
Farm worker equity schemes a failure of both government and farm owners

Image: Vuk’uzenzele By Melusi NcalaFirst published on News24 The South African government, under the African National Congress (ANC) rule, cares little about the plight of marginalised people – and the ANC-led government’s own abhorrent track record in upholding human rights tells the story.   Besides its well-documented service delivery failures, the handling of the land question Read more >

Episode 4 – Land and Corruption: Story of the Marginalised

Image: PixHere Corruption Watch (CW) is the South Africa lead for the Land and Corruption in Africa phase 2 (LCA2) project, driven by Transparency International (TI), and is part of an eight-chapter team – with Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe – that successfully completed the first phase from 2014 to 2019. Overall, Read more >

Episode 3 – Land and Corruption: Story of the Marginalised

Image: Corruption Watch Episodes 1 and 2 of our new five-part podcast series on land corruption, respectively, laid down the background to the Land and Corruption in Africa phase 2 (LCA2) project, driven by Transparency International (TI), and moved towards discussion of land in the agricultural sector. Now episode 3 has been released. Corruption Watch Read more >

Land rights take centre stage at CW listening session

The continued failure to address land rights in South Africa and the devastating impact of corruption came under the spotlight on 23 October 2023 at a Corruption Watch (CW) event. The organisation hosted a listening session of its new podcast series titled Land and Corruption: Story of the Marginalised, and simultaneously released a research report Read more >

Podcasts by Corruption Watch

Corruption Watch podcasts are engaging and topical, covering a wide range of issues, from the Zondo commission and state capture, to land corruption, police corruption, and corruption affecting the youth. Our podcast serials are at the top of the page, while you will find individual or one-off podcasts at the bottom. Our podcast journey is Read more >

Keep fit and eat healthy during the lockdown

Lucky Mkosana I hope everyone is staying safe with loved ones during this tough time. As much as the virus has affected our livelihoods, I’m using man this time to get better and improve on my weaknesses on and off the field. It’s definitely a setback, but also the perfect time for a comeback and Read more >