
Open letter to G20 finance ministers from civil society

From Amnesty International, CIVICUS and Transparency International 13 October 2020 Dear G20 finance ministers, As you meet this week, we are writing to you to encourage you to take concrete actions in order to build a better future through a just recovery by investing in people and ensuring that funds being made available reach those Read more >

SA falling behind in action against foreign bribery

In 2018 Transparency International released a further edition of its Exporting Corruption survey, a progress report which rates countries based on their enforcement against foreign bribery under the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention. The OECD convention requires signatory countries to criminalise bribery of foreign public officials and introduce related measures.  That report highlighted South Africa’s failure to Read more >

Beneficial ownership disclosure will expose procurement crooks

By Cherese ThakurFirst published on amaBhungane Corruption costs lives. This simple truth has been grimly illustrated over the past months of national disaster, where front-line workers have had to brave conditions with insufficient or poor quality personal protective equipment (PPE). Many of these workers have contracted the virus, and some have died. In monetary terms, Read more >

Covid-19 corruption pushes govt out of lethargy

By Janine ErasmusFirst published on Transparency International Along with other ordinary South Africans, we at Corruption Watch have followed with increasing dismay the growing number of reports of corruption related to the Covid-19 pandemic. The perpetrators of this corruption have been unashamedly brazen in their hijacking of the emergency measures put into place to deal Read more >

Now or never: time to create real, lasting procurement reform

1 September 2020 Dear President Ramaphosa and Minister Mboweni, We write to you as civil society organisations deeply concerned at the high levels of corruption being committed through our public procurement system. We call on you to take advantage of the current opportunities and show decisive leadership to steer a collaborative process as the draft Read more >

No panacea for corruption – so do we need to keep spelling it out?

By Matthew StephensonFirst published on Global Anticorrutpion blog I’m taking another one of my periodic breaks from semi-serious commentary to make a mostly frivolous, slightly snarky point about the way we talk and write about corruption. Here’s my plea for today: Every sensible person would presumably agree that there’s no panacea (that is, no single Read more >