
PFMA 2020: improvement here and there, but not sustained

The latest national and provincial government audit outcomes, released by the Auditor-General South Africa (AGSA) on 31 March, show “signs of improvement” in some auditees, according to Auditor-General (AG) Tsakani Maluleke. The work was conducted under the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and covered the financial year of 2019-2020. Besides the provincial and national departments, Read more >

Covid-19 vaccine procurement in SA entering murky waters

The hot topic of conversation in media, in homes around the country, and on millions of lips is the rollout of South Africa’s Covid-19 vaccination programme. Corruption Watch has been following the developments with interest and concern, and indeed has warned about a repeat of the widespread greed and corruption that emerged during the first Read more >

Questions linger over Jova as health department stays mum

By Karam Singh and Kirsten PearsonFirst published on Business Live Corruption Watch is trying to keep a close eye on Covid-19 vaccine procurement and rollout. Given the experiences with personal protective equipment (PPE) procurement and the impact the vaccine rollout has on each resident’s lives, we believe it is critical to monitor. But our monitoring Read more >

Treasury opens up on Covid vaccine procurement oversight

By Janine ErasmusFirst published on Maverick Citizen With the upcoming deployment of South Africa’s Covid-19 vaccine programme, Corruption Watch felt strongly enough about the possibility of corruption marring the process to write to National Treasury asking for clarification on aspects of the procurement process, given that emergency procurement thus far has been riddled with corruption. Read more >

Covid millions lost to greed, carelessness, and mismanagement

At the beginning of September the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA) released its first special report on the management of funds set aside for government’s Covid-19 response. The fiscal relief package was funded reprioritising the 2020-21 budgets and by securing loans. Although, regrettably, the nation fully expected gross misuse and irregularities, the sheer scale of Read more >

Covid-19 audit flags weak controls, as expected

The report covers about R69-billion of the R147-billion spending for the period from April – when the R500-billion fund was announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa – to the end of July. It has flagged, so far, glaring signs of trouble: Exorbitant spending against suppliers when compared to their pre-Covid-19 spendingSuppliers used for the first time Read more >

CW scrutinises AG hopefuls and submits results to parly

The short list for the upcoming position of auditor-general (AG) was announced at the beginning of August. Current AG Kimi Makwetu ends his distinguished term of office on 30 November, and the six candidates to replace him are: Mr Michael Sass, CA (SA)Dr Moses Gasela, (FCCA, UK)Ms Shabeer Khan, CA (SA)Ms Tsakani Maluleke, CA (SA)Mr Read more >