
South Africa second globally in 2021 Open Budget Index

South Africa has come second in budget transparency globally, with Georgia overtaking both South Africa and New Zealand to claim the first spot in the 2021 Open Budget Index (OBI), conducted among 120 countries by the International Budget Partnership (IBP) through an open budget survey. IBP is the world’s only independent, comparative measure of budget Read more >

Data analysis of Treasury records reveals extent of price gouging on PPE

By Kavisha PillayFirst published on Maverick Citizen In October 2020, the National Treasury launched a public dashboard of all Covid-19 expenditure reported to it by national, provincial and local government departments. This data, though incomplete and inaccurate in some instances, has made it possible to understand how much each department spent, the items procured and the suppliers who Read more >

New CW report raises red flags, potential risks in SCM processes

NOTE (12 November 2021): In October 2021, Corruption Watch (C) released its first Procurement Watch Report on Procurement Risk Trends. It reported on trends emerging from data published by National Treasury on various aspects of public procurement, notably deviations from procurement procedures, contract variations and restrictions of suppliers. The report has now been updated and Read more >

CW releases public procurement analysis report, compiled with new online tool

NOTE (12 November 2021): In October 2021, Corruption Watch (CW) released its first Procurement Watch Report on Procurement Risk Trends. It reported on trends emerging from data published by National Treasury on various aspects of public procurement, notably deviations from procurement procedures, contract variations and restrictions of suppliers. The report has now been updated and Read more >

Digital Vibes saga shows importance of transparency, access to information

There is nowhere left to hide for former health minister Zweli Mkhize, his former deputy director-general Anban Pillay, and a number of other senior health department officials. With the eventual release of the 101-page report into the Special Investigating Unit’s (SIU) probe into the Digital Vibes, their corruption and lies are out in the open.  “This was done in the interest of fairness and in terms of the Promotion of Read more >

Citizens can play a role in Covid-19 vaccination transparency

Transparency International (TI) is encouraging citizens to get involved with their government’s Covid-19 vaccination regimes and systems. Any citizen has a right to know how their government’s decisions are made and taxpayer resources are spent. Especially when it comes to health issues, citizens are entitled to transparency regarding decisions and actions that are taken on Read more >

Covid-19 vaccine procurement in SA entering murky waters

The hot topic of conversation in media, in homes around the country, and on millions of lips is the rollout of South Africa’s Covid-19 vaccination programme. Corruption Watch has been following the developments with interest and concern, and indeed has warned about a repeat of the widespread greed and corruption that emerged during the first Read more >

Questions linger over Jova as health department stays mum

By Karam Singh and Kirsten PearsonFirst published on Business Live Corruption Watch is trying to keep a close eye on Covid-19 vaccine procurement and rollout. Given the experiences with personal protective equipment (PPE) procurement and the impact the vaccine rollout has on each resident’s lives, we believe it is critical to monitor. But our monitoring Read more >