
Special Tribunal sets aside another dodgy Covid PPE tender

It may have happened nearly four years ago, but South Africans have not forgotten the mad rush to exploit the relaxed emergency procurement regulations that were put in place when Covid-19 hit the country. Corruption flourished as civil servants and private companies alike fell over themselves to grab a slice of the pie. Overnight, companies Read more >

Covid-19 procurement irregularities at R8.9-billion, with more to come

The Special Investigating Unit’s (SIU) third final report on its wide-ranging investigation into Covid-19 procurement irregularities under Proclamation R23 of 2020 is now publicly available – find part 1 and part 2 here. R23 authorised the SIU to investigate procurement conducted under the Covid-19 national state of disaster, which was declared in March 2020. It Read more >

CW to release 2022 annual corruption report

Corruption Watch (CW) will release its 11th annual corruption report, titled Accelerating justice, on Tuesday, 4 April 2023. The report comes at a low point in South Africa’s history, as the country as grapples with the consequences of widespread corruption and deterioration of systems and services, with slow or weak accountability mechanisms. More than a Read more >

CSOs demand clarity, transparency in emergency procurement

As civil society organisations dedicated to building an accountable, democratic and capable state, the government’s new disaster management regulations are cause for alarm. The electricity crisis is destroying the livelihoods of our people. We believe that urgent action is needed to address it. The new emergency procurement provisions, however, threaten more corruption and inefficiency. The Read more >

SA slides further down 2022 CPI as global anti-corruption flounders

The release today of global anti-corruption movement Transparency International’s (TI) 2022 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) is a discouraging story, as South Africa slips one point in the rankings of the leading global index measuring perceptions of public sector corruption around the world. South Africa has barely shifted position on the CPI over the 11 years Read more >

African TI chapters urge AU to uphold its anti-corruption commitments

To mark African Anti-Corruption Day, held every year on 11 July, Transparency International’s (TI) 28 chapters across the African continent have written an open letter to the African Union (AU), reminding it of its anti-corruption commitments and urging it to accelerate action against the effects and perpetrators of corruption. The theme of this year’s event Read more >

Wheel of justice is turning, slowly but noticeably

By Karam Singh and Janine ErasmusFirst published on Business Day South Africans can be forgiven for feeling despondent about the state of corruption in South Africa. Every other day, it seems, brings new revelations of alleged malfeasance and misdemeanour, not just from ordinary citizens but from the very top levels of leadership in our country. Read more >