
Zondo recommendations: Public procurement is the space to watch

President Cyril Ramaphosa has confirmed that lifestyle audits for members of the executive will soon be implemented by his office as per the recommendations of the state capture commission. Furthermore, they will be prohibited from partaking in procurement decisions for any government department or entity. This is contained in the response by Ramaphosa to the Read more >

Matshela Koko, wife, and stepdaughter arrested for corruption

As South Africa continues to struggle under the burden of constant load-shedding, the news has broken that former Eskom acting CEO Matshela Koko, his wife Mosima Koko, and his stepdaughter Koketso Choma have finally been nabbed by the law. The trio was arrested on 27 October 2022 on charges of corruption. This after it was reported Read more >

Some wins so far in the fight to undo state capture

A permanent Investigative Directorate (ID), some successes in asset recovery, and greater protection for whistle-blowers. These are some of the highlights of President Cyril Ramaphosa’s action plan in response to the findings and recommendations of the state capture commission, or Zondo commission. The ID, which falls under the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), is now a Read more >

Zondo to ANC: no renewal unless you put country first

The state capture commission has found that the ANC played a major role in state capture in the country, having not taken action when allegations of an improper relationship between its former president Jacob Zuma and the Gupta family surfaced. The final instalment of the report of the commission was handed over to President Cyril Read more >

Making Zondo’s findings count is not government’s job alone

Image: Flickr/GovernmentZA by Richard Chelin and Craig MoffatFirst published on Institute for Security Studies South Africa’s Zondo commission of inquiry into state capture, corruption and fraud handed the first of its three-part report to President Cyril Ramaphosa on 4 January [and the second on 1 February]. This after almost four years of witness statements and Read more >

First Zondo report enables civil society to keep up pressure for meaningful reform

The Judicial Commission of Inquiry into State Capture (Zondo commission) has completed its highly anticipated first report. Acting Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, the commission’s chairperson, delivered the 874-page document on Tuesday to President Cyril Ramaphosa, who swiftly made it publicly available for scrutiny. The report provides an opportunity for civil society and the public to Read more >

Fraser bid to cross-examine SSA witnesses fails

By Valencia Talane Former State Security Agency (SSA) director-general (DG) Arthur Fraser will not be cross-examining any of the witnesses who implicated him in state capture earlier this year. The chairperson of the state capture commission, acting Chief Justice Raymond Zondo on Wednesday dismissed an application by Fraser to cross-examine a number of witnesses in Read more >