
CW warns of opacity in emergency procurement measures

Corruption Watch, in fulfilling its commitment to ensuring accountability and the integrity of public finances, sent a letter to National Treasury (NT) on Thursday, 7 May 2020, expressing its concern regarding the repeal and release of different instruction notes relating to emergency procurement under COVID-19. The release of successive instruction notes has created legal uncertainty Read more >

Govt Covid-19 economic response inadequate, punitive

Access to sufficient food and relief from economic hardship are fundamental rights entrenched in the South African Constitution alongside the right to access healthcare services. And yet, notes the Budget Justice Coalition (BJC), the economic measures put in place by the government so far are punitive to the poor and working class in South Africa, Read more >

Funds to fix crime and corruption

First published by SA News National Treasury has availed an additional R2.4-billion for utilisation by the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), Special Investigating Unit (SIU) and the Hawks, as the government intensifies its war against crime and corruption. Delivering the 2020 Budget on Wednesday, Finance Minister Tito Mboweni said these funds would enable the appointment of Read more >

Mid-term budget policy speech: full text

Read the full text of finance minister Tito Mboweni’s maiden mid-term budget speech below, or download it as well as the budget policy statement: 2018 MEDIUM TERM BUDGET POLICY STATEMENT The economy at a crossroads Madam Speaker President of the Republic Deputy President Cabinet Colleagues and Deputy Ministers Deputy Speaker Governor of the South African Read more >

CW requests to attend PIC AGM to ensure transparency

Corruption Watch has written a letter to the minister of finance, Malusi Gigaba, and his deputy, Sfiso Buthelezi, to request attendance at the forthcoming annual general meeting (AGM) of the Public Investment Corporation (PIC) on 17 November 2017. This arises out of the organisation’s concern about recent reports in the media highlighting instability and in-fighting Read more >

State employees benefit from irregular business with govt

The Office of the Auditor-General (AGSA) recently expressed concern to Parliament’s Standing Committee on Public Accounts (Scopa) that there have been no consequence for public officials doing business with the state, despite recommendations made years ago on how best to address the issue. Government has paid out millions over the past decade or so to Read more >

Zuma gets his Nkandla bill

Jacob Zuma’s portion of the Nkandla bill is a scant R7.8-million, says the National Treasury. The state purse-keeper submitted its report to the Constitutional Court on Monday, keeping to the deadline of 28 June. The amount is the equivalent of three years’ presidential salary. It now lies with the Constitutional Court to approve the determined Read more >

CW urges Treasury to investigate Eskom procurement

Corruption Watch urges Treasury to investigate alleged procurement irregularities at Eskom On Friday 24 June, Corruption Watch issued an urgent request to the National Treasury to investigate the manner in which Eskom manages its contracts with existing suppliers and its general adherence to supply chain processes, including its vetting processes. Corruption Watch is particularly disturbed Read more >