
Whistle-blowers take centre stage on WWBD

By Janine Erasmus World Press Freedom Day (WPFD), marked every year on 3 May, is a day of both reflection and reminders – the former giving media professionals a chance to think about issues of press freedom and professional ethics, and the latter prompting governments to respect their commitment to press freedom. But WPFD is Read more >

State capture whistle-blowers hailed on 23 June

Every year on 23 June we remember whistle-blowers around the world who have braved threats to their lives and livelihoods to expose corruption on both small and large scales. We also reflect on what we, as a society and as individuals, are doing to make the environment for blowing the whistle more enabling and encouraging. Read more >

CSOs demand that Prasa cease harassing whistle-blowers

Image: Col André Kritzinger, used under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Addressed to:  Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa Office of the President of the Republic of South Africa Office of the Speaker of Parliament Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Transport  PRASA, hands off whistleblowers   We, the undersigned organisations, call on the Passenger Rail Agency Read more >

Siyangena case dismissal is a victory for Prasa’s corruption-busters

First published on GroundUp Today (1 November), the Supreme Court of Appeal dismissed, with costs, the appeal by Siyangena Technologies, a corrupt contractor for the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa). R5.5-billion of public money was on the line. Siyangena was shameless in its corruption. The company circumvented procurement rules, tailored Prasa contracts to Read more >