
Gauteng Together to help address Covid-19 food, social insecurity

Today marks the launch of Gauteng Together, an initiative calling for the establishment of community action networks (CAN) across Gauteng to address the social impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The project was initiated by The Angel Network, the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation and CONECKT, and is supported by a range of organisations, individuals and local community Read more >

Gauteng Together: no one is safe unless we are all safe

South Africa’s inequalities have never been more glaring than now, during the Covid-19 global pandemic. The aggressive measures taken to slow the infection rate have brought South Africa’s economy – already in a frail condition – to a virtual standstill but worse, it has increased food insecurity for those who live in poverty or are Read more >

Seeing people the day before lockdown was beautiful

Guest contributor I have asked people to share their experiences. Like a colleague of mine, I am personally afraid and locked in. Since out last day at the office I only went out the day before the lockdown to see my parents and buy some veggies from the street vendors. I did a WhatsApp Challenge Read more >

Lockdown in Tembisa

Guest contributor I live close to Tembisa hospital which is on a busy road but these past few days it’s been quiet. The first couple of days people saw it as an opportunity to visit their loved ones in hospital so there were lines in the evening. People that are discharged are able to find Read more >

It’s all quiet in Jhb’s southern suburbs

Guest contributor Glenvista is a suburb in the south of Johannesburg. It’s 5.36 square km in area with a population of 10 177. On ordinarily days, the Glenvista community is busy and very interactive especially in the morning with people going to work or heading to the gym or taking children to school. Since the dawn of Read more >

Lessons learned from the Covid-19 pandemic

Guest contributor I have to firstly applaud each and every person who stays at home during the lockdown, I am sure it’s not easy especially for people who enjoy going out. You are doing yourself, your family and the country good. We have the will to do what’s right for us, for our families and Read more >

Lockdown Life – a Corruption Watch blog

The novel coronavirus, named Covid-19 by the World Health Organisation, is raging in South Africa and across the world. This is a time of extreme danger, and so governments have generally responded with urgency, albeit to varying degrees. Because South Africa is a country still grappling with vast inequalities, there are some who will hardly Read more >

Our Facebook family members speak up

Guest contributors These are some of the experiences our Facebook family members are sharing with us: It has been difficult since we cannot move out to do some piece jobs. Now it is hard, but I understand the situation. I wish I had the money to get food for my family. – Bishop Jali We Read more >

“Our community obeys the law”

Guest contributors Good day Our community (the street where we live) obeys the law and just here and there maybe two or three vehicles that go past our home per day. People from other areas walk on our street, I suppose on their way to a Pick and Pay that is about a kilometre and Read more >

Gauteng Together to help address Covid-19 food, social insecurity

Today marks the launch of Gauteng Together, an initiative calling for the establishment of community action networks (CAN) across Gauteng to address the social impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The project was initiated by The Angel Network, the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation and CONECKT, and is supported by a range of organisations, individuals and local community Read more >

Gauteng Together: no one is safe unless we are all safe

South Africa’s inequalities have never been more glaring than now, during the Covid-19 global pandemic. The aggressive measures taken to slow the infection rate have brought South Africa’s economy – already in a frail condition – to a virtual standstill but worse, it has increased food insecurity for those who live in poverty or are Read more >

Seeing people the day before lockdown was beautiful

Guest contributor I have asked people to share their experiences. Like a colleague of mine, I am personally afraid and locked in. Since out last day at the office I only went out the day before the lockdown to see my parents and buy some veggies from the street vendors. I did a WhatsApp Challenge Read more >

Lockdown in Tembisa

Guest contributor I live close to Tembisa hospital which is on a busy road but these past few days it’s been quiet. The first couple of days people saw it as an opportunity to visit their loved ones in hospital so there were lines in the evening. People that are discharged are able to find Read more >

It’s all quiet in Jhb’s southern suburbs

Guest contributor Glenvista is a suburb in the south of Johannesburg. It’s 5.36 square km in area with a population of 10 177. On ordinarily days, the Glenvista community is busy and very interactive especially in the morning with people going to work or heading to the gym or taking children to school. Since the dawn of Read more >

Lessons learned from the Covid-19 pandemic

Guest contributor I have to firstly applaud each and every person who stays at home during the lockdown, I am sure it’s not easy especially for people who enjoy going out. You are doing yourself, your family and the country good. We have the will to do what’s right for us, for our families and Read more >

Lockdown Life – a Corruption Watch blog

The novel coronavirus, named Covid-19 by the World Health Organisation, is raging in South Africa and across the world. This is a time of extreme danger, and so governments have generally responded with urgency, albeit to varying degrees. Because South Africa is a country still grappling with vast inequalities, there are some who will hardly Read more >