
SGB elections: your chance to make a change!

School governing body (SGB) elections are currently under way, and will be until the end of March. Parents and guardians are strongly urged to take note of the date on which the voting will take place at their child’s school. The theme for this year’s elections is Be active, Be Principled. Vote wisely. Njalo!.  Participation Read more >

Be involved in children’s future: vote in SGB polls

By Melusi Ncala First published in The Herald The phrase “politics of the stomach” is familiar in political discussions in South Africa. The term is spoken among people seeking to strike deals or as justification for the forging of political relationships which inevitably lead to chasms between factions. When the words are heard, the mind Read more >

CW weighs in on the draft Public Audit Amendment Bill

Corruption Watch (CW) has made submissions to the Standing Committee on the Auditor-General (SCOAG), as part of the public hearings to address the draft Public Audit Amendment Bill currently still underway in Parliament. The organisation welcomes the amendments being proposed by the SCOAG, which seek to ensure that the Auditor-General (AG) is able to enforce Read more >

CW encourages parents to play role in school governance

Corruption Watch (CW) today launched a campaign focusing on the upcoming school governing body (SGB) elections, which take place from 1 – 31 March 2018. The objective of the campaign is to rally parents, teachers, principals and learners to exercise their votes to elect people of integrity so that our schools are well managed and Read more >

CW encourages parents to play role in school governance

Corruption Watch today launched a campaign focusing on the upcoming school governing body (SGB) elections, which take place from 1 – 31 March 2018. The objective of the campaign is to rally parents, teachers, principals and learners to exercise their votes to elect people of integrity so that our schools are well managed and resourced. Read more >

People’s Tribunal: call for information and witnesses

SAVE THE DATE: People’s Tribunal on Economic Crime in South Africa Constitution Hill, Johannesburg First hearings: 3 – 7 February 2018 The organising committee for the People’s Tribunal on Economic Crime in South Africa hereby invites members of the public to submit information to be presented at the first hearings of the People’s Tribunal in Read more >

TI: improving the Global Corruption Barometer

By Coralie Pring, research expert at Transparency International Published on the Global Anti-Corruption Blog Transparency International has been running the Global Corruption Barometer (GCB) – a general population survey on corruption experience and perception – for a decade and a half now. Before moving ahead with plans for the next round of the survey, we Read more >

Mining royalties: Bakwena ba Mogopa community

Corruption Watch will visit with community members in Bakwena ba Mogopa, North West, next week as part of a project to research and understand the impact of the maladministration of mining royalties on communities in the region, and to identify the gaps in the legislative and policy frameworks that adversely affect the processes. Corruption Watch Read more >

The real police numbers behind SA’s high crime rate

As the South African Police Service (SAPS) prepares to release South Africa’s annual crime statistics, Corruption Watch and the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) have released numbers that highlight the challenges of police leadership in a country with endemic crime and violence. This is part of a campaign to change the way South Africa’s top Read more >