
Secretive, unearned promotions threaten SA’s policing

By Johan Burger First published on the ISS website As South Africans start to feel optimistic about actions to fix the criminal justice system, a secret project in the police could substantially weaken its ability to become a professional organisation. The South African Police Service (Saps) is promoting 600 people into management positions – not Read more >

CW weighs in on renewal of IPID head’s contract

On Friday, 22 February, Corruption Watch made a submission to Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Police (PCP) on the process to determine the renewal of the contract of the executive director of the Independent Police Investigating Directorate (IPID). The submission relates to Corruption Watch’s involvement as amicus curiae in the legal matter of Robert McBride and Read more >

Party funding act useless if not enacted

By Pierre de Vos First published on Constitutionally Speaking Political parties in South Africa tend to resemble Eskom: they burn through piles of cash but seldom deliver as promised. Some of this cash comes from “donations” made to political parties (or to political leaders) by individuals and businesses (think Gavin Watson and Bosasa or Adriano Read more >

Batohi steps into NDPP office

Recently appointed national director of public prosecutions (NDPP) Shamila Batohi, who starts her 10-year tenure today with a view to turning the tide of corruption and incompetence in the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), has built a successful legal career while maintaining a relatively low profile. She was appointed at the beginning of December 2018 by Read more >

2018 CPI shows failure of AU anti-corruption year

The Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) 2018, released today by Transparency International (TI), the global coalition against corruption, is evidence of a world that has not come to grips with burgeoning corruption. This is true for South Africa, as it continues to languish with a score of 43, the same as the previous year, suggesting that Read more >

Civil society is key player in cutting out crime

By Kwazi Dlamini First published in City Press The African Union (AU) has marked 2018 as the African year of anti-corruption, with the theme of Winning the Fight against Corruption: A Sustainable Path to Africa’s Transformation. One of the AU’s weapons in its anti-corruption arsenal is the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption Read more >

Swift action needed on party funding bill

By Judith February First published on EWN The recent brouhaha regarding President Cyril Ramaphosa and the so-called ‘Bosasa campaign donation’ has again put the funding of political parties in the spotlight. It started when DA leader Mmusi Maimane asked Ramaphosa about a donation of R500 000 he had allegedly received from Bosasa’s Gavin Watson. This Read more >

Adv Shamila Batohi announced as new NDPP

Advocate Shamila Batohi is the new national director of public prosecutions (NDPP). Batohi was chosen, after careful consideration, from a final list of five. “I accept with gratitude and my only obligation is to serve the country with dedication and humility,” she said.”The NPA will serve the Constitution and the people of South Africa.” “As Read more >