
Corruption steals from youth’s future prospects

By Valencia Talane Employment prospects of many young people across the country are hampered by corruption and they do not access all the necessary basic services they need because of it. They would take part in a march, if given the chance, to show their unhappiness with the corruption in South Africa. This was revealed Read more >

Wise words from young corruption busters

By Valencia Talane “We have to create an environment that is not comfortable for the corrupt. The most important way is to increase the public’s voice against them.” The quote is from a policy document penned by a team of five high school learners who recently competed in the inaugural Model Youth South Africa challenge, Read more >

Department learns corruption lessons

Corruption Watch recently met representatives of the Free State department of basic education in Bloemfontein to discuss the organisation's work to stop corruption in schools in the province. In the past year, following the launch of its schools-focused campaign, Corruption Watch has received hundreds of reports containing allegations of corruption in public schools from all Read more >

Teachers also frustrated by corruption

Corruption is one of the most difficult challenges facing the education system today, reports an article in today’s Daily Sun. The article is based on data gathered by Corruption Watch since it started its schools campaign in January 2013. The purpose of the campaign was to expose the types of underhanded dealings that are crippling the Read more >

Download our new schools e-book

We've just published a new e-book, based largely on our schools campaign, which started at the beginning of the 2013 academic year. Monitoring of schools was a major focus for us last year – through 2012, from our launch in January up to the beginning of the schools campaign we had received more than 60 reports of Read more >

Brave pupils take on education department

By Valencia Talane Like many other youngsters, Zamuxolo Moutloali takes his matric exams very seriously. He has had a passion for drawing since childhood, so naturally his sights beyond the make-or-break exams are set on a course in graphic design or similar. But 2013 has not been an easy year for Zamuxolo and his sister Palesa Read more >

Macosa: school of shame

By Gcina Ntsaluba It’s an accepted fact that, for various reasons, the national basic education department is under-performing, and the ones who stand to lose the most are the children. The lack of furniture at Eastern Cape schools, particularly, is one of the major problems crippling learners and teachers, mostly in rural schools in the Read more >

Golden rules for clean schools

Dear Corruption Watch I am a parent who is a member of the school governing body (SGB) at my child’s high school. I also serve as its secretary. We run various fund-raising projects through the course of the year and receive donations from local businesses. However, the principal of the school never accounts for the Read more >