
Nominations invited for appointment of members of the Information Regulator

The Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services invites nominations from individuals, organisations, institutions and civil society for four (4) suitable persons to be appointed as members of the Information Regulator for a period of five years. South Africa’s Information Regulator is tasked with monitoring and enforcing compliance by public and private bodies with the Read more >

CW submits comments on the Firearms Control Amendment Bill 2020

Corruption Watch’s work in the field of police accountability and anti-corruption is well known. For many years we’ve advocated for the appointment of ethical leaders through a thorough process that involves public participation. We’ve held discussions and consultations with Diepsloot, KwaMashu and Cape Flats communities affected by police violence and criminality. We’ve created Veza, an Read more >

CW urges diligence with upcoming lotteries appointments

Corruption Watch (CW) has written to the minister of trade and industry, Ebrahim Patel,  and the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry on the upcoming appointments to the National Lotteries Commission (NLC). The NLC has been in the news frequently of late, for all the wrong reasons – opacity, nepotism, misuse of funds, corruption. Patel Read more >

CW scrutinises AG hopefuls and submits results to parly

The short list for the upcoming position of auditor-general (AG) was announced at the beginning of August. Current AG Kimi Makwetu ends his distinguished term of office on 30 November, and the six candidates to replace him are: Mr Michael Sass, CA (SA)Dr Moses Gasela, (FCCA, UK)Ms Shabeer Khan, CA (SA)Ms Tsakani Maluleke, CA (SA)Mr Read more >

All support to CW for all you’ve done for South Africa

Merle Payne Hi, I am answering the questionnaire about my Covid-19 experience. I live on my brother’s farm in Limpopo. I run a small embroidery workshop from the farm in my house. When the first lockdown was implemented, I told two of the three ladies at the workshop to go home to organise their lives Read more >

SAACoN condemns Zim authorities’ action against peaceful protests

The Southern African Anti-corruption Network (SAACoN) has been monitoring events in Zimbabwe with increasing concern for the safety of civil society activists, journalists and opposition politicians since 20 July 2020.  On 20 July 2020 investigative journalist Hopewell Chi’nono and opposition politician Jacob Ngarivhume were arrested in the wake of the exposure of high level corruption Read more >

CW’s auditor-general submission discussed in Parly

Earlier in July Corruption Watch (CW) wrote to the parliamentary Ad Hoc Committee on the Appointment of the Auditor-General (AG) with a detailed submission containing our views, plans and recommendations. The term of the incumbent AG Kimi Makwetu, who has served with distinction, comes to an end on 30 November 2020. Our submission to the Read more >