
Act protects workplace whistleblowers

Dear Corruption Watch, as an employee, I want to blow the whistle on something going on, but I’ve signed an employment contract that has provisions about confidentiality of information obtained during the scope of my work. I’m also told there are legislative provisions that make it a criminal offence to disclose information. Does the whistleblowers Read more >

South Africans need to update their activism

By David Lewis First published in Daily Maverick Ranjeni Munusamy poses a pertinent question when she asks “Is South Africa losing its activism mojo?”. And, cited in the same article, Zwelinzima Vavi answers this in the affirmative when he says: “South Africans have become resigned. They are complaining everywhere but there is no real activism. Read more >

Vavi: Corruption at root of Eskom load shedding

By Dane McDonald First published on Corruption was at the root of load shedding implemented by Eskom, former Cosatu general secretary and Corruption Watch board member Zwelinzima Vavi said on Thursday evening. “Corruption, waste, and incompetence have contributed to the disastrous load shedding which has not only caused massive inconvenience but has major economic Read more >

Another step towards effective govt tendering

Anyone wishing to do business with government in future will have to register on the newly-launched central supplier database (CSD) and read up on requirements of tenders for which they wish to compete. In Corruption Watch’s experience, some small businesses will get their fingers burned before the database is a well-oiled machine, but Finance Minister Read more >

New initiative from TI is no beauty contest

The 16th International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) is under way in Putrajaya, Malaysia – the conference runs from 2 – 4 September 2015 under the theme Ending Impunity: People. Integrity. Action. This year’s IACC brings together 1 000 anti-corruption fighters – Corruption Watch among them – from more than 130 countries to forge solutions to the Read more >

Pikoli: judiciary is under attack

Source: University of Johannesburg The University of Johannesburg (UJ) hosted the ninth Annual Helen Joseph Memorial Lecture on Thursday, 27 August 2015. This year’s speaker, Advocate Vusi Pikoli, tackled the question: Is an independent judiciary a threat to democracy? Pikoli is currently the Western Cape police ombudsman, and was the national director of public prosecutions Read more >

Political parties: the missing link in our constitution?

By Kate O’Regan Justice of the Constitutional Court (1994 – 2009) Introduction The Constitution of the United States of America is 7 000 words long. Nowhere does it mention political parties. And that was not because the question did not arise. James Madison, in The Federalist No 10, characterised “factions”, his reference to political parties, Read more >

Wits students take the test

As part of the ongoing My Hands Are Clean campaign, Corruption Watch’s mobile polygraph arrived at Wits University yesterday, to raise awareness of the dangers of corruption, and encourage students to not get involved in such activities. The event was organised by Tina Power, chairperson of Students for Law and Social Justice, and a campaigner Read more >

CW admitted as amicus in DA vs SABC case

CORRUPTION WATCH ADMITTED AS AMICUS CURIAE IN MATTER BETWEEN HLAUDI MOTSOENENG AND THE DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCE Corruption Watch has been granted leave to intervene as amicus curiae in Hlaudi Motsoeneng / Democratic Alliance & Others (SCA Case No. 393/15), a matter which is on appeal from the Cape High Court and which will involve a determination Read more >