
A register for beneficial owners: new obligations for shareholders

By Eric JordaanFirst published on Moneyweb Following South Africa’s greylisting in February – and the recommendations made by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) – the General Laws Amendment Act (Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Terrorism Financing) places new obligations on companies to register prescribed information regarding beneficial ownership. Of the eight areas of strategic deficiencies Read more >

Corruption Watch set to step up the pace of justice

By Mzukisi QoboFirst published on Business Day In 2022 Corruption Watch celebrated a decade of existence. This milestone coincided with the release of the six-volume Zondo state-capture commission report, which detailed the extent to which public officials abused their positions to engage in or facilitate corrupt activities. It also cast a spotlight on how corporates Read more >

Beneficial ownership transparency in Africa slowly gaining ground

A report released in mid-March 2023 by the Tax Justice Network (TJN) shows a slow but steady implementation of beneficial ownership transparency (BOT) regulations across the African continent. Titled Beneficial Ownership Transparency in Africa in 2022, the report reveals the state of play of the introduction of laws addressing the lack of BOT, and examines Read more >

CIPC says SA’s beneficial ownership register almost here

Plans are afoot to tackle South Africa’s lackadaisical beneficial ownership regime. The Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) has announced that it will implement a beneficial ownership (BO) information collection and storage regime as soon as regulations in that regard are promulgated. Greater BO transparency is a crucial component in the fight against financial crime. Read more >

Fact sheet on South Africa’s FATF greylisting

South Africa’s national treasury has released a useful fact sheet on the background to and implications of the country’s recent greylisting by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). Titled What does FATF greylisting mean for a country?, the six-page document explains the role of the FATF and the mutual evaluations all FATF members are required Read more >

Has SA done enough to avoid joining the FATF grey list?

By James GeorgeFirst published on Moneyweb It’s a loaded question, and a lot has been done such as President Ramaphosa signing two amendments to our anti-money laundering (AML) and anti-terrorism laws in December last year. The real question, however, is whether these amendments are going to translate into actions being taken. Will we see prosecution, Read more >

Early 2023 commencement for balance of General Laws amendment act

The final part of the General Laws (Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Terrorism Financing) Amendment Act is due to commence in the early months of 2023. The General Laws (AML/CTF) bill proposed a sweeping range of integrated reforms to five pieces of legislation which regulated vastly different areas of concern – trusts; non-profit organisations; companies; and Read more >