
Where do illicit financial flows out of Africa go? TI follows the dirty money

Image: International Monetary Fund Illicit financial flows (IFFs) have been, and continue to be, a huge problem for developing countries, especially. They hinder countries’ ability to meet the UN sustainable development goals, because they undermine the fiscal systems which are in place to collect government revenue, and reduce the amount of funds available for development Read more >

Fight for global tax justice and equality takes positive turn

Image: Civil Society Financing for Development Mechanism The global system of taxation is profoundly unequal, and long overdue for change. Global tax rules tend to favour developed countries, to a large degree because the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is the de facto rule setter, and has been for over 60 years. Those Read more >

UN adopts plans for historic tax reform, move away from OECD

By Mark Bou MansourFirst published on the Tax Justice Network On 22 November countries at the UN adopted, by a landslide majority, a resolution to begin the process of establishing a framework convention on tax and completely change how global tax rules are decided. The framework convention can eventually move decision-making on global tax rules Read more >

Beneficial ownership and climate crimes: A fishy business

By Matti KohonenFirst published on Tax Justice Network In this blog we explore how climate justice and tax justice advocates can unite and demand beneficial ownership transparency for sectors prone to climate crimes.  As the Tax Justice Network has previously noted, the climate crisis and financial secrecy are closely connected. Immense pressure and a set Read more >

Tax havens will siphon trillions unless action taken

We know about the millions and billions lost to theft, corruption, maladministration, and other widely publicised causes – but what about the more insidious loss of similar amounts to the undeclared movement of taxable funds across borders? On 25 July the Tax Justice Network (TJN) published its annual State of Tax Justice report, and at Read more >