
SA youth, take your place!

Our Youth Month coverage kicks off with a rousing call to arms by Sbusiso Leope – better known as DJ Sbu – as he encourages the young people of South Africa to get actively involved in fighting corruption. After all, it's their future that is at stake, and the power to tackle the scourge is Read more >

Wise words from young corruption busters

By Valencia Talane “We have to create an environment that is not comfortable for the corrupt. The most important way is to increase the public’s voice against them.” The quote is from a policy document penned by a team of five high school learners who recently competed in the inaugural Model Youth South Africa challenge, Read more >

‘Air Gupta’ campaign a hit with UJ students

By Corruption Watch reporters Corruption Watch’s series of outdoor public-awareness campaigns last week took our message from Zoo Lake – not far from the Gupta compound – to Soweto’s bustling Bara taxi rank, the University of Johannesburg’s vibey Bunting campus and then to Saturday crowds at Maponya Mall. We caught the UJ leg on camera Read more >

Govt corruption getting worse – SA youngsters

Will the naming and shaming of public officials found guilty of corruption reduce its prevalence? Young people who participated in a recent survey on the subject are divided on the matter, with just over half believing that it will, while the rest feel there is little hope for a move like that. Out of 4 197 Read more >

Corruption Watch animation now online!

The hot, young talent behind the banned Nkandla fish and chips ad, Mdu Ntuli, is joining forces with Corruption Watch to bring out a six-part animated series to encourage South Africans to speak out against corruption ahead of International Anti-Corruption Day on 9 December. The series, which will play out in six parts on YouTube Read more >

Youngsters urged to speak out for a cleaner SA!

Young South Africans are among the hardest hit by corruption in the country – whether it’s corrupt driving instructors demanding bribes to pass their students, having to pay grease money to get a document from home affairs, cops soliciting “cool drink” money, or textbooks not arriving at school on time. While this can make being Read more >

Teaming with YFM to get SA youth switched on

Corruption Watch has teamed up with the YFM morning Flava team every Friday at 8:30 to reach out to South Africa’s youngsters and get them involved in the fight against corruption. Central to this “No more tjo-tjo” feature will be urging young listeners to reject bribery in all forms and encouraging them to sign Corruption Read more >