
Growing WC extortion economy threatens the whole country

In November 2023 we reported on a new project by the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC), which would monitor crime activity in the Western Cape (WC) province, which struggles with crime like many other areas in the country. The first issue of the Western Cape Gang Monitor, released in October, was based on Read more >

Time for a global strategy against organised crime

By Walter Kemp First published on GI-TOC Organised crime is moving up the international agenda. People and governments are becoming increasingly concerned about violence and instability associated with criminality. The recent crises in Haiti and Ecuador are cases in point. These are accompanied by a wide array of emerging threats from synthetic drugs to piracy Read more >

Compromised WC criminal justice system a boon for gangs

Image: GroundUp A year ago we reported that the Western Cape (WC) police ombud Oswald Reddy had been requested to investigate allegations that police members and gang members in the province were in cahoots. This followed a biting Western Cape High Court judgment in a case involving the 28s gang, delivered on 17 October 2022, Read more >

Transparency a crucial element of anti-kleptocracy measures

Image: UNDP As was the case with the preceding events in the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) series, the 2022 event, held in Washington DC in early December last year, brought together a diverse group of people from around the world, all with a common interest – to expose and stop corruption. Over 2 000 heads Read more >

The Washington Declaration from the 20th IACC

Image: UNDP The 20th International Anti-Corruption Conference took place from 6-10 December 2022 in Washington DC. After around 90 sessions, hours of deliberations, and much discussion, the participants resolved to unite in solidarity against corruption. This resolve was published on 12 December as the Washington Declaration. Read it below: We, more than 2 000 people Read more >

Anti-corruption programmes must fit the issue

By Cheyanne Scharbatke-Church The second instalment in the four-part CDA Perspectives series on corruption, criminal justice and legitimacy looks at the mismatch between anti-corruption programmes and the problems they are supposed to tackle. When programming does not fit the issue it is meant to address, creating significant change becomes highly unlikely. Part one of the Read more >