
Whistle-blowers take centre stage on WWBD

By Janine Erasmus World Press Freedom Day (WPFD), marked every year on 3 May, is a day of both reflection and reminders – the former giving media professionals a chance to think about issues of press freedom and professional ethics, and the latter prompting governments to respect their commitment to press freedom. But WPFD is Read more >

State capture whistle-blowers hailed on 23 June

Every year on 23 June we remember whistle-blowers around the world who have braved threats to their lives and livelihoods to expose corruption on both small and large scales. We also reflect on what we, as a society and as individuals, are doing to make the environment for blowing the whistle more enabling and encouraging. Read more >

Wrap up of the latest from our state capture desk

The ANC has been putting out fires related to its election candidate list – more particularly, relating to members of the party whose names appear on the list despite corruption and other controversies hanging over their heads. Secretary-general Fikile Mbalula hosted a media briefing on Monday 11 March, almost a month after a similar engagement Read more >

Update on progress in resolving state capture cases

Welcome to our first update of the year on all things state capture and the state capture commission and the implementations of its recommendations. The presidency released a progress report in late November last year that documents its implementation of the recommendations by commission chairperson, Chief Justice Raymond Zondo. The year has started off with Read more >

More protections for SA whistle-blowers on the way, but will they work?

By Neil Coetzer, Maricia Smith, Bavukile Magagula, and Anthony AndrewsFirst published on Business Day During June 2023 the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development published a discussion document on proposed reforms for the whistle-blower protection regime in South Africa. Taking its cue from the criticism of the Protected Disclosures Act of 2000 by the Zondo Read more >

Using the law to frustrate, rather than support, whistle-blowers

Whistle-blowers and their challenges and potential hardships have been in the news lately. Plans to amend the legislation governing their protection are in motion – though not at the urgent speed we would like to see. Civil society organisations, including Corruption Watch, have been asking for meaningful changes for years, and it is only with Read more >