
World Press Freedom Day marks 30th anniversary

It’s been 30 years since the UN General Assembly proclaimed 3 May as an international day for press freedom. In those 30 years, journalists have faced an increasing barrage of threats, says UN Secretary-General António Guterres, in his message for World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) 2023. “Journalists and media workers are directly targeted on and Read more >

Freedom of expression underpins universal human rights 

Image: Flickr / Rachel Hinman With World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) 2023 upon us again, its custodian, the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco), names four fundamental freedoms which are outlined in the Preamble of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights: freedom of speech, freedom of belief, freedom from fear, and freedom from Read more >

World Press Freedom Day a time to reflect on safety of journalists

A free press is a crucial component of a democratic society. It allows residents to receive reliable information about the state of the nation, thereby enabling free and open dialogue about developments and situations, and if and how they should change. These discussions bolster a strong democracy, not least because a free press holds power Read more >

The Copenhagen Declaration for peace, security, development

The 18th International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) came to a close on 24 October, with another declaration issued. The delegates agreed that there is a vital role for citizens to play in the fight against corruption, as they can help to stop the chain of corruption by refusing to take part in it. Activists, whistle-blowers and Read more >

Joint statement on fighting corruption – 18th IACC

Read the full text of the joint statement issued at the start of the 2018 International Anti-Corruption Conference, and endorsed by more than 45 national governments, businesses and organisations. The signatories have pledged to take action in key areas including returning the proceeds of corruption to their rightful owners, ending secrecy over company ownership, clamping Read more >

2018 Anti-Corruption Award recipients announced

Update, 23 October 2018: Transparency International announced yesterday evening that there are two winners of this year’s Anti-Corruption Award. They are Ana Garrido Ramos and Daphne Caruana Galizia, who receives the award posthumously. Galizia’s son Paul Caruana Galizia tweeted: “‏On the same day that @MaltaGov says in parliament that it refuses to mark the first anniversary Read more >