
For whistle-blowers, there are few rewards but many risks

This piece is extracted from Corruption Watch’s 2021 annual report. For more information, click here. By Moepeng TalaneFirst published on News24 “The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything” – a quote attributable to the late Albert Einstein, renowned all over the world Read more >

New CW perceptions survey, released on IACD, unpacks whistle-blower role

The journey of whistle-blowers in South Africa has increasingly come under the spotlight, including the sometimes devastating consequences that have followed a disclosure. In a report titled Daring to Act, released to coincide with today’s International Anti-Corruption Day, Corruption Watch unveils the findings of an online perceptions survey towards whistle-blowing in South Africa. The study Read more >

Take our whistle-blower perceptions survey

Corruption Watch is a non-profit organisation launched in 2012. We rely on the public to report incidents of corruption to us and we use this information to fight corruption in South Africa and hold our leaders accountable. Over the last nine years, we have received over 30 000 whistle-blower complaints. In order to improve our Read more >

Whistleblowers are the heart of Corruption Watch’s fight

By Melusi NcalaFirst published on News24 Corruption is my beat. I say this reservedly for my role and duty, though seemingly small, is a huge responsibility to me. Why? I am part of a country that is still grappling with vast inequality and indigence. But South Africans are people who live in hope and that, Read more >

Reflecting on the bravery of whistle-blowers

By Thato Mahlangu Justice for some whistle-blowers seems like an unlikely dream. As we marked World Whistle-blower Day on 23 June 2020, one of our own is in pain in a hospital, in the Eastern Cape, after suffering years of abuse at the hands of police while fighting for genuine concerns which have been raised Read more >

Cele cleared of wrongdoing by court, PP’s report set aside

By Thato Mahlangu The public protector’s 2018 report, which found police minister Bheki Cele to have ‘failed’ to protect two whistle-blowers, was declared invalid by the Gauteng North High Court last Wednesday. Cele had taken the report under judicial review. The court also cleared Cele of wrongdoing when it found that his department is not Read more >