
Cabinet reshuffle: CW issues strong call for action

Following last night’s cabinet reshuffle, the centre of political gravity and the last hope for the South African democracy rests with the people of South Africa and their parliamentary representatives. The events have clearly established that renewal will not come from within the ranks of the ruling party which has clearly been captured by a Read more >

State capture report paves way for more investigation

Corruption Watch, in its response to the public protector’s State of Capture report, highlights the critical importance of the report in ensuring that a few, favoured individuals do not continue to abuse state resources and power. While the public protector has not made adverse findings against any of those implicated in the report, she does, Read more >

State capture report calls for commission of inquiry

The long-awaited state capture report was released yesterday, and one of the outcomes was the instruction by former Public Protector Thuli Madonsela that President Jacob Zuma must appoint a judicial commission of inquiry into state capture. However, Zuma is not to choose the commissioner – that task falls to South Africa’s chief justice. State of Read more >

State capture report: PP must publish today

The second day of the state capture report hearings in the North Gauteng High Court brought more interesting developments. President Jacob Zuma withdrew his application to interdict the report, and the court ordered the Public Protector, whose report it is, to publish the document immediately. The hearings are focusing on various applications to interdict the Read more >

Betrayal of public trust must be investigated

The controversy surrounding the relationship between the president and the Gupta family demands immediate resolution. It is a particularly damaging distraction at a time when the country faces pressing economic problems, problems that are strongly related to the governance issues represented in the Gupta affair. In essence, business interests represented by the Gupta family stand Read more >