
Open Secrets and SWI welcome Seriti and Musi judgment

Source: Open SecretsImage: Open Secrets Open Secrets and Shadow World Investigations welcome the judgment delivered by the South Gauteng High Court which confirms that judges must be held accountable for their conduct while in active service, even after their retirement. It is an important victory for accountability and the integrity of the judiciary. The court Read more >

High Court dismisses Seriti application for leave to appeal, with costs

Image: Flickr/GovernmentZA The North Gauteng High Court on 31 August 2022 dismissed an application for leave to appeal its judgment and order of 21 August 2019, which set aside the findings of the Commission of Inquiry into allegations of fraud, corruption, impropriety or irregularity in the Strategic Defence Procurement package – known as the arms Read more >

Directly electing our president does not guarantee accountability

By Steven FriedmanFirst published on My Vote Counts Academics who teach politics do not believe that their knowledge equips them to judge court cases or to represent parties in legal actions. But judges and lawyers tend to believe that legal training somehow equips them with a knowledge of politics greater than that of their fellow Read more >

Corruption: Africa’s undeclared but deadly pandemic

By Tafi Mhaka First published on Al Jazeera On June 21, Malawi’s President Lazarus Chakwera fired the country’s chief of police, suspended several senior government officials and also took the extraordinary step of stripping his deputy, Saulos Chilima, of all powers after they were accused of receiving kickbacks from UK-based businessman Zuneth Sattar in exchange Read more >

Corruption stunts our freedom in South Africa

By Paul HoffmanFirst published on Accountability Now The liberation struggle in South Africa, in Africa and elsewhere in the world where people once lived in chains, was aimed at achieving freedom for ordinary folk. The freedom of the individual is, in a way, the higher purpose of the modern state. The struggle for freedom in Read more >

We cannot let the Zondo report become another white elephant

This piece is extracted from Corruption Watch’s 2021 annual report. For more information, click here. By Karam SinghFirst published on News24 Since 2020, South Africans have had to deal with a multitude of new challenges and adapt to rapidly changing circumstances, as if the daily struggle for the majority of our people was not enough. Read more >

Interpol red notice: what it means and why SA requested it

By Bernadine BensonFirst published on The Conversation: Africa The International Criminal Police Organisation (Interpol) has issued a red notice for two members of the wealthy but now disgraced Gupta family, Atul and Rajesh Gupta. This could pave the way for their arrest and extradition from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to face fraud and money Read more >