
Why corruption should matter to everyone

• By William J. Burns and Michael Mullen • First published on Project Syndicate Pope Francis has called corruption “the gangrene of a people.” US Secretary of State John Kerry has labeled it a “radicaliser,” because it “destroys faith in legitimate authority.” And British Prime Minister David Cameron has described it as “one of the Read more >

SA commits to tackling beneficial ownership

As part of this week’s meeting of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) in Cape Town, South Africa today launched its third national action plan (NAP) which includes a high-level commitment to creating a public register of beneficial ownership information. Corruption Watch, as a participant in Transparency International’s (TI) Unmask the Corrupt campaign, has been calling Read more >

Open Letter to SA’s Special Envoy on Open Govt Partnership

Open Letter to the Special Envoy on Open Government Partnership To: the deputy minister of public service and administration, Ayanda Dlodlo The establishment of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) internationally in 2011 brought the promise of greater accountability, greater transparency and the fostering of citizen participation through a collaborative partnership between government and civil society. Read more >

SPEAK UP, South Africa: the impact of the Nkandla ruling

By David Lewis First published on Transparency International In March this year South Africa’s highest court upheld a landmark investigation by the courageous public protector Thuli Madonsela that showed how taxpayers’ money had been used to upgrade President Jacob Zuma’s personal residence. This underscored the importance of the role of the Public Protector in holding Read more >

Little transparency in Parly shortlist process

On Friday 22 April, a multiparty subcommittee of Parliament’s joint standing committee on intelligence met to shortlist candidates applying to be the new inspector-general of intelligence (IGI) – but dismally failed the transparency test. This has important implications for our Bua Mzansi campaign, which is mobilising people to get involved in choosing the new public protector. The Read more >

Take part in our public protector persona survey!

Public participation in the appointment of a new public protector – and other positions that require similar processes – is written into the Constitution. In chapter nine, section 193 (appointment of the public protector or member of any commission established under chapter nine) it states that “(6) The involvement of civil society in the recommendation Read more >

Public reporting would curb illicit outflows from SA

They come, they see and – due to relaxed tax and finance laws, or legal firms that have perfected the art of tax avoidance – they conquer a lot more than they invest in Africa. These are multinational companies that find loopholes in the legislation of the continent’s poorest countries and are able to dodge Read more >

Bua Mzansi: The importance of the Public Protector

Described by our Supreme Court of Appeal as a “watchdog”, the Public Protector is also often compared to an ombudsman, which is an institution that originated in Sweden, created to ensure that public officials acted in terms of the law and discharged their duties properly. There are now a large number of such institutions around Read more >

Corruption in sport: it’s not too late

Last year in April, Transparency International (TI) launched its initiative focusing on corruption in sport, at the same time indicating that it would release a comprehensive report in February the next year. Today the organisation releases that report as part of its flagship Global Corruption Report series. The global phenomenon of sport engages billions of Read more >