
Corruption Watch joins global call to G20 leaders to stop corruption in financial system

An open letter published today, addressed to the G20 leaders in advance of the summit in Brisbane, Australia, calls for the world’s biggest economies to take concrete action to combat corruption by making the global financial system more transparent.  Twenty-four leaders of civil society representing every continent, including two Nobel laureates, have joined forces to Read more >

CW joins global anti-corruption call to G20

An open letter published today, addressed to the G20 leaders in advance of the summit in Brisbane, Australia, calls for the world’s biggest economies to take concrete action to combat corruption by making the global financial system more transparent. The drafting of the letter has been driven by Transparency International. Twenty-four leaders of civil society Read more >

Unmask the Corrupt campaign page – South Africa

South Africa, like numerous other countries, has a strong legal framework of anti-corruption laws, but their implementation is not robust, and perpetrators are seldom punished. Those who engage in corruption are easily able to hide their ill-gotten gains in secret companies or those with opaque corporate ownership structures, or by laundering the proceeds into luxury goods Read more >

South Africa lags behind in enforcing international anti-corruption commitments

South Africa has once again failed to make any progress in enforcing key international commitments that are aimed at curbing the global export of corruption and making foreign bribery a crime, Corruption Watch reported today. In its latest progress report, Exporting Corruption, on enforcement of the OECD’s Anti-Bribery Convention (adopted in 1997), Transparency International announced Read more >

SA failing to implement OECD convention

Transparency International (TI) today published its annual progress report, titled Exporting Corruption, on the implementation of the OECD anti-bribery convention. Its revelations are thought-provoking, and in South Africa's case, unflattering. In March this year we wrote about the country’s tardiness in prosecuting foreign bribery under the anti-bribery convention of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Read more >

The best of times and the worst of times

By Valencia Talane As the saying goes, “what do you give someone who already has everything?” If the person has pioneered the fight for the respect of the country’s Constitution and all that it represents, and holds government leadership accountable on all fronts, you reward them by recognising their efforts and sharing this on a Read more >

Public protector honoured by international peers

Corruption Watch has long championed the brave and courageous deeds undertaken by the public protector, Thuli Madonsela, to perform her constitutional duty to protect South African citizens from the misdeeds of the powerful and to expose corruption where she finds it.  It is therefore fitting that Madonsela should be the person chosen to receive Transparency Read more >

Public protector honoured by international anti-corruption peers

Corruption Watch has long championed the brave and courageous deeds undertaken by the public protector, Thuli Madonsela, to perform her constitutional duty to protect South African citizens from the misdeeds of the powerful and to expose corruption where she finds it.  It is therefore fitting that Madonsela should be the person chosen to receive Transparency Read more >

TI Integrity Award winners announced on Friday

Anti-corruption heroes come in all shapes and sizes, from all around the world, and from various walks of life. There is no stereotype – it could be your next-door neighbour, or it could be someone like Cardinal Christian Tumi of Cameroon, or Vietnamese schoolteacher Le Hien Duc. The latter two are previous laureates of Transparency Read more >