact the Government Employees Pension Fund who deal with complaints regarding government employee pension funds.

  • Phone 0800 117 669 toll free
  • Fax to (012) 326 2507
  • Send email to
  • Send post to GEPF, Private Bag X63, Pretoria 0001
  • Complaint letter may be addressed to Office of the CEO, GEPF, Private Bag X63, Pretoria 0001
  • Visit this page to get contact details for regional offices.

If you are a government pensioner, contact the Government Employees Pension Fund who deal with complaints regarding government employee pension funds.

  • Phone 0800 117 669 toll free
  • Fax to (012) 326 2507
  • Send email to
  • Send post to GEPF, Private Bag X63, Pretoria 0001
  • Complaint letter may be addressed to Office of the CEO, GEPF, Private Bag X63, Pretoria 0001
  • Visit this page to get contact details for regional offices.

Banking, insurance and retail

Help with a problem between you and your medical aid: the Council for Medical Schemes

The Council for Medical Schemes receives complaints about medical schemes’ services and products.

A problem between you and your bank: The Ombudsman for Banking Services 

This ombudsman receives complaints about banking services and products. Visit this page for advice on how to register a complaint and to download a form after first trying the recommended steps.

A problem between you and a short-term insurance company: The Ombudsman for Short Term Insurance

This ombudsman receives and considers complaints about short-term insurance companies. Short term insurance includes car insurance, household insurance, cell phone insurance, travel insurance and disability insurance. For long term insurance see below.

Contact the ombudsman only after you have unsuccessfully communicated with the insurance company.

  • Phone (011) 726 8900
  • Sharecall 0860 726 890
  • Fax to (011) 726 5501
  • Send email to
  • Visit the website at
  • Visit the offices at Sunnyside Office Park, 5th Floor, Building D, 32 Princess of Wales Terrace, Parktown
  • Send a letter to PO Box 32334 Braamfontein, 2017

A problem between you and a long-term insurance company: The Ombudsman for Long Term Insurance

This ombudsman receives and considers complaints about long-term insurance companies. Long term insurance includes life insurance. For short term insurance, see above.

Contact the ombudsman only after you have unsuccessfully communicated with the insurance company

  • Phone (021) 657 5000 or 0860 103 236
  • Sharecall 0860 662 837
  • Fax to (021) 674 0951
  • Send email to
  • Visit the offices at Third Floor, Sunclare Building, 21 Dreyer Street, Claremont, Cape Town, 7700
  • Send a letter to Private Bag X45, Claremont, Cape Town, 7735

Help with a problem involving a shop or company where you have bought something or where you have an account: The National Consumer Commission

The commission receives consumers’ (customers) complaints about shops, businesses or companies.