
Scopa thoroughly unimpressed with De Ruyter

Image: YouTube / Parliament of South Africa Former Eskom CEO Andre de Ruyter appeared virtually on 26 April 2023 before the parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Accounts (Scopa) to elaborate on the allegations he made in a now widely shared February 2023 television interview television interview on, regarding his knowledge of corruption within the Read more >

Corruption Watch set to step up the pace of justice

By Mzukisi QoboFirst published on Business Day In 2022 Corruption Watch celebrated a decade of existence. This milestone coincided with the release of the six-volume Zondo state-capture commission report, which detailed the extent to which public officials abused their positions to engage in or facilitate corrupt activities. It also cast a spotlight on how corporates Read more >

Auditor-General welcomes withdrawal of Eskom exemption

Auditor-General (AG) Tsakani Maluleke, in a statement issued on Wednesday 5 April 2023, has welcomed Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana’s decision to withdraw the controversial exemption of Eskom from section 55(2)(b)(i) of the Public Finance Management Act and Treasury Regulation 28.2.1 for three years. This exemption meant that the struggling power utility would not have had to Read more >

CSOs demand clarity, transparency in emergency procurement

As civil society organisations dedicated to building an accountable, democratic and capable state, the government’s new disaster management regulations are cause for alarm. The electricity crisis is destroying the livelihoods of our people. We believe that urgent action is needed to address it. The new emergency procurement provisions, however, threaten more corruption and inefficiency. The Read more >

The disgraceful act of belittling and threatening corruption fighters

By Kwazi Dlamini Lack of accountability is not only a threat to our constitutional democracy, but also to Chapter 9 institutions who are tasked with upholding and strengthening that democracy. A threat to these institutions means that they cannot fulfil their mandate to their full capacity and uphold the rule of law. The recent threats Read more >

Matshela Koko, wife, and stepdaughter arrested for corruption

As South Africa continues to struggle under the burden of constant load-shedding, the news has broken that former Eskom acting CEO Matshela Koko, his wife Mosima Koko, and his stepdaughter Koketso Choma have finally been nabbed by the law. The trio was arrested on 27 October 2022 on charges of corruption. This after it was reported Read more >

The facilitators and followers in the state capture project: Eskom

Despite his many refutations to allegations that he interfered in the operations of state-owned entities under his watch as minister of public enterprises between 2010 and 2014, Malusi Gigaba did in fact interfere in Eskom’s business dealings with Gupta-owned TNA Media. This is according to the state capture commission’s chairperson, Acting Chief Justice Raymond Zondo. Read more >