
The facilitators and followers in the state capture project: Eskom

Despite his many refutations to allegations that he interfered in the operations of state-owned entities under his watch as minister of public enterprises between 2010 and 2014, Malusi Gigaba did in fact interfere in Eskom’s business dealings with Gupta-owned TNA Media. This is according to the state capture commission’s chairperson, Acting Chief Justice Raymond Zondo. Read more >

Zondo calls for ‘swift’ action against SAX/NW project looters

From politicians to public officials and money launderers, the state capture commission wants swift action to be taken against those who benefited from what it calls an “elaborate corruption scheme” involving an airports project of the North West department of transport. The project was valued at over R400-million over five years from 2015. Although not Read more >

We, the people – 25 years of South Africa’s Constitution

Twenty-five years ago, then president Nelson Mandela put his signature to the final text of South Africa’s Constitution, and it became law. The date was 10 December 1996; the place was Sharpeville, in Vereeniging, south of Johannesburg.   This location is historically significant to all South Africans as, just 36 years before, police had opened fire, Read more >

New survey shows decreasing public trust in govt anti-corruption efforts

A new report released on 15 September by research network Afrobarometer reveals that South Africans’ perceptions of the pervasiveness of corruption in the country have not improved. Afrobarometer Dispatch No. 476 (AD476) also shows respondents’ belief that high percentages of elected officials and civil servants are involved in corrupt activities. Corruption has been a major Read more >