
Directly electing our president does not guarantee accountability

By Steven FriedmanFirst published on My Vote Counts Academics who teach politics do not believe that their knowledge equips them to judge court cases or to represent parties in legal actions. But judges and lawyers tend to believe that legal training somehow equips them with a knowledge of politics greater than that of their fellow Read more >

Corruption: Africa’s undeclared but deadly pandemic

By Tafi Mhaka First published on Al Jazeera On June 21, Malawi’s President Lazarus Chakwera fired the country’s chief of police, suspended several senior government officials and also took the extraordinary step of stripping his deputy, Saulos Chilima, of all powers after they were accused of receiving kickbacks from UK-based businessman Zuneth Sattar in exchange Read more >

Zondo to ANC: no renewal unless you put country first

The state capture commission has found that the ANC played a major role in state capture in the country, having not taken action when allegations of an improper relationship between its former president Jacob Zuma and the Gupta family surfaced. The final instalment of the report of the commission was handed over to President Cyril Read more >

We, the people, must play the political game rather than being played

Image: Flickr/GovernmentZA By Melusi NcalaFirst published on News24 Corruption is a plague that requires our collaborative, united, and purposeful efforts if it is to be dealt with decisively. The fight against graft has yielded successes and brought corruption into the mainstream discourse – but has also enabled its use as rhetoric for character assassination or Read more >

Wheel of justice is turning, slowly but noticeably

By Karam Singh and Janine ErasmusFirst published on Business Day South Africans can be forgiven for feeling despondent about the state of corruption in South Africa. Every other day, it seems, brings new revelations of alleged malfeasance and misdemeanour, not just from ordinary citizens but from the very top levels of leadership in our country. Read more >

We cannot let the Zondo report become another white elephant

This piece is extracted from Corruption Watch’s 2021 annual report. For more information, click here. By Karam SinghFirst published on News24 Since 2020, South Africans have had to deal with a multitude of new challenges and adapt to rapidly changing circumstances, as if the daily struggle for the majority of our people was not enough. Read more >

The facilitators and followers in the state capture project: SAA

South African Airways (SAA) did not avoid the TNA Media contracts that continue to dog the legacies of fellow state-owned entities (SOEs) Transnet and Eskom. Evidence led before the state capture commission on the airline’s dealings with the Gupta-owned media company was narrowed to two witnesses – its former board chairs Cheryl Carolus and Vuyisile Read more >