
SA politicians once again commit a crime against humanity

Image: Flickr/GovernmentZA First published on Daily Maverick When devastating floods struck KwaZulu-Natal on 11 April, South Africans’ first response was to commiserate with their compatriots. Their next response was to warn against giving a cent to the government and loudly proclaim that their donations were going to organisations like the Gift of the Givers.  It’s Read more >

CW calls for vigilance in administration of KZN flood relief funds

The devastation caused by the floods in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) after days of incessant and unprecedented rainfall has exposed the failure of government to protect communities from not only the impact of climate change, but also of inadequate infrastructure and planning to ensure their safety, having failed to learn from similar floods and events in the Read more >

Reflecting on the bravery of whistle-blowers

By Thato Mahlangu Justice for some whistle-blowers seems like an unlikely dream. As we marked World Whistle-blower Day on 23 June 2020, one of our own is in pain in a hospital, in the Eastern Cape, after suffering years of abuse at the hands of police while fighting for genuine concerns which have been raised Read more >

Zuma’s day in court finally rolls around

Now that the inevitable can’t be put off any longer, former president Jacob Zuma is making a show of impatience for the start of his corruption trial. Zuma has been ducking and diving accountability for years in what has been referred to as a classic Stalingrad defence, but now that his options have run out, Read more >

Vulnerable voices silenced by mining companies

By Thato Mahlangu Mining-affected communities are among the most vulnerable in our country. As part of its work in the mining sector, Corruption Watch (CW) recently visited three affected communities in Newcastle, KwaZulu-Natal. Our visits highlighted the particular vulnerabilities these people live with daily. The CW team, with Mining Affected Communities United in Action, held Read more >

CW report highlights devastating land corruption

Today Corruption Watch (CW) launched a report titled Unearthing Corruption in the Land Sector, as part of an ongoing Transparency International project, Land Corruption in Africa (LCA).  One of the project objectives is to understand the impact of corruption on land tenure or ownership with a specific focus on vulnerable groups, including women and children. Read more >

MEDIA ADVISORY: CW to release land corruption report

Corruption Watch invites members of the media to the launch of our Land Corruption in Africa (LCA) report, entitled Unearthing corruption in the land sector, to be held on 02 December in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. The report reviews the historical context of South Africa’s land reform policies and looks into the legislative framework that governs the Read more >