
Global corruption snapshots: 23 July 2015

The latest corruption stories from around the globe: Brazil’s former president Lula da Silva faces probe amid allegations of influence-peddling, while China’s Communist Party expels one of its own from public office amid corruption allegations and South African sports journalists flees the country in fear for his life! The scandal that ate Malaysia The near Read more >

Closing arguments: evidence leaders

The Arms Procurement Commission wrapped up at the end of June, after closing arguments had been presented by the interested parties that testified. In this three-part series, we summarise closing arguments from the evidence leaders, the government departments involved, and the arms dealers. Closing arguments: the government departments Closing arguments: the arms suppliers By Lee-Ann Read more >

How open is your government?

The World Justice Project (WJP), which works to advance the rule of law, recently launched its 2015 Open Government Index. This, says the organisation, is its first effort at measuring government openness around the world, and is based on ordinary people’s experiences and perceptions as they interact with their governments. Openness, says WJP, is a Read more >

Open doors for Cedar Road tender adjudication

On 1 April in Ekurhuleni, the Gauteng provincial government held a bid adjudication session that was open to everyone – marking the first time that the adjudication of a tender was conducted in public in Gauteng. The tender is for the upgrade of a portion of the busy Cedar Road. The provincial finance department is Read more >

SGBs succeed with transparency, trust and teamwork

By Valencia Talane When the school governing body (SGB) system works, it works very well. When it doesn’t, the consequences are disastrous and it is usually learners who suffer the most. This is the view of Thabo Shole-Mashao, a TV and radio personality and an entrepreneur. Until the end of 2014, Shole-Mashao had been chairperson Read more >

Samwu corruption suspect now in custody

The Save Our Samwu (SOS) campaign, notes its website, came about following the dismissals, expulsions and suspensions of leading Samwu officials after the union’s national office bearers (NOBs) refused to answer questions on the organisation’s finances. In April 2014 a majority vote called for the suspension of the NOBs and for a forensic audit. "It was Read more >

Call for transparency and meritocracy in public service

With a committed attitude of integrity in public servants, South Africa can very well start winning the fight against the scourge. These were the views shared by a panel that led discussions at the annual commemoration of International Anti-Corruption Day in Pretoria on Tuesday. The event, jointly organised by the Public Service Commission (PSC), the Read more >

G20 beneficial ownership principles: six points to note

Source: Transparency International This weekend G20 leaders adopted new high level principles on beneficial ownership transparency in Brisbane, declaring “financial transparency, in particular the transparency of beneficial ownership of legal persons and arrangements a ‘high priority’”. But just how good are these principles? Here are six take-home points: 1. They were adopted. And that’s a Read more >

Gabriella Razzano: evangelist for openness

By Valencia Talane A transparent system of government that encourages access to information for its citizens as well as freedom of expression, while protecting those who question its decisions and motives, may be an unrealistic concept for many. For the team of activists at the Open Democracy Advice Centre (ODAC), however, it is the proverbial Read more >