
Whistle-blowers take centre stage on WWBD

By Janine Erasmus World Press Freedom Day (WPFD), marked every year on 3 May, is a day of both reflection and reminders – the former giving media professionals a chance to think about issues of press freedom and professional ethics, and the latter prompting governments to respect their commitment to press freedom. But WPFD is Read more >

State capture whistle-blowers hailed on 23 June

Every year on 23 June we remember whistle-blowers around the world who have braved threats to their lives and livelihoods to expose corruption on both small and large scales. We also reflect on what we, as a society and as individuals, are doing to make the environment for blowing the whistle more enabling and encouraging. Read more >

State capture update: Kodwa faces music in state capture trial

Image: Flickr/GovernmentZA Zizi Kodwa is out of a job, out of the ANC’s National Executive Committee, and facing charges of corruption and money laundering. He also faces disciplinary action within the party, according to spokesperson Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri, and has had to step aside in line with its policy for criminally charged members. Kodwa was the Read more >

SA’s public service is dysfunctional – the 5 main reasons why

Image: EFE-EPA/Nic Bothma By Marcel NagarFirst published on The Conversation: Africa A public policy works well if it’s a good policy and if it’s carried out well. Politicians make policy and specialist bureaucrats in the public service carry it out. These appointed officials are supposed to follow a strict professional and ethical code of conduct. Read more >