
 The Youth Day pledge we need from the 7th administration

By Siphokuhle Mkancu The 29th of May 2024 marked the seventh democratic election in South Africa, and based on the election results being that for the first time in the democratic era no single political party achieved a clear majority, the country is headed towards a formation declared by its proponents to be a government Read more >

The state of democracy around the world: latest report

Democracy [noun]UK /dɪˈmɒk.rə.si/ The belief in freedom and equality between people, or a system of government based on this belief, in which power is either held by elected representatives or directly by the people themselves. South Africa, like more than 60 other countries, goes to the polls in a couple of months in what is Read more >

Democracy not so sweet any more, say South Africans

Survey results released last week indicate that the majority of South Africans are dissatisfied with the way democracy works in their country – this is according to Afrobarometer, who polled residents’ satisfaction with democracy during November and December 2022. Furthermore, few citizens see the country as a well-functioning democracy, with a growing majority saying they Read more >

Corruption: Africa’s undeclared but deadly pandemic

By Tafi Mhaka First published on Al Jazeera On June 21, Malawi’s President Lazarus Chakwera fired the country’s chief of police, suspended several senior government officials and also took the extraordinary step of stripping his deputy, Saulos Chilima, of all powers after they were accused of receiving kickbacks from UK-based businessman Zuneth Sattar in exchange Read more >

No sustained youth development without transparency and accountability

Corruption is never beneficial – except to a self-serving few – but it adds an extra, unwanted challenge to those already facing South African youth, writes Mzwandile Banjathwa, Corruption Watch’s project coordinator. Unemployment is one of the biggest concerns, but when the very agencies that are tasked with helping young people gain skills and find Read more >

SA more worried about corruption than Covid-19, says new survey

Compiled by Luke DanielFirst published on Business Insider South Africa ranks as one of the most worried nations in the world, according to a new international survey. And unlike many other countries, Covid-19 is not the top concern locally, with citizens more concerned about corruption and unemployment than they are about the pandemic. Some 78% Read more >

Unemployed youth vulnerable to sextortion: CW youth survey 2020

By Sabeehah MotalaFirst published on News24 In 2020, Corruption Watch surveyed young people to understand their views and experiences of corruption, its second such endeavour since 2014. For the first time, the Youth Perceptions Survey asked participants specifically about their experiences with sextortion – a form of corruption where a person in a position of Read more >