
Fight for global tax justice and equality takes positive turn

Image: Civil Society Financing for Development Mechanism The global system of taxation is profoundly unequal, and long overdue for change. Global tax rules tend to favour developed countries, to a large degree because the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is the de facto rule setter, and has been for over 60 years. Those Read more >

UN adopts plans for historic tax reform, move away from OECD

By Mark Bou MansourFirst published on the Tax Justice Network On 22 November countries at the UN adopted, by a landslide majority, a resolution to begin the process of establishing a framework convention on tax and completely change how global tax rules are decided. The framework convention can eventually move decision-making on global tax rules Read more >

Strengthening public integrity, part 2 – what can be done?

In part 1 of our miniseries on strengthening public accountability, we focused on a recent discussion, titled Strengthening Political Integrity, which took place on 30 March 2022 at the 10th edition of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) annual global anti-corruption and integrity forum. Part 1 also highlighted the crisis that can ensue Read more >

Strengthening public integrity, part 1 – the importance of an ethical public service

At the beginning of April the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) held the 10th edition of its annual global anti-corruption and integrity forum, in a virtual environment. The theme this year was Renew with Integrity, and the event focused on how creating different frameworks could resolve long-standing challenges, especially those exacerbated by the Read more >

SA falling behind in action against foreign bribery

In 2018 Transparency International released a further edition of its Exporting Corruption survey, a progress report which rates countries based on their enforcement against foreign bribery under the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention. The OECD convention requires signatory countries to criminalise bribery of foreign public officials and introduce related measures.  That report highlighted South Africa’s failure to Read more >

Can we put an end to corruption?

The South African government recently announced its national anti-corruption strategy (NACS), that is aimed at tackling corruption in the public and private sectors, civil society, and citizen sector, as well as looking forward to other forms of corruption that could arise in the future – for example, cybercrime as a result of the evolution of Read more >

Money laundering and related crimes – info centre

Money laundering and illicit financial flows are two related, but distinct types of corruption that pose a huge threat to development and political and economic stability around the world. Developing countries are especially hard hit. The two are closely linked to the concept of beneficial ownership, which is a term referring to the true owner Read more >

Civil society victory as Alderman steps down

Corruption Watch, with five other organisations, last week wrote an open letter to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to express disappointment that Richard Alderman would sit on the high-level advisory panel reviewing OECD efforts on bribery. Their voices did not go unheard – the Financial Times reports today that Alderman, a former Read more >