
36 200+ whistle-blowers at centre of CW’s 10-year journey

The long journey of over 36 200 whistle-blowers in the fight against corruption in South Africa comes into focus in the 2021 edition of the Corruption Watch (CW) annual report, Pushing for change, as the organisation commemorates 10 years since its establishment in 2012. The past decade reveals a volatile experience for the brave whistle-blowers who Read more >

Be an active citizen – play your part in advancing effective local governance

Image: Edward Middleton, used under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license Source: CoGTA The Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA) reiterates the call for active citizen participation in local government. To have a meaningful impact on how your municipality is run, you need to understand the processes involved. This guide explains Read more >

Municipal governance – how do South Africa’s metros rank?

Image: CoGTA By Stuart MbanyeleFirst published on Good Governance Africa Much of the coverage ahead of the November 2021 South African local government elections (LGEs) focused on the state of service delivery and administration within the country’s 257 municipalities. Besides the 205 local and 44 district municipalities, it is worth ascribing greater emphasis to the country’s eight metropolitan Read more >

Empty vessels make the most noise, especially in politics

By Melusi NcalaFirst published on News24 In the past year, South Africans have endured not only the hardships of Covid-19 on top of everything else, but have been subjected to the outlandish and improbable promises of campaigning politicians gearing up for the local government elections. When casting our vote, writes Corruption Watch’s Melusi Ncala, we must Read more >

Municipal Structures Amendment Act to commence on 1 November

The Local Government: Municipal Structures Amendment Act will commence on the same day that local government elections take place. President Cyril Ramaphosa signed, on 7 October, a notice which was gazetted, informing South Africa that “Under section 39 of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Amendment Act, 2021 (Act No. 3 of 2021), I hereby determine 01 November 2021 as the Read more >

This is why local government elections are so important

By Kenneth MokgatlheFirst published on EWN As we approach the local government elections, many people are not really worried about who will collect their garbage or which municipality will achieve unqualified audits. Poorer communities are concerned about their dry taps, skyrocketing levels of unemployment, hungry children, and ever-growing corruption without any consequence management in place. Read more >