
SA needs a human rights framework based on social values

By Sabeehah Motala and Melusi NcalaFirst published on News24 There is a problem with anti-corruption legislation in South Africa. It does not reflect the intersecting forms of power that may determine how one interacts with corruption. Ultimately, this could severely disadvantage those who are beholden to varying structures of power and inequality, that affect their Read more >

A sad story of stagnating good governance

Governance: the traditions and institutions by which authority in a country is exercised, including the process by which governments are selected, monitored and replaced; the capacity of the government to effectively formulate and implement sound policies; and the respect of citizens and the state for the institutions that govern economic and social interactions among them. Read more >

Online tool helps companies tackle bribery, corruption

Good governance. Tone from the top. Enabling environment. These are terms we often read about in relation to ethical business practices, but in practical terms, many businesses struggle or lag in developing and implementing these important policies. Transparency International UK (TI UK) has launched a new online tool which provides up-to-date and in-depth guidance for Read more >

Emerging market companies disappoint in transparency

Transparency International (TI) today released the latest version of its Transparency in Corporate Reporting (TRAC) series of reports, this one focusing on Assessing Emerging Market Multinationals. The report assessed 100 of the fastest-growing companies based in 15 emerging market countries and operating in 185 countries around the world in terms of their public disclosure practices. Read more >

Corruption challenges are different for small companies

By Janine Erasmus Big corporates have systems in place, personnel and financial resources to deal with legal and ethical challenges. They can absorb both planned and unexpected costs, including those related to corruption, with relative ease. But what if you are running a small business – how easy is it to stick to your standards, Read more >

Good business ethics should be second nature

By Janine Erasmus Part two of our private sector anti-corruption series profiles a one-woman company that works in the private and public spheres to strengthen ethical cultures in the workplace. Cynthia Schoeman believes that in South Africa there is a growing sense of the importance of a strong ethical culture. Compliance with anti-corruption regulations is Read more >

Parliament, part 1 – its role in our society

By Valencia Talane How does Parliament serve you and me as ordinary citizens and why? How do members of Parliament come to sit in its houses? What is their purpose and who do they represent and why? With South Africa heading for its fifth elections since becoming a democracy, we answer these questions and more. Read more >