
Zondo Commission – week 6 overview

In our last Zondo Commission overview, we reported that Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo was due to deliver his decisions on the various applications to cross-examine witnesses. Ajay Gupta and his brother Rajesh, Duduzane Zuma, Fana Hlongwane, former public enterprises minister Lynne Brown, former presidential chief of staff Lakela Kaunda, Advocate Mandla Mtolo, and Major-General Read more >

Zondo Commission – week 3 overview

In the third week of the public hearings for the Zondo Commission into state capture, implicated parties grabbed the spotlight by replying publicly to testimony and applying to cross-examine witnesses. After acting DG of the Government Information and Communication System (GCIS) Phumla Williams implicated former communications minister Faith Muthambi not only of mistreatment towards her Read more >

Zondo Commission – week 2 overview

The second week of public hearings for the Zondo Commission into state capture saw damning evidence that puts former president Jacob Zuma at the centre of what appears to be intricate plans for fleecing government departments to meet the interests of the Gupta family. It was first former ANC member of parliament Vytjie Mentor, and Read more >

Zondo Commission – week 1 overview

The first week of the Zondo Commission has already produced some explosive testimony. On Friday former deputy finance minister Mcebisi Jonas testified that the Gupta brother he met with in October 2015, believed to be Ajay, boasted that “we are in control of everything…” – including the Hawks, the National Prosecuting Authority and the National Read more >

Poor support for whistle-blowers a problem for Zondo

By Rebecca Davis First published on Daily Maverick “The response has not been what we were expecting,” remarked Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo when he opened the first day of the state capture inquiry. “The response has been quite disappointing.” Zondo was referring to the apparent public reluctance to comply with a call put out Read more >

Zondo Commission into state capture gets off the ground

The Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption and Fraud in the Public Sector including Organs of State   This inquiry, known as the Zondo Commission, was appointed on 23 January 2018 by former president Jacob Zuma in terms of section 84(2)(f) of South Africa’s Constitution. Its purpose is to investigate allegations Read more >

SOE shakeup in Ramaphosa’s first 100 days

As the image and governance standards of South Africa’s state owned entities (SOEs) are being restored by the recent appointments of new boards by Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan, and the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture hits the ground running, we marked the first 100 days of President Cyril Ramaphosa’s administration. His term so Read more >

State capture commission almost up and running

By Kwazi Dlamini UPDATE, 27 July 2018: Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo has confirmed that the first hearings into state capture will begin on 20 August this year and implicated individuals will be alerted about the proceedings on Monday. He said the hearings will not last less than three weeks and might even take longer, Read more >

CW urges public to help commission fulfil mandate

While Corruption Watch welcomes the announcement of the establishment of a judicial commission of enquiry into state capture and the intended appointment of Deputy Chief Justice Zondo to head the commission, it urges the public to remain vigilant and take cognisance of the multiple factors and objectives underlying President Jacob Zuma’s belated decision to establish Read more >