
Panel swings into action in search for new NDPP

The advisory panel appointed by President Cyril Ramaphosa to identify and conduct interviews with suitable candidates for the position of the head of the National Prosecuting Authority, convened for the first time on Monday, 22 October 2018. The aim of the meeting, according to a statement issued yesterday, was to confirm the mandate of the Read more >

Tribunal: enough evidence to warrant further investigation

Today the People’s Tribunal on Economic Crime delivered its final findings to the public during an event at Johannesburg’s Constitution Hill. The tribunal sat earlier this year with the intention of focusing on three periods in South Africa’s history – the apartheid years, the 1999 arms deal, and state capture. Once the interim report was Read more >

Media advisory: People’s Tribunal to present final report

The First People’s Tribunal on Economic Crime in South Africa Delivery of Tribunal Panel’s Final Report    Venue: Women’s Jail, Constitution Hill, Johannesburg, South Africa Date:   Thursday 20 September 2018 Time: 13:00 – 14:30 ____________________________________________________________ The People’s Tribunal on Economic Crime will deliver its final findings to the public at Constitution Hill in Johannesburg Read more >

CW makes submission to Nugent Commission of Inquiry into Sars

Corruption Watch (CW) has made submissions to the commission of inquiry into tax administration and governance at the South African Revenue Service (Sars), led by retired Judge Robert Nugent. The organisation is concerned about the lack of good governance and proper administration at Sars, an institution whose mandate is pivotal in detecting and reporting corruption, Read more >

NPA pair’s disbarment overturned

The Supreme Court of Appeal has overturned the 2016 North Gauteng High Court ruling that struck National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) deputy head Nomgcobo Jiba and special director of public prosecutions Lawrence Mrwebi, off the roll of advocates. The application to have them removed from the roll had been brought forward by the General Council of the Read more >

People’s Tribunal: implicated parties not bothered

When the People’s Tribunal on Economic Crime in South Africa presented its preliminary findings in early February 2018, it stated that all implicated parties would receive the relevant evidence and copies of submissions and those preliminary findings. They would have three months within which to respond. Shortly afterwards NGO Open Secrets served 38 implicated parties Read more >

NPA to review decision not to prosecute Moyane

While Corruption Watch welcomes the filing of disciplinary charges against Tom Moyane, the suspended commissioner of South African Revenue Services (Sars), we are concerned at the apparent reluctance of the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) to launch a prosecution of Moyane. Ever since the highly suspicious activities of Jonas Makwakwa, effectively Moyane’s second in command at Read more >

Zuma corruption trial: will his lawyers appeal?

By Pierre de Vos First published on Constitutionally Speaking We all know that when former President Jacob Zuma said many years ago that he wanted his day in court so that he can answer allegations that he is guilty of racketeering, corruption, money laundering and fraud, he was not being honest. Instead his lawyers have Read more >

CW welcomes president’s decision to suspend Moyane

Since the Makwakwa story first emerged in 2016, Corruption Watch (CW) has taken numerous steps to try to hold SARS commissioner Tom Moyane accountable for his role in protecting Jonas Makwakwa from a proper investigation following the FIC report, which implicated Makwakwa and Elskie in suspicious transactions relating to money laundering and other criminal activities. Read more >