
Original arms deal whistleblower testifies

By Lee-Ann Alfreds Almost 15 years after she stood up in Parliament and alleged – to vilification, boos and insults from ANC MPs – large-scale corruption in the arms deal, Patricia de Lille is about to repeat her claims. This time, though, she hopes the outcome will be different. For starters, she will be testifying Read more >

June Sona light on accountability, anti-corruption

By Valencia Talane The first sign of work done on the ground by the chief procurement officer (CPO) was an announcement by President Jacob Zuma in his State of the Nation Address (Sona) of the centralised procurement by the office of furniture for Eastern Cape schools. “We have begun piloting this new approach with the Read more >

New Cabinet appointments a mixed bag

In what was arguably his most keenly anticipated Cabinet announcement, President Jacob Zuma both appeased and disappointed South Africans with the appointments and redeployments he revealed to the country on Sunday. Economic prosperity, good governance and oversight and a clear commitment to combat  corruption were key areas of pubic concern ahead of the announcement of Read more >

All kinds of corruption in the arms deal

By Lee-Ann Alfreds Schabir Shaik and Tony Yengeni are well known to South Africans. Fana Hlongwane and Johnny Kamerman are not. But now their names have entered the public domain. Hlongwane and Kamerman have been subpoenaed to answer questions about their roles in  South Africa’s controversial 1999 arms deal – synonymous with bribes, dodgy and Read more >

Corruption across Southern African borders

By Valencia Talane Malawian president Joyce Banda attributes her lessons on successful leadership to the late former South African president Nelson Mandela. Her journey to becoming the first female president and chair of the Southern African Development Community was influenced by Mandela’s courage, determination, love and passion for his people. Banda, Malawi’s first female president, Read more >

Nkandla in the wind

Source: The Economist “I am often asked by people from India and Russia, ‘Why do you worry?’”, says David Lewis, head of Corruption Watch, a privately funded watchdog based in Johannesburg. Why indeed? South Africa sits in the middle of international rankings of corruption. It is not Sweden but nor is it Zimbabwe. It has Read more >

ANC owes it to itself and SA to halt its abuse of power

By Mavuso Msimang Corruption Watch board member Mavuso Msimang writes that to truly honour the traditions of the century-old African National Congress (ANC), an organisation that fought hard for freedom and democracy in South Africa, the current leadership must not ignore the voices that are calling for accountability. Read his opinion piece, published in Business Read more >

A tear in our fabric

By David Lewis Be sure of this: every successive instance of corruption, of which Nkandla is a clear example, tears away at the institutional fabric that holds our country together. The media and the public are focused on calculating the monetary cost of corruption. This is usually a complex task, although in the Nkandla “security Read more >