
Global Corruption Barometer now available

Transparency International (TI) yesterday launched the consolidated version of its Global Corruption Barometer series (GCB), based on five regional reports that have been published over the last two years. The GCB – the world’s largest survey asking citizens about their direct personal experience of corruption in their daily lives – shows what people experience and just Read more >

TI UK and CW call for Gupta banks to be investigated

First published on Transparency International UK A recent statement in the UK Parliament has generated widespread speculation that a major British bank has been involved in the South Africa’s Gupta scandal. In response, Transparency International (TI) UK and Corruption Watch, TI’s national chapter in South Africa, have called for a firm approach to be taken Read more >

TI: improving the Global Corruption Barometer

By Coralie Pring, research expert at Transparency International Published on the Global Anti-Corruption Blog Transparency International has been running the Global Corruption Barometer (GCB) – a general population survey on corruption experience and perception – for a decade and a half now. Before moving ahead with plans for the next round of the survey, we Read more >

How to keep humanitarian aid out of corrupt hands

Earthquakes and hurricanes devastating parts of Mexico and the Caribbean; flooding in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan affecting more than 41-million people; refugee crises in Syria and Myanmar; protracted crises in Afghanistan, Chad and the Central African Republic; and more than 20-million people facing starvation and famine across Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen in Read more >

Online tool helps companies tackle bribery, corruption

Good governance. Tone from the top. Enabling environment. These are terms we often read about in relation to ethical business practices, but in practical terms, many businesses struggle or lag in developing and implementing these important policies. Transparency International UK (TI UK) has launched a new online tool which provides up-to-date and in-depth guidance for Read more >

CW report: corruption in mining approval processes

Corruption Watch, in a new report released today, identifies the vulnerabilities in the mining application process, which give rise to corruption between mining companies, government authorities and community leaders, often to the detriment of mining-affected communities. As part of a Transparency International (TI) global initiative involving 20 TI chapters, the Mining for Sustainable Development Research Read more >

Report launch: Mining for Sustainable Development (SA)

Corruption Watch has been part of a global research initiative into risks and vulnerabilities in the mining application process – when mining licenses, contracts and permits are awarded – which give rise to corruption. The initiative, called Mining For Sustainable Development, is driven by Transparency International (TI) and aims to strengthen transparency and accountability in Read more >

Corruption in South Africa: a view from the front line

First published on Transparency International UK David Lewis, executive director of TI’s chapter in South Africa, Corruption Watch, reflects on the country’s current situation and the tools available to civil society to fight back against corruption. When, in the period leading to the formation of Corruption Watch, I traipsed around South Africa and the world Read more >

Launch of sustainable mining research report

Join us for the launch of our research report into mining for sustainable development Corruption Watch is one of 20 Transparency International (TI) chapters participating in a new programme that aims to improve transparency and accountability in the extractive industries. The TI Mining for Sustainable Development programme focuses specifically on the start of the mining Read more >