
Fighting corruption with technology

Corruption Watch has once again entered the Global Innovation Competition (GIC), and we need your support, because the public voting round has opened! South Africa is one of the 12 key countries taking part in the 2015 competition, organised by Johannesburg-based Making All Voices Count – the others are Bangladesh, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Liberia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Read more >

Whistle-blowers in the hot seat at inquiry

By Anine Kriegler and Murray Hunter The arms companies have successfully avoided scrutiny at the Seriti Commission, essentially putting the whistle-blowers and critics on trial. The absence of the arms companies from the Seriti Commission is telling. The commission’s first phase was focused on the arms deal’s rationale – why the South African government bought Read more >

First Nene budget due today

Last year this time then-minister of finance Pravin Gordhan impressed the nation when he delivered his medium term budget policy statement (MTBPS). Gordhan announced, among other developments, that severe austerity measures were to be put in place to cut down on wild spending. Today his successor Nhlanhla Nene presents his first medium-term budget, also known Read more >

Van Vuuren defiant at Seriti Commission

By Lee-Ann Alfreds Hennie van Vuuren, the arms deal critic who withdrew from the Arms Procurement Commission in August, appeared before it on Monday, 20 October, as instructed. The week before, Van Vuuren told Corruption Watch that "I have been summonsed to appear on 20 October and will be at the Arms Procurement Commission at Read more >

The best of times and the worst of times

By Valencia Talane As the saying goes, “what do you give someone who already has everything?” If the person has pioneered the fight for the respect of the country’s Constitution and all that it represents, and holds government leadership accountable on all fronts, you reward them by recognising their efforts and sharing this on a Read more >

Public protector honoured by international peers

Corruption Watch has long championed the brave and courageous deeds undertaken by the public protector, Thuli Madonsela, to perform her constitutional duty to protect South African citizens from the misdeeds of the powerful and to expose corruption where she finds it.  It is therefore fitting that Madonsela should be the person chosen to receive Transparency Read more >

Public protector honoured by international anti-corruption peers

Corruption Watch has long championed the brave and courageous deeds undertaken by the public protector, Thuli Madonsela, to perform her constitutional duty to protect South African citizens from the misdeeds of the powerful and to expose corruption where she finds it.  It is therefore fitting that Madonsela should be the person chosen to receive Transparency Read more >

TI Integrity Award winners announced on Friday

Anti-corruption heroes come in all shapes and sizes, from all around the world, and from various walks of life. There is no stereotype – it could be your next-door neighbour, or it could be someone like Cardinal Christian Tumi of Cameroon, or Vietnamese schoolteacher Le Hien Duc. The latter two are previous laureates of Transparency Read more >

IEC now seeks to have lease set aside

In the same week of the deadline for nominations for the replacement of former Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) chairperson Pansy Tlakula, the matter of the lease contract that got her in trouble was entering the court space once more. The IEC wants the North Gauteng high court to set aside the R320-million lease agreement that Read more >