
CW and CASAC call for review of candidate lists

It is widely accepted that Parliament and other legislative bodies were conspicuously absent from efforts mounted to combat the corruption and state capture that characterized the period of the Zuma administration. This responsibility was largely left to civil society organisations, investigative journalists and the courts while Parliament proved, at best, unable to exercise its considerable Read more >

CW weighs in on renewal of IPID head’s contract

On Friday, 22 February, Corruption Watch made a submission to Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Police (PCP) on the process to determine the renewal of the contract of the executive director of the Independent Police Investigating Directorate (IPID). The submission relates to Corruption Watch’s involvement as amicus curiae in the legal matter of Robert McBride and Read more >

The Public Audit Act amendment bill – what’s it about?

In part one of our new two-part miniseries on the public audit, we dealt with the audit outcomes for 2017/2018, performed under the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and tabled on 21 November in Parliament by Auditor-General (AG) Kimi Makwetu. In part two, we focus on the Public Audit Act (PAA) amendment bill, that was Read more >

PFMA audit results: overall deterioration again

Our new two-part miniseries focuses on the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) audit outcomes for 2017/2018, tabled yesterday in Parliament by Auditor-General Kimi Makwetu, as well as the Public Audit Act (PAA) amendment bill that was signed into law a few days ago. On Tuesday 20 November, the Government Gazette carried the announcement that President Read more >

Submissions invited on Political Party Funding Bill

Parliament’s Ad Hoc Committee on the Funding of Political Parties has opened the window for submissions and comments from all stakeholders and interested parties, on the draft Political Party Funding Bill. The committee invites parties to send through their written submissions on the bill from now until the closing date and time of 16h00 on Read more >

Public participation invited for review of section 25

South Africa’s National Assembly, with the concurrence of the National Council of Provinces, has mandated the joint constitutional review committee to: Review section 25 of the Constitution and other sections where necessary, to make it possible for the state to expropriate land in the public interest without compensation; Propose the necessary constitutional amendments where applicable Read more >

Police corruption is rife, says CW in parly submissions

Corruption Watch, in its submission to the portfolio committee on police in parliament yesterday, drew attention to the extent of corruption in the police services, and the impunity that allows it to flourish, not only in the provision of policing services, but across society as a whole. The organisation has received 1 165 reports of Read more >

Party funding bill a step closer to becoming law

The Political Party Funding Bill has passed muster in the National Assembly (NA), after it was tabled in November 2017. The bill, now that it has been approved by the NA, is under consideration with the National Council of Provinces and once that body has concurred, the bill will go to President Cyril Ramaphosa for Read more >