Donation FAQs

If your question is not addressed here, please feel free to contact us.


Why does Corruption Watch ask for donations?

We’re a small, professional and highly motivated NGO that relies on funding to survive. Your donation will help us to expand our work in South Africa.

What do you do with the donations?

Corruption Watch relies on donations from generous individuals like you to carry out our work.

We can’t do it without your help.

Report – we provide a platform for reporting corruption to us.
Investigate – we investigate selected reports of alleged corruption, particularly cases that have an impact on society.
Expose – we work with mainstream and community media to make sure that corruption is fully exposed.
Analyse – we gather and analyse information to identify patterns and hot spots of corruption.
Campaigns – we build campaigns that mobilise people to take a stand against corruption.

Our audited financial statements are published so that the use of money from donors both big and small is transparently available.

How can I make a donation?

Click on the red Donate now button, and you will be redirected to our page on GivenGain, a global activism organisation. Here you will be able to make a monthly or one-off donation in a safe online environment.

You can also make a direct deposit into our bank account and you’ll find the details here.

Why should I support you on a monthly basis?

Becoming a regular supporter will allow you to make a difference all year round. A reliable income will allow us to plan our work more effectively and carry it out more efficiently.

How can I cancel my monthly donation?

If you want to stop a recurring donation, just select the “Donations” tab of your GivenGain account and click on “Recurring Donations”. Click on “Edit” next to the donation instruction, then on “Stop” in the popup window.

Is my donation tax deductible?

Yes, all donations to Corruption Watch are tax deductible. You will receive a PDF via email.

Please request your tax receipt using the online form or write to

If you have questions or live outside of the South Africa, please contact your tax advisor.

I don’t want to donate online. How else can I make a donation?

If you prefer to donate via your bank account directly, here are our bank details:

Bank: Standard Bank
Type: Savings account
Account number: 00 483 4747
Branch: 004305
Branch name: Rosebank
Account holder: Corruption Watch (RF) NPC

What other options do I have to support you?

You can support us in any of the following ways:

  • Follow our work via the website and social media.
  • Sign up for our newsletter.
  • Come and meet us when we are out and about, at community outreach events, youth engagements, schools in your area, fun activations, or public mobilisation events such as marches. You can even visit us at our office!
  • Make a commitment to resist getting involved in any form of corruption. Urge everyone you know to do the same.
  • Report to us if you are concerned about someone you know who is possibly engaging in corruption, or encourage your friends and family to report their concerns to us.
  • Educate yourself about corruption, what it looks like, and how you can tackle it.
  • Educate yourself about your rights as a citizen so that you can stand up for yourself if a corrupt police officer interferes with you, or ask with confidence to know more about how your child’s school is run.
    Download our Know Your Rights card.
    Download our SGB handbook.
  • Educate yourself about your rights as a whistleblower.
    Download our whistleblowers’ handbook.

Will 100% of my donation be used for Corruption Watch’s work.

Yes, all donations will be used for Corruption Watch’s work or projects.

The online donation platform GivenGain does deduct a small fee from the donations. This includes the GivenGain Foundation’s 5% fee, and the transaction fees to cover banks, credit card companies, and other associated costs.

GivenGain transaction fees

Why do I receive messages from you?

Once you have made a donation you become part of our circle of friends, so we will stay in touch with you by occasionally sending you messages, just to keep you up to date with what’s happening on our side.

How can I cancel my monthly donation?

Your donation is important to us, and we appreciate your support tremendously. If you would like to revise your monthly donation to a smaller amount, we’ll assist you with that. Every little helps.

If you want to cancel altogether, please let us know. You can do this at any time and we will cancel immediately in our systems. Please note that it may take up to four weeks to take effect if the cancellation is done on the same day that a batch is processed.

Can I query a donation transaction?

You are entitled to query a debit that has come off your account. If the debit is less than 40 calendar days old, your bank will reverse the debit immediately and advise us. If the debit is older than 40 (forty) calendar days, your bank will take up the matter with us.

Who are the people in your fundraising videos?

For our fundraising campaigns and videos we sometimes use actors and actresses to support our storytelling. If we talk about whistleblowers, we feel that it is necessary to ensure their anonymity. In the case of “I am not the only one – Lethabo”, the story is based on corruption reports submitted to us, but Lethabo in the video is an actor that we used for the video. The actor’s parents are fully aware of the nature of the fundraising video and also needed to provide written consent to us for the production of this video.

Tax receipt

How can I get a Section 18A tax receipt?

You will get the chance to request one at the same time that you are setting up your  donation – this is the most convenient method. Otherwise you may request one from us later.

Is my donation tax deductible?

Yes. The South African Revenue Service specifies that a taxpayer making a bona fide donation in cash to a section 18A-approved organisation is entitled to a deduction from taxable income if the donation is supported by the necessary section 18A receipt issued by the organisation.

Credit card

Do you save credit card information?

No, we do not save credit card information.

Can I make a donation in a USD, GBP, EUR or any other currency?

Currently you can donate indifferent currencies using your credit card. Donations using direct debit order are only possible with South Afriocan bank accounts.

Donate in GBP | USD | AUD | EUR | CAD

Direct debit orders

Do I have to authorise you?

Yes. When you make the pledge on our website to donate monthly, you indicate which payment method you would prefer and you give us the mandate to collect your donation via a monthly direct debit order.

My bank refused your debit order. What now?

This could be because of insufficient funds, account data entered incorrectly, or a technical problem. We will attempt to run the debit during the next batch. We may contact you to confirm your banking details.

Do you save bank information?

We do not save credit card information. We save banking details for direct debits only, but you must authorise us to do so.


Can my donation guarantee that I don’t get investigated in a case of corruption? Or can I ensure, through my donation, that my case will be investigated?

Your donation will not be used in that way. We do not accept payments to facilitate or set aside an investigation.

How is my donation used?

We need resources to do our work, especially on the investigation side. Your donation will support our operating costs and will help us to carry on doing what we do best.

How can I get in touch if I have a question regarding my donation?

If you are uncertain about how your donation is used, you are welcome to contact us:

Is it safe to donate online via GivenGain?

GivenGain is a well-established online activism and donation platform. It is completely secure to make a payment through this organisation.

What happens to my data?

We use GivenGain for your donation. GivenGain saves information about your donation (amount, single or recurring donation) and your contact details. With this information we can get in touch with you or you can upgrade or cancel your monthly donation.

Corruption Watch does not save or have access to your credit card details or banking details at any time!

Donate in GBP | USD | AUD | EUR | CAD