
Seventh parliament:  are these the legislators we deserve?

By Moepeng Talane South Africa’s electorate may have taken decisive action in the 29 May polls to help discontinue the one-party rule era that we have seen since the dawn of democracy, but a whole month later, the official announcement on who will lead in the Cabinet of the government of national unity is yet Read more >

Zuma judgment confirms key CSO role in upholding constitutional democracy

PRESS RELEASE The judgment handed down by the Constitutional Court (ConCourt) yesterday, regarding the IEC’s appeal against the Electoral Court order on the eligibility of former president Jacob Zuma’s candidacy in the upcoming elections, represents a win for civil society, says Corruption Watch (CW). The ConCourt ruled that Zuma was not eligible or qualified to Read more >

Elections and the dirty game of disinformation

By Janine Erasmus At face value, the activity of electioneering appears to be well-intentioned – a simple act of campaigning for your political party of choice – but dirty tricks and manipulation abound when election campaigning goes into full swing and politicians’ consciences are nowhere to be found. Politicians often play on voters’ desperation and Read more >