
Mandela statues: example of govt failing to ‘read the room’

By Moepeng Valencia Talane – CW Voices Anyone who regularly reads President Cyril Ramaphosa’s weekly newsletter would be forgiven for assuming that South Africa’s government is on track to make the “better life for all” promised on ANC election posters a reality. But they would also have to be living under a rock, missing the Read more >

SA politicians once again commit a crime against humanity

Image: Flickr/GovernmentZA First published on Daily Maverick When devastating floods struck KwaZulu-Natal on 11 April, South Africans’ first response was to commiserate with their compatriots. Their next response was to warn against giving a cent to the government and loudly proclaim that their donations were going to organisations like the Gift of the Givers.  It’s Read more >

CW calls for vigilance in administration of KZN flood relief funds

The devastation caused by the floods in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) after days of incessant and unprecedented rainfall has exposed the failure of government to protect communities from not only the impact of climate change, but also of inadequate infrastructure and planning to ensure their safety, having failed to learn from similar floods and events in the Read more >

More calls for Manase report release

The Manase report into dodgy dealings by officials and politicians in eThekwini reared its ugly head again this week, threatening to add a few more bumps to President Jacob Zuma’s road to Mangaung. A summarised version of the report was released in February. It found that there had been more than a billion rand in Read more >

The dark heart of Utrecht

For many the idea of living in the countryside conjures up images of peace and serenity – and this can be felt while driving through the vast open lands of the Amantungwa clan in Utrecht, 50km outside Newcastle in KwaZulu-Natal. You can immediately feel the tranquillity there. But beneath the façade of pastoral bliss is Read more >

Graft report: we won’t take no for an answer

Corruption Watch has entered into correspondence with the KwaZulu-Natal provincial government and eThekwini mayor to obtain a copy of the controversial 700-page Manase report, which revealed R2.2-billion irregular expenditure by the metro over the past three years. Corruption Watch – prompted by mounting outrage over the widespread abuse of public funds and resources – was Read more >

Corruption Watch wants eThekwini graft report

By Chantelle Benjamin Corruption Watch has written a letter to the KwaZulu-Natal provincial government and eThekwini mayor requesting a copy of the controversial 700-page Manase report, which revealed R2,2-billion irregular expenditure by the metro over the past three years. The organisation’s executive director David Lewis said on Monday 12 March 2012 that they had filed Read more >