
Bosasa lavish with bribes, former COO tells Zondo

Controversial facilities management company Bosasa spent between R4-million and R6-million monthly for bribes to senior government officials on the company’s payroll, in what CEO Gavin Watson called “monopoly money”. These were the words of Angelo Agrizzi, the former chief operations officer of Bosasa, and first witness to testify before the Zondo commission of inquiry into Read more >

Zondo Commission – week 15 overview

Explosive revelations into the belly of the ANC, captured ministers who relinquished their authority to private citizens, and a dramatic request for a recusal, made for a hectic week at the commission of inquiry into state capture. The week started slowly as former National Treasury spokesperson Phumza Macanda testified. She, like former department colleagues before Read more >

Zondo Commission – updates, analysis and other material

The Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption and Fraud in the Public Sector including Organs of State Background and context of Corruption Watch’s interest in the state capture commission The work of Corruption Watch is driven by the reports of corruption that whistle-blowers bring to us. The success of the Zondo Read more >

Civil society denounces EFF’s claims and threats

We, civil society organisations in South Africa, express our deep concern at the attacks made in recent days on the state capture commission by the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF). Such attacks include statements by EFF leader Julius Malema in which he: Described the commission as a “Mickey Mouse show”; Accused its chairperson of stealing money Read more >

Zondo Commission – week 14 overview

The week of protests, political war threats and some comic relief – this is how many might characterise the last five days of the commission of inquiry into state capture. It started with the much anticipated testimony of public enterprises minister Pravin Gordhan on Monday. Over three days, Gordhan gave detailed accounts of instances of Read more >

CW calls on Zondo to defend commission’s work

Today Corruption Watch called on Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo to defend the work of the commission of inquiry into state capture, currently underway in Johannesburg. This comes in the wake of statements made by Commander in Chief of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), Julius Malema, outside the hearings yesterday, during the testimony of Minister Read more >

Zondo Commission – week 13 overview

It was a very insightful first week back for the commission of inquiry into state capture, when it resumed its public hearings on Monday after a month-long break. Between the testimonies of former public enterprises minister Barbara Hogan and former government spokesperson Mzwanele Manyi, South Africans were given a lot to think about. Hogan did Read more >

Zondo Commission resumes on 12 November

The Zondo Commission into allegations of state capture resumes on Monday, 12 November, after a break of about a month. Corruption Watch has attended all the hearings and has compiled a page of updates which contains details of the testimony of all the witnesses who appeared during the first seven weeks, as well as relevant Read more >

Zondo Commission – week 7 overview

The Zondo Commission has reached the end of its seventh week. Originally scheduled to run for just three weeks, the hearings have already produced some explosive testimony – Mcebisi Jonas, Vytjie Mentor, and representatives from South Africa’s biggest banks are just some of the witnesses who have come out with startling revelations. This week it Read more >