
Sona corruption claims unpacked

Non-profit organisation Africa Check aims to promote accuracy in public debate and the media, by scrutinising claims made by public figures, not only in South Africa but across the continent. Using journalistic skills and evidence drawn from the latest online tools, readers, public sources and experts, Africa Check strives to distinguish fact from fiction. The Read more >

Corruption lower on Sona agenda than before

Delivering what is arguably his most anticipated State of the Nation Address (Sona) to date, President Jacob Zuma on Thursday dithered around the topic that has many South Africans concerned about the future of his government: corruption. On several occasions he referred to achievements of government that translate into a “good story to tell” for Read more >

Integrity unit to keep eye on govt – part three

In part one of our series we introduced the Public Administration Management Act, and part two highlighted positive and negative reactions to its enactment. Part three gives more detail on the Public Administration Ethics, Integrity and Disciplinary Technical Assistance Unit, which is established in chapter six of the PAM Act – it will aim to “provide technical assistance and Read more >

Public procurement overhaul

Public procurement management has been a major headache for the national finance department for a long time, and it's doubtless a welcome source of relief to many to know that systems are being re-established that will save government money and protect the interest of taxpayers. The Office of the Chief Procurement Officer (OCPO), which is part of Treasury, Read more >

Open tender project under way in Gauteng

The Gauteng provincial government has delivered on its promise – made in November 2014 – of bringing unprecedented levels of openness and transparency to the murky waters of its tendering processes. The first public disclosure of a tender took place at the provincial treasury offices in Johannesburg on Friday, with that department being chosen to Read more >

Samwu corruption suspect now in custody

The Save Our Samwu (SOS) campaign, notes its website, came about following the dismissals, expulsions and suspensions of leading Samwu officials after the union’s national office bearers (NOBs) refused to answer questions on the organisation’s finances. In April 2014 a majority vote called for the suspension of the NOBs and for a forensic audit. "It was Read more >

Still too many barriers to information, says PAIA CSN

Corruption Watch is a member of the PAIA Civil Society Network, an organisation whose members have committed themselves to improving the implementation and usage of the Promotion of Access to Information Act in South Africa, raising awareness about the right amongst citizens, and working with bodies subject to the Act to improve understanding. The organisation Read more >

Mixed reaction to PAM Act – part two

In part one of our series we introduced a keenly anticipated piece of legislation – the Public Administration Management (PAM) Act. In part two we examine some of the reactions to the Act, and in the third and final part we will discuss the proposed integrity unit. In December 2014 President Jacob Zuma signed the Read more >

Another senior SIU official quits

By Candice Bailey As the nation digests the sudden resignation of the head of the Special Investigating Unit (SIU), Vas Soni, this week, the investigator at the centre of the Nkandla probe is also leaving the anti-corruption agency. The unit programme manager, Mary-Anne Whittles, who co-ordinated the investigation of the security upgrades at President Jacob Read more >